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Thursday, 30 May 2013
Social media toolkit - twitter & facebook
Hilden Charitable Fund - deadline 13 September 2013
Wednesday, 29 May 2013
Blackpool Coastal Housing Tenants Project Fund
If you have an idea for a project or would like to find out more information about the fund you can attend the Tenants Project Fund Re-Launch Day at Coastal House on the 12 June 2013 either 10am-12pm or 2pm-4pm. For more information or to find out how to book your place please click here to download a poster.
Another Guardian article on Food Banks
Poverty: 50 ways to close a food bank
As food banks struggle to cope with rising demand, they - and politicians - could learn valuable lessons from volunteers in Canada about the precarious nature of charity food provision.
Tuesday, 28 May 2013
The new PCC is committed to working with local resident and community groups to support them in making where they live a safer and better place. My Community Action Fund of £50,000 is designed to provide small grants to assist groups in tackling local concerns and helping to deliver my priorities in their area.
Mental Health training day - Lancaster Free Methodist Church
Dear all following my previous email (below) just a quick reminder if you are interested but haven't yet registered and are intending to come to our Mental Health training day we would appreciate you emailing to register so we can plan the day appropriately for the numbers coming! Thank you!
Many churches face the challenge of caring for people with mental health issues, which can range from low risk (depression, anxiety) to moderate risk (addictive personalities, self-harm, suicidal thoughts) through to severe risk (bi-polar, schizophrenia, voices) requiring medical intervention. Although we try to provide a loving, safe and welcoming place for all, very few of us have actually been trained and know how to support and care for people within our congregations who face these daily battles.
Because this is something we have been facing as a church over the last few years, we have organised a structured training day with Positive Futures North West for our pastoral team here. Positive Futures have many years of experience working in the community with people with mental health issues.
In conversation with a number of people, I am aware that we are not alone in facing these challenges, and many of you have expressed an interest in receiving such training too. We have therefore designed this training day for churchesministers, pastoral care teams and carersto come and receive some outside training in how to care for some of our most vulnerable people. If you, or members of your church pastoral care teams or even carers within your congregation would like to attend, you would be very welcome. We would however appreciate a £5 voluntary contribution per person to cover some of our costs!
To register and reserve places, please contact us on / 01524 841941 by Monday 3rd June 2013.
For more information, please feel free to give me a call. Please also feel free to distribute this around your networks should you feel this would be of benefit to other churches you know
Chris Drury
Pastor, Lancaster Free Methodist Church
Queen Street, Lancaster. LA1 1RX
01524 841941
For more information about LFM, see
For my blog and other info, see
Friday, 24 May 2013
The Church and Community Fund
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Wednesday, 22 May 2013
'Stories from the Street: A Theology of Homelessness' by David Nixon [Review by John Kurht]
New Unlock resource
This could be of interest... but hopefully not at an extortionate APR!
'Pop Goes The Weasel'; an new Unlock resource exploring the theme of personal debt is available on our website now.
Friday, 17 May 2013
Fw: One Blackpool e-news