Local Churches Tackling Poverty Together

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Monday, 30 June 2014

Fw: CVS E Bulletin

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E Bulletin Issue 25 Volume 2                  

Good Afternoon 

I am pleased to announce that the new issue has now been posted on our website.Please go to Issue 25 2014 to view it.

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CVS Updates

Brunswick Ward Community First Funding
Applications are now invited from voluntary groups working in Brunswick Ward for Community First funding. A total of £11,000 is available from the Community Development Foundation to be allocated before the end of December 2014. 
Wyre Together Drug Awareness Event
Wyre Together are working with a number of partners to hold a Drug Awareness Event on Monday 7th July, 7 - 9pm at Thornton Methodist Church. This is a free event open to groups and residents in Blackpool, Wyre and Fylde,  to attend. See attached poster

Fylde Coasts Got Talent!!
The CVS is celebrating it's 80th birthday this year and we are planning an afternoon celebration which will take place on Tuesday 16th September. As part of the event we are hoping to have a  variety of musical items from the last 80 years performed by groups from the Fylde Coast.

Sector Vacancies this week include…
Volunteer & Training Co-Ordinator at Lytham Hall
YMCA Family/Young People Scheme Manager
YMCA Family/Young People Worker
Help Direct Operations Manager

A Brief Summary of Articles
CYP&F Lead Professionals Awareness Event 
Last Tuesday saw the Children Young People and Families Forum lead professionals event for 2014. It was held in St Annes and many local charities and community groups were there, including Home Start Fylde, N Compass, Lancashire Loves Libraries and the Play Inclusion Project

Big Lottery Fund Responds to Government's Review
The Big Lottery Fund has responded to this week's publication of the Cabinet Office's first Triennial Review of the funder.
The Guardian Charity Awards 2014
The Guardian charity awards 2014 in association with Zurich, are open for small, social welfare charities that can demonstrate excellence and achievement. 

Visually Impaired Personalisation Support Brokerage Service
N-Vision have a new free service which is basically about promoting the person, their needs and focusing on what they want.

Whats on in July at Creative Support Cleveleys
Cleveleys Lighthouse Mental Health Drop in Service Open Access Cyber CafĂ© 

Furniture Matters! Volunteering and training opportunities
Furniture Matters is a Registered Charity and they have been operating since October 1999. They are now able to offer volunteering places and training opportunities at their ReNew Workshop in Blackpool. 

Tenancy Deposit Scheme Charitable Foundation Launched (UK)
The Tenancy Deposit Scheme (TDS) has launched a new charity (TDS Charitable Foundation) for the private rented sector with a mission to improve private rented housing standards. 

Home Start Fylde consultation event
Home Start Fylde would like to keep you up to date with developments and would welcome your input.

A tasty line up for the Fylde Coast Food and Drink Festival 
Plans for the Fylde Coast Food and Drink Festival at Marine Hall this summer are hotting up as exhibitors from across the region are signing up to be a part of the day. 

CQC Listening Event last chance to comment!
CALL FOR EVIDENCE: Care Quality Commission inspection of GP Practices in the Greater Preston Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) area. The Care Quality Commission will be inspecting GP practices from early July 2014, inspecting a random sample of the GP practices in the CCG area.

Cherwell Centre raises money for Macmillan
BLACKPOOL Victoria Hospital's Macmillan Windmill Unit has benefited from a kind donation from a Blackpool community group Grange Park's Cherwell Centre held a fun day in May to raise money for the Charity and raised over £240 to donate. 

In brief
Visit Cleveleys needs you help to save their shelter, and Fleetwood Plus Community Interest Company has been in talks with Joey Blower about the Fleetwood Pier site and he is prepared to sell it to them for community use. 
New Fund to help Voluntary and Community Organisations become more Sustainable (England)
The Cabinet Office has opened a consultation on its proposed new £40m sustainability fund. The fund aims to support charities and social enterprises, which are working with vulnerable and disadvantaged groups and are in danger of closure. 

