Although this scheme is based in Cornwall we understand that anyone in Great Britain is eligible to register (see the FAQ page on the website).. Please promote this to people facing fuel poverty. From time to time there are other schemes some based in our region.. but they usually have a narrow time window.. and we can't disover one that is currently open in Lancashire.
Community Energy Switch's third collective energy switch is now open! We are incredibly proud to have helped 928 householders switch to cheaper electricity and gas tariffs and reduce their annual energy bills by an average of £247 though our first two collectives – a 25% saving for those who switched. Over the coming weeks we hope to help many more households to take control of their energy bills by participating in our autumn collective switch.
Feedback we've received from those who have switched with us highlights the importance of taking control of energy costs. Some of our switchers have told us that they were surprised at how easy the process was and wish they'd taken action earlier. The savings are a huge boost to their household budgets and for some switching means that they can afford to live in a warm home this winter which has important implications for the health and wellbeing of those households.
How Community Energy Switch works
Community Energy Switch is open to everyone – whether they live in or outside Cornwall. This includes people who own their own homes, rent from a private landlord or social housing provider, as well as if they pay their energy bills by direct debit, cheque, cash or pre-payment meter.
Registration opened last week (21st September). Its free, quick and simple to sign-up, with no obligation to switch. To boost our buying power we need as many people as possible to register before 18th October, after which UK energy suppliers will compete to offer the cheapest exclusive tariffs.
Householders who register their details will be contacted with details of the winning energy deal on 19th October. They will be able to compare the exclusive winning tariffs against all other tariffs on the market, alongside the supplier's customer service ratings. If another tariff suits an individual's energy needs more, they can sign up for that instead; there will also be green tariffs on offer.
Once a householder has agreed to switch, the necessary arrangements will be made on their behalf with their old and new suppliers.
Register online at or call Freephone 0800 804 7247.
How you can get involved
Please help us to spread the word about Community Energy Switch through the following communication channels:
- Forward this email to colleagues, friends and family
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide to help us spread the word about our autumn collective energy switch.
Best wishes,
Adrian Ankers
The Switching Team
Community Energy Plus
Tel: 01872 245566
Freephone advice line: 0800 954 1956
35 River Street, Truro, TR1 2SJ
Registered charity 1068990. Registered Company Limited by Guarantee: 03533571