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Sent: Monday, June 10, 2013 10:01 AM
Subject: Latest news, research and resources from Church Urban Fund
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| Tackling Poverty Together Conference: London, November 13th We are delighted to announce that Archbishop Justin will be speaking at our conference in November. Please put the date in your diaries and start spreading the word. We are hoping to get up to 1,000 people together to share learning and discuss the challenges of tackling poverty in this country. The venue is planned to be the Emmanuel centre in Westminster, next to Church House. More details and booking form to follow. | 
| Poverty Sunday: A unique opportunity to restore broken lives Poverty Sunday Appeal has now been launched! The appeal focuses on the transformation of lives touched by poverty and highlights how efforts are multiplied through the work of the Together Network.Poverty Sunday is a day set aside in the Church calendar to pray for people and communities affected by poverty in England. This year, Poverty Sunday is 23rd of June, but you can hold a Poverty Sunday service at any time that suits your church's calendar.Please support and encourage your church to hold a Poverty Sunday service, with the aim of encouraging churches to open their eyes to poverty in this country and to get involved. More information on Poverty Sunday » |

| New research report: The Human Cost of Welfare Reform The third and final report in our mini-series on Welfare Reform has just been published. This report, called 'The Human Cost of Welfare Reform', looks at the impact that reforms are having on people's everyday lives and considers how churches can best support those affected. It is based on interviews conducted with staff and project beneficiaries from ten church or faith-based community organisations. In the report we share interviewees reflections on the impact of the reforms in their communities and discuss activities that churches might undertake to support three groups affected by specific changes. Read the report » Other reports in this series on welfare reform » | 
| Getting Together in Durham On 14th and 15th May a group of clergy from the Diocese of Durham got together with Church Urban Fund to discuss the challenges they face in tackling poverty and the idea of forming a partnership to become part of the Together Network. It was noted that the area is classified by loss - of shipbuilding / mining particularly and nothing has properly replaced this. Now 80 parishes are in the 10% most deprived in the country. It was felt that not enough wealthy Christians take the needs of the poor seriously enough and clergy are stretched trying to do too much. The idea of working together was widely welcomed in order to become more effective and begin to speak out on the national stage. |

| Faith In Research Conference: Church House, Westminster, 20th June Chaired by Bishop John Packer, results from research in contemporary theology will be presented on questions of mission and ministry.
The conference will include our latest Parish level poverty statistics, a keynote presentation from Linda Woodhead, Professor of sociology of religion at Lancaster University, and Michael Volland, Director of Mission Tutor in Pioneering at Cranmer Hall Theological College. Book to attend the conference » Download the full programme » |
![]() | Middlesbrough Churches working Together A couple of weeks ago the story of two ladies was shown on BBC 1 Politics show. Jill, church warden in North Yorkshire and Marie living 30 miles away, in Middlesbrough. They have never met but their stories are a powerful example of how churches working together can bring hope and practical help where it is needed.
Jill contacted Together Middlesbrough, aware of the difficulty many families were facing in the town, and concerned that people were going hungry when everyone in her village had more than enough to eat. Jill set up a food collection point outside the village hall, where villagers drop off food each week. Marie worked all her life, but then lost her job and is about to have her house repossessed. She cares for her granddaughter and her cupboards were bare until an emergency food parcel was provided. Marie spoke of how desperate and depressing her situation felt and how the Foodbank had given her some hope again, and connected her with people who cared and could provide her with support. Church projects are making a real difference to people's lives! | 
| Book club: 23 things they don't tell you about Capitalism Cambridge professor Ha-Joon Chang's book has challenged us to think differently about some of the things that we or others take for granted about our economy. There are different ways to read the book and we chose Way 6 - if you think the world is an unfair place but there is nothing much you can do about it. We enjoyed a stimulating discussion in the office. | 
| Together for the Common Good Conference: 6-8 September
The programme for the Together for the Common Good conference has been announced. T4CG is a national project looking at how different Christian traditions and other faith communities can work better together for social justice. The conference weekend has an emphasis on delegate participation and includes working groups, panel discussions, speeches and informal sessions and speakers include Archbishop Bernard Longley, Dr Anna Rowlands, Revd Ruth Gee, Lord Maurice Glasman, Bernadette Farrell, Dame Mary Tanner, Frank Field MP and Phillip Blond, among others in an interesting line up. The overall project is inspired by the Sheppard Worlock partnership and T4CG is also running a research process which is calling for case studies and other contributions. The organisers suggest registering soon to avoid disappointment. Online booking and further details » View the full programme » Get involved with the research process » Read existing case studies » |

| Together Southwark is recruiting a Development Worker
Together Southwark is looking for someone passionate about spiritual and social transformation to promote mission, ministry and practical action to tackle poverty across South London and East Surrey. Download job description and person specification » | |
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