Wyre, healthiest local authority in Lancs / Cycle events
Wyre Council's employee sickness levels are the lowest of any local authority in Lancashire and the best in the council's history. They are also very keen to get their residents fit and healthy with a course of cycling events.
Blackpool Civic Trust Events a great success
Civic Day, a celebration of civic pride, was held around the country and in Blackpool on a beautiful sunny day, Saturday, 21st June. Blackpool Civic Trust celebrated in style with entertainment, stalls and the presentation of prizes in St John's Church.

Inspiring Youth Enterprise Programme (UK)
The Royal Bank of Scotland has announced that the next funding round of its Inspiring Youth Enterprise programme will re-open for applications on the 30th June 2014. 

Please remember, to get the most from the E Bulletin you should view the full issue which includes comprehensive details and further links to information such as applying for funding.

Please Enjoy!


Special Points of Interest:

  • Funding streams

  • A tasty line up for the Fylde Coast Food and Drink Festival

Upcoming Events

Above Home Start Blackpool and Fylde afternoon tea.
Below Trolley dash in aid of Day of Sunshine
Registered Address
95 Abingdon Street

Phone: 01253 624505
E-mail: admin@cvsbwf.org.uk
Like us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/cvsblackpoolwyreandfylde
Follow us on Twitter @cvsbwf
We are a registered charity and work with groups and organisations in the Voluntary,Community and Faith sector helping to ensure Blackpool Wyre and Fylde has thriving, strong communities providing opportunities to build capacity and enhance effectiveness of the sector.

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7 Sites That Could Help Your Charity & Community Fundraising


We don't know of one surefire and foolproof way to make sure you can fund your community project... but what we do know is that using these online tools can make it a whole lot easier to raise the money you need!

Fw: JRF Updates: Publications, blogs: 16th & 23rd June 2014

Subject: Fw: JRF Updates: Publications, blogs: 16th & 23rd June 2014

More useful information from Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Friday, 20 June 2014

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Child Poverty, meaningless promises & free holiday for every reader!

A blog from the Methodist, Baptist, URC joint public issues team--

Martin Stringers book on religion in Birmingham... a review

Just done a book review here http://theprimitiveranter.blogspot.co.uk/2014/06/book-review-discourses-on-religious.html

Reducing fuel poverty - a scourge for older people

New report from ageuk
Despite a slight fall in the number of fuel poor older households in England in 2012, the Government's annual fuel poverty report, released today, projects that levels of fuel poverty are once again set to rise.

"State of our Welfare".

Third Sector Lancashire held an event last week on "State of our Welfare".  The event was well attended and included presentations by a number of experts in the field.  You might be interested to see the material available on the Third Sector Lancashire website:

Monday, 16 June 2014

How to write a winning funding bid - free training course

This may be useful...but no guarantees it will work...

If someone walked into a room and offered a million pounds to the person who made the best one-minute pitch, what would yours be? Watch KnowHow NonProfit's free training videos and learn how to get into the mind set of your prospective funder to make your cause stand out. Our step-by-step expert guidance will help you make the perfect pitch so you can get the funding your organisation needs.

Watch the free course on writing a winning funding bid

JRF Updates: Publications, blogs: w/b 9th June 2014

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2014 1:01 PM
Subject: JRF Updates: Publications, blogs: w/b 9th June 2014

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Joseph Rowntree Foundation | Search Demonstrate Influence
Weekly publications and blogs: w/b 9th June 2014

Publication: Improving quality of life in care homes through community visiting

What difference could community visiting make to care home residents' quality of life?

A pilot Community Visitor (CV) scheme in three Essex care homes has shown potential to support community engagement in care homes and improve residents' quality of life. CVs visited care homes every week for a couple of hours, aiming to befriend older people and enhance communication between care home managers, staff, residents and their families. Chris Tanner and Bethany Morgan Brett.

