Funding Opportunities Grants for School Trips - deadline 31 May 2013
The Eridge Trust, which is a charitable trust whose purpose is to encourage young people to enjoy and appreciate visual art, especially painting, has announced that the next deadline for its grant making programme is the 31st May 2013. The Trust makes grants of up to £2,000 to schools, colleges and others for school trips to museums, galleries and centres of art at home and abroad. Grants are also made to UK museums and galleries for projects aimed at young people. Trips must be for students in schools or sixth form colleges in the maintained sector.
Government Announces £50 Million for the Summer Schools Programme - deadline 31 May 2013
The Government has announced £50 million for the second year of the summer schools programme. Schools that opt in will be accessing £50 million of Pupil Premium funding to provide one or two week summer schools. These are aimed at improving transition between primary and secondary school for all Ever6 FSM pupils and LAC pupils who attract the Pupil Premium. Schools that take part will be allocated £250 per eligible pupil (for a one week summer school) or £500 per eligible pupil (for a two week summer school). The programme is not competitive: all eligible schools that apply by 31st May 2013 will be allocated funding to deliver a summer school. The Department is running the programme using an opt-in model, so it is for schools to decide whether they take part.
Austin and Hope Pilkington Trust - deadline 1 June 2013
The Austin and Hope Pilkington Trust which awards grants to charitable organisations has announced that the next closing date for applications is the 1st June 2013. During 2013, the Trust is seeking to fund projects that help children and young people. Grants are usually between £1,000 and £3,000 and are awarded for one year. Previous grants awarded include:
A grant towards a resource centre providing advice and training for workers dealing with mental health in rural areas and funding towards a project aimed at behavioural programme for persistent young offenders.
Macmillan "Supporting You to Help Others" Grants Programme - deadline 28 June 2013
The Cancer Charity, Macmillan has announced that its "Supporting You to Help Others" grants programme is open for applications. The "Supporting You to Help Others" grants programme aims to support groups and individuals who support people affected by cancer or campaign to improve cancer care. The grant can be used towards: Start up costs for a Self-help and Support group; And / or for groups to expand and extend their reach for both Self Help and; Support and User Involvement. Applications will be accepted from people affected by cancer in groups or individually; other groups, such as voluntary organisations, community interest companies, community groups, social enterprises; and health and social care staff, information and support staff in partnership with people affected by cancer.
The Church and Community Fund - deadline 30 June 2013
The Church and Community Fund (CCF) aims to grow the Church of England and develop its capacity to engage with the whole community through supporting the innovative use of resources. It also aims to help transform areas of greatest need and opportunity, to enable them to grow spiritually and numerically. The CCF currently has three strategic funding themes and will support projects that significantly expand the Church's engagement with neighbourhood renewal, seek innovative ways of developing established community projects within communities of Christian Faith, and replicate models of successful community engagement across the wider church. The next deadline for applications for funding of £10,000 to £60,000 (for certain themes) is 30th June 2013.
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