| Email not displaying correctly? Click here for the browser version of this newsletter | | | "The single largest crisis facing the UK since World War Two", was how one CEO of a large local authority described the present economic challenges. With large scale cuts, major changes to the benefit system, high food and fuel prices, we have only begun to feel the effects of the banking meltdown in 2009. One local authority has produced the "graph of doom", where income is dramatically falling due to the cuts, but adult social need is rising at such a rate that by 2018 the council will not be able to meet even its statutory requirements.
With dangers, however, come significant opportunities – and the often hidden work of the Church is now beginning to be recognized as impressive, wide ranging and resilient. Like never before, we have an opportunity to partner with civic authorities in the provision of services especially to those in most need. The door is wide open to churches, especially those who are coming together in effective unity groups to work alongside housing trusts, colleges, councils, police forces, fire services, businesses etc. We are increasingly being viewed as good value for money with a great track record and sustainable. | Now is the time to come out of our ghettos to enter again the public square, to serve, to influence and lead. Now is the time to partner and to build long lasting friendships with the people of peace in our cities and towns. Now is the time to seek their prosperity and shalom.
Roger Sutton is a member of the Serve leadership team, Leader of Gather and Ambassador for the Evangelical Alliance. | In this edition you'll find....
Funding, new resources, latest news, stories and training & events. |
| | | Funding
We all know the classic verse, 'God loves a cheerful giver' (2 Cor 9:7). Our friends at Stewardship have launched a resource all about making giving easy that will bring a smile to your face. You can find it at www.give.net and it's perfect for individuals and charities alike. Set up a new donation, manage your tithes in one place or register to collect funds for a charity on the site. Find out more here: http://www.give.net/pages/about | | | | New resources
What are mental health problems?
The Church of England's mental health group and Revd Eva McIntyre have teamed up with Time to Change to create a pack for churches, providing ideas and resources for churches to plan worship on the theme of mental health.
One in four people will experience a mental health problem in any year. Mental health problems like depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia can affect anyone at any time, and it's likely that many people in your congregation have been affected. But although mental health problems are common, nearly nine out of 10 people affected still say they have faced stigma and discrimination as a result.
Find out more about mental health and how talking about it can help. | | | Latest news
A major new programme to celebrate, promote and link the huge variety of social action undertaken by the nation's faith communities has been launched by Faith and Communities Minister Baroness Warsi.
'Together in Service' is a three-year programme celebrating social action projects, and can be based around each of the faith communities' religious festivals or dedicated volunteering days. It is designed to motivate and inspire new work, especially around multi-faith volunteering projects between religions.
Click here to read more.... | | | | Stories
This month we bring you a selection of stories about lives being changed through generosity. This is one of three of eye-opening documentaries from Joseph Rowntree Foundation and the BBC from the Why Poverty? series.
Holiday from poverty – documentary
Tell us about you. How are you or your church transforming lives around you? Have you got a story to tell about reaching out with God's love? Tell us here. | | | | Training & Events
Working Together
A consultation looking at how the Church can engage with civic authorities.
Date: 20th-21st March 2013 Venue: At The Life Centre, Manchester, 235 Washway Road, Sale, M33 4B
Find out more and book here. | | Leadership support with the Cinnamon Network
The Cinnamon Network is working in partnership with the Ella Foundation to provide leadership development support to CEOs. The purpose of the Ella Foundation is to inspire leaders of charities and social enterprises to achieve their full potentia. For more information, visit the website. | | Raising Our Game
Spiritual passion and professional excellence - we strive to achieve this in bringing transformation to our communities. Whatever you do - whether it's co-ordinating your community based project or managing volunteers, come and share in an inspiring day and meet others with the same heart for community. These sessions are led by Tearfund's Church in the Community advisors. Join us in Norwich on 8th March or later in the year at Hove, Liverpool, Colchester, London or
Newcastle. For a sneak preview, have a look at Key 1: Encouraging Spiritual Passion.
Find out if there's an event near you and to book, visit our website. | | Leadership Workshops with Innovista
If you're a leader in your 20s or 30s and involved in Christian mission of any kind, then you'll want to check out this series of practical one day workshops from Innovista that will help you lead mission better.
How to lead well through change
Date: 28 March, 10am-4pm Venue: Oxford Cost: £65 (£35 for students) including lunch If you're leading your team through large scale organisational change or individual change, this experiential workshop will give you the tools to lead and coach your team in change.
Bringing out the best in your team
Date: 2 May, 10am-4pm
Venue: Oxford Cost: £65 (£35 for students) including lunch
You'll learn to identify and appreciate the strengths in your team. You'll practise using tools to get your team to use those strengths to overcome challenge, work innovatively, and to pass on an appreciative culture at work.
"Innovista's workshops have completely transformed the way I manage and lead staff and volunteers" - Toby Baxter, Pastor for Crossway Life and Co-founder of Catalyst Trust.
Bookings and more info: www.innovista.org/workshops | |  |
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