Publication: Wages, taxes and top-ups: the changing role of the state in helping working families make ends meet

In the past two decades, the growth of tax credits combined with only modest improvements in wages has changed the balance of working families' incomes.

This research explores these trends by measuring the disposable income of typical low-earning families and comparing it to the Minimum Income Standard – the measure of an adequate income defined by members of the public. Donald Hirsch and Laura Valadez.

Publication: Referendum briefing: poverty and work in Scotland

How far can trends in Scotland's labour market go in reducing poverty – and what are the challenges?

This third referendum briefing looks at trends in Scotland's labour market, how far they might go in reducing poverty, and at the challenges that a more 'work-rich' society would pose for a post-referendum Scotland. Adam Tinson and Peter Kenway

Blog: £11 billion tax giveaway misses those needing help the most

Higher wages and targeted support are the best way to ensure the worst-off people benefit from recovery, says Chris Goulden.

Blog: Breadline Kids – families in dire need of a real Child Poverty Strategy

By 2020 there will be 3.5 million children in poverty in the UK. We need a credible plan to do something about it, says Helen Barnard.

Event: York Festival of Ideas: Economic Growth for the Many, not the Few

The York Festival of Ideas in association with the Joseph Rowntree Foundation brings together a range of world-class economists, business leaders, policymakers and commentators to explore how to create fair and inclusive economic growth.

Friday 20 June 2014
Ron Cooke Hub, University of York
10:15 - 19:45 hrs

Event: Poverty and the family

Join us for a lunchtime event to discuss the role of public policy in supporting families and reducing child poverty. The context to this is JRF's work developing an evidence based, comprehensive anti-poverty strategy for the UK, a process we are now halfway through. Part of the project involves exploring new ways to talk about poverty in order to build the strongest possible public and political consensus for its reduction.

Speakers: Rt Hon David Lammy MP; Julia Goldsworthy (PPC for Camborne and Redruth) and Kristian Niemetz (Institute of Economic Affairs).

Tuesday, July 08 2014
11:00hrs - 12:15hrs (with lunch served until 13:00hrs)

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The Joseph Rowntree Foundation seeks to understand the root causes of social problems, identify ways of overcoming them, and show how social needs can be met in practice.

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Our Faith in Action Volunteers Fair; 29 June; Ansdell

Our Faith in Action Volunteers Fair; Sunday 29 June; Ansdell

St.Joseph's Parish Hall (behind the church), 16 Woodlands Road, Ansdell


A call to live out our Chrisan faith more fully with practical action within the broader community


Come along and chat informally with representaves from:


Blackpool Food Partnership, Homeless Blackpool, Life, CAFOD, Caritas Care, Diocesan Faith and Jus0ce, Helping Hand, Compass and Streetlife.

download poster from here

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Fw: Music Video Launch TODAY

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2014 1:10 PM
Subject: Music Video Launch TODAY

Archbishop's Task Group on Responsible Credit and Savings
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Promoting Responsible Credit and Savings


As featured in our May newsletter music producer Charles Bailey and rapper Question Musiq, in partnership with the Church of England have produced a song and video to highlight the dangers of payday loans and to promote credit unions as a better way of borrowing.

Watch the video on youtube

Listen to the song on soundcloud

Please help us promote the song and video:
Tweet using #uniononthestreets


A rap song aimed at warning young people about the possible dangers of pay day lenders is released today.

Inspired by the Archbishop of Canterbury's comments on responsible lending, songwriter and music producer Charles Bailey approached the Church of England with the idea for the rap.

The song, called "We Need a Union on the Streets" by Charles Bailey, feat. Question Musiq and Delilah also features Martin Lewis of MoneySavingExpert.com and tells the stories of young people who get into debt because of payday loans with high interest rates. It aims to highlight credit unions as a better way to borrow.

Charles said of his involvement: "When I listened to the Archbishop of Canterbury speaking out about pay day lenders I felt moved to do something to help his task group to reach to the urban youth who are often the victims and introduce them to a much safer and ethical way of borrowing through credit unions."

