Local Churches Tackling Poverty Together

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Friday, 18 December 2015

Fw: HOMELESS SUNDAY - 40 days to go...

----- Original Message -----
To: Greg
Sent: Friday, December 18, 2015 11:25 AM
Subject: HOMELESS SUNDAY - 40 days to go...

37 days to Homeless Sunday...
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How are your plans coming along for Homeless Sunday? We are very excited in the Housing Justice office about all the great things happening next month.

And it's not too late, to get involved! 

Homeless Sunday is an annual opportunity for Christians to come together to listen to what God has to say about homelessness.  With the three themes of Connect, Challenge, and Commit, we invite churches, like-minded groups and individuals across Great Britain to reflect on, and address the problems of, homelessness.

One of the great things we would encourage you to do is pray! 

We have written a prayer for you to use as you prepare for Homeless Sunday or on the day itself. Why not purchase one or more prayer card packs to encourage your church members to pray alongside us?
Whether you're a church leader or a member of a local local church, FREE resources are ready for you to download now.  Indeed, one great way to commit to Homeless Sunday is to help us disseminate resources among churches in your town. For many years now, friends in Rugby have been doing just that, and ordered large numbers of our prayers cards, flyers and posters for distribution.

Please remember that you can also:
  • invite a member of the Housing Justice team to come and speak to your Homeless Sunday service on 24 January - simply email us!
  • find out what your local authority is doing to combat homelessness - simply visit their website and look up the housing section
  • encourage your congregation to commit to tackling homelessness - simply visit a local project, write to local politicians, raise funds

An evening of Music, Singing and Poetry
St Lukes Church - Hillmarton Road - London N7 9JE
being a fundraiser for Homeless Sunday
To book your tickets, please visit the dedicated page
here >>>


On 24 January 2016, Christians, and all who care, will Connect, Challenge and Commit - make sure you're ready!
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Thursday, 17 December 2015

Custard Creams Are Cheaper Than Cous Cous, But You Can't Expect A F&**!! Baroness To Know That

Food for thought about food poverty and healthy eating... a blog posted a year ago... (not by me!)
WARNING contains some rude words....
Anyone who claims that healthy food is a cheaper option has clearly never enjoyed the dubious nutitional delights of a pack of Everyday Value Custard Creams (35p, 1,972 calories).

Read on


In need of Paint for your charity or organisation?

In need of paint for you community building, charity project or church?

Luv Preston have just launched Preston RePaint, a paint recycling project.

We have hundreds of cans of (often unopened) quality surplus paint available for the small charge of £2 per litre.  Top end brands and all different types and colours.
Come and see what we have available at Healthy Planet (opposite Debenhams), Fishergate Shopping centre, Preston.
Or contact Pete on 01772 298107 to find out more.

Further info can be found at:  http://www.luvpreston.com/repaint.html


Tuesday, 15 December 2015

A route map to ending hunger as we know it in the United Kingdom - Feeding Britain in 2015-16

This report was published on Thursday 10 December 2015 by a cross-party group of Members of Parliament and Peers who serve as officers on the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Hunger. The document can be accessed online at www.feedingbritain.com.   Or you can download it from here

Should you have any enquiries regarding this report, please email andrew.forsey@parliament.uk.

Monday, 14 December 2015

Fw: resources for Migrant destitution in Britain from Homeless Link & JRF

Great to see some suggested resources for Migrant destitution in Britain from Homeless Link & JRF  http://www.homeless.org.uk/…/resources-on-migrant-destituti…. This must be a priority area for all of us especially as the Government is proposing to make Children destitute in the Proposed New Immigration Act!

Friday, 11 December 2015

Give a gift that will last this Christmas

Sent: Friday, December 11, 2015 2:27 PM
Subject: Give a gift that will last this Christmas

Dear Greg

A recent survey of nearly 2,000 church leaders found that loneliness was the most significant social problem facing local communities*.

Sue knows the value of a supportive community. She has been a beneficiary of HOPE, a Church Urban Fund-supported project in Nottingham. When she was at her lowest it was through her local community networks that she found the support to get back on her feet again. She says…


"I just love what HOPE are doing for people. They are there to put people in the right direction. I see people coming through the door in desperation and then they're going out that little bit lighter. That was me all those years ago."

Sue now volunteers at HOPE and in her wider locality using her experiences to support others through the situations she has faced.

Could you help us with a gift today that could help a church- or community-project so they can reach out to people looking for help and support like Sue once was?

Your gift could help to make a world of difference to someone who finds themselves at the margins of society, and last long after the Christmas tinsel has come down. 

Thank you for caring

Canon Paul Hackwood
Executive Chair of Trustees

Thank you if you have already made your gift.


This is a true beneficiary testimony. However names and images have been changed to protect anonymity.

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Church House, Great Smith Street, Westminster, London, SW1P 3NZ


Thursday, 10 December 2015

ESA cuts will have damaging impact on people with disabilities

Cutting Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) by £30 a week will have a damaging effect on people with disabilities, according to a new report featuring evidence from more than 30 charities and nearly 200 people with disabilities.

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Monday, 7 December 2015

Some funding opportunities for local Lancashire Charities

Lancashire Community Foundation
We are pleased to announce that new funding rounds will be opening in the New Year. Some Funds are currently open to applications. Please see the leaflets below for details.


WO Street Foundation reopens 11 December 2015
The Community Foundations for Lancashire and Merseyside and the WO Street Foundation are pleased to announce their second round of funding and are looking to support projects that are transformational and innovative in the regions that were once the old county of Lancashire. The aims of the WO Street Transformation Fund are to transform activities, enhance capacities and develop communities' in line with the wishes of Mr. Street who was the founder of the WO Street Foundation. It aims to encourage the community to take a proactive approach to empower themselves and others to achieve social growth and make a difference. Groups based and operating in the old county of Lancashire can apply for funds of up to £10,000. The panel are keen to support pilot projects, mergers and collaborations to support the development and capacity of Lancashire's voluntary sector.


Lancashire's PCC offers new grants for crime fighting schemes 18 December 2015
Clive Grunshaw is making grants of between £5,000 and £100k available to help organisations establish new initiatives that will help to make Lancashire safe through: supporting frontline policing; protecting vulnerable people; tackling crime and re-offending or championing victims' rights. Grant applications must be between £5,000 to a maximum of £100k and be supported by a business case and meet the funding criteria.


Cash for Kids – Lancashire - no deadline
Grants are available to registered charities based in the Rock FM and Magic 999 broadcast area in Lancashire for projects that aim to help children and young people (aged 18 years and younger) who are sick, disabled or disadvantaged. No minimum or maximum level of grant is specified. Registered charities based in the Rock FM / Magic 999 broadcast area in Lancashire can apply. (A map of eligible areas can be found in the application form.) Applications made on the behalf of individual children who live in the Rock FM / Magic 999 broadcast area must be supported by a registered charity who will agree to accept a cheque on behalf of the individual.