Martin Lewis said: "The payday loan industry is relatively new, and has used powerful marketing to build its business and groom young people to think it is normal. It isn't normal, it's an extremely expensive way to borrow that most should avoid.  We've all heard the cases of those who just wanted a couple of hundred quid but quickly owe many times that.  Yet that still doesn't do the job, the ease of access and ability to just press a button and get cash is so powerful, we need to shout, or in this case even sing, from the rooftops about the dangers of this type of borrowing, to try and counter the message".

Dr. Elizabeth Henry, the Church's Adviser for Minority Ethnic Anglican Concerns "I am thrilled that Charles was inspired to contact us and use his creative gifts to support the Church of England's response to the very real problems of payday lending. Efforts like this help the Church to extend its reach and engage with people on issues that affect their everyday lives. The song is appealing and I hope will get the message across to all communities that credit unions are a much safer way to borrow."

The song underscores the views of the Church of England that young people are particularly vulnerable to payday lending and are attracted by the promise of instant cash. Almost 1 in 6 of 18-24 year olds say they are likely to take out a payday loan in the next 6 months. (source Personal Debt Snapshot Wave 13 [March 2014] based on a national representative survey  of 2,013 GB adults.)

The song also promotes credit unions as a better alternative to payday loans, charging less interest, encouraging members to save as well as borrow.


The lyrics of the song:

Martin Lewis intro:
Payday loans gone wrong are a horrendous thing.
We hear about people who've borrowed £100, £200 and owe a £1,000 less than year later
It explodes, it's all about compound interest
That you pay interest on the interest on the interest…

What we need is a union, we need a union on the streets (x2)
Everybody hand in in hand, people can't you understand

Verse 1:
Yeah its unfair ---
But ,they don't care,
The rich get richer,
While poor get less,

Young Dave worked hard tryna to get a degree
Handing out CVs for a JOB,
Zero hour contract, need more hours,
Stressed out life, when you're fighting the powers,
Bills keep coming on a daily basis,
He's just one of a million cases
Now he's in debt, got a payday loan,
Interest rate's higher than the money he owes
Red letter after letter, manz callin his phone,
Now he's droppin out of uni, can't pay for his home, --
CPA took the money he had, automatically took it right out of the bank
Now his life's upside down, where does he turn,
It should be illegal the money they earn

What we need is a union, we need a union on the streets (x2)
Everybody hand in in hand, people can't you understand

Verse 2:
It's so clear that they don't care,
The rich get richer,
While the poor get less

Young Sophie used be the life of the Party,
Lost her job and that's when it started,
Credit card blocked, no money for heat,
Banks won't help her get back on her feet,
Keep seeing adverts on TV,
But be careful the small print that you can't see,
Now she's in debt, got a payday loan,
Interest rates higher than the money she owes,
Red letter after letter, manz callin her phone,
Can't answer the door, so she's never at home,
CPA took the money she had,
Automatically took it right out of her bank
Now she life upside down, where does he turn,
It should be illegal the money they earn,
What we need is a union, we need a union on the streets (x2)
Everybody hand in in hand, people can't you understand

When you can't go on no more
And the bills coming through your door
Feels like nothing you can do
There's a union there for you
When you need someone to call
Pick you up just before you fall
Only thing we want peace and love and unity
That's what we need
What we need is a union, we need a union on the streets (x2)

•    Charles Bailey is a music producer and community activist. He has worked on social campaigns on gun violence and recruitment for the Metropolitan Police and has set the speeches of the late Labour MP, Tony Benn, to music.

•    The Archbishop of Canterbury's Task Group is developing a number of practical, strategic initiatives to promote responsible credit and savings, including, where appropriate, lobbying for more effective regulation of the payday loan industry and policies that will help to promote credit unions as a responsible alternative.

From the Church of England Communications Office
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