Local Churches Tackling Poverty Together

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Tuesday, 29 October 2013

FAITH IN THE COMMUNITY On Tuesday 26th November : A reminder

Please reserve your place and your buffet lunch NOW by booking a free ticket at

How can the faith communities and statutory bodies work together to tackle poverty and need in Blackpool today?

A Strategic consultation workshop event

for Faith Community Leaders, Project Staff and Activists

On Tuesday 26th November

10am – 3pm

at City Learning Centre, Bathurst Avenue FY3 7RW




Friday, 25 October 2013

Poverty and Homelessness Action Week 2014: Resources now available online

The Action Week partners (Church Action on Poverty, Housing Justice, and Scottish Churches Housing Action) are now planning for Poverty and Homelessness Action Week 2014, which will take place from 25 January to 2 February. It aims to raise funds and awareness about these injustices, and inspire local churches in tackling them. We urge you to get involved!

                Like in previous years, a wealth of resources for church services, discussion, activities, prayer and reflection are now available at www.actionweek.org.uk/downloadresources.html. These are free to download, or you can order hard copies. They will provide some ideas and materials which can be adapted to your own events. Please also take the time to register your events on the website, which enables us to support and publicise them, by following the link: http://www.actionweek.org.uk/event_registration.html

               We are happy to assist in any way possible, so please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or suggestions – by phone (0161 236 9321) or email (nick@church-poverty.org.uk or liamp@church-poverty.org.uk) , and also do follow us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/phactionweek) and Twitter (https://twitter.com/phactionweek) for updates over the coming months.

                Many thanks for your support!

Yours faithfully,

Nick Franklin.

Church Action on Poverty,

Dale House,

32 Dale Street,


M1 2HF

0161 236 9321



Blackpool's Big Volunteer Thank You

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 3:45 PM
Subject: Reminder: Blackpool's Big Volunteer Thank You

Great news from Volunteer Centre BWF
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Special invitation to Blackpools Volunteers

Blackpool's Big Thank You

Wednesday 6th November 2013

14.00 - 16.30 at the Winter Gardens

Blackpool's Big Volunteer Thank You  -
A Free Celebration for Volunteers in Blackpool

The event, supported this year by the Public Health Department, Blackpool Council, aims to celebrate local volunteers, recognising the fantastic contributions made to our community by hundreds of unsung individuals who give their time freely to help a range of good causes across the area.

The Celebration will be held in the magnificent Spanish Hall in the Winter Gardens.

Doors open from 2pm for networking and to browse the Volunteer Information stands.

The event will officially open at 3pm with music from local acts playing during a fantastic afternoon tea, followed with presentations and the Volunteer of the Year Award 2013, judged by an independent panel of experts from Volunteering England, Volunteering North West and Business in the Community.  

Places are limited to 10 per organisation so register today!

Organisations which would like to have a display stand at the event should contact the Centre on 01253 301004.  Stand availability is limited and will be on a first come basis.
Please nominate your Volunteer of the Year today! Closing date for nominations is Wednesday 30th October 2013.

Meeting reminder

Volunteer Co-ordinators Network Meeting: 16th October 2013
Thornton Methodist Church 10am - 12pm
Copyright © 2013 Volunteer Centre BWF, All rights reserved.
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Volunteer Centre Blackpool, Wyre & Fylde is a Registered Charity, No: 1125184 and a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England & Wales No: 5756723

: One Blackpool Newsletter

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 10:51 AM
Subject: One Blackpool Newsletter

One Blackpool mailing header image

New Programme Director joins One Blackpool

Vicky Wells joined the One Blackpool team in October 2013 although has had a keen interest in the One Blackpool developments since her role in the in the bid team that secured the investment for 'One Blackpool' in 2011. She has a wealth of cross sector experience having undertaking roles that have straddled the Public, Private and civil sectors for the past 13 years and with a wealth of experience implementing change projects, securing funding, supporting the quality and capacity of the sector, and of developing consortia to secure collaborative advantage.

When joining the team Vicky said...

"I am delighted to be joining the One Blackpool Cooperative team at such an exciting time. We have now consolidated the criteria of our original funding and are now able to concentrate on promoting our Co-operative ethos, expand and improve our membership benefits and explore new and sustainable ways of working with our members in partnership; to ensure the sustainability of support for the sector into the future." I look forward to working with you all in 'One Blackpool'.

Take advantage of the One Support Fund

As one of the benefits of being a member of the One Blackpool Cooperative you are invited to take advantage of the One Support Fund giving you access to three types of specialist support...
  1. Quality Assurance support and One Blackpool STAR standard accreditation services.
    The standard lets you:
    - Demonstrate the quality of systems and services in your organisation
    - Identify gaps and areas for development to improve delivery and funding opportunities 
    Provider: UR Potential. Contact Deborah Terras on 01253 292299 or email info@urpotential.co.uk
  2. Bid/tender writing support services
    You'll be able to access a free assessment report to help you search for the best funding options. Then your £500 will pay for the bid writing service to prepare either 3 small bids (around £5000 each) or one larger bid up to £40,000.
    Provider: One Blackpool Bid Writing Associates. Contact John Hesketh on 01253 362693 or email info@oneblackpool.coop
  3. Volunteer Academy support services
    The academy provides a range of services to support the management and development of volunteers in areas such as research, recruitment, training, management and representation.
    Provider: Volunteer Centre Blackpool Fylde and Wyre. Contact Claire Mashiter on 01253 301004 or email Claire.Mashiter@volunteercentrebwf.org.uk
 To join contact One Blackpool contact the team on 01253 362693, email info@oneblackpool.coop or click here to complete your application online.

Latest News & Policy

New: Blackpool's Big Thank You
New: The Oracle Survey
New: Advice Link Benefits News
New: CVS Blackpool, Wyre & Fylde E-Bulletin
Retirement Roadshow comes to Blackpool
Free Room Hire at The Oracle
Online Gift Aid Registration Date Approaching

Latest Funding

Triangle Trust Development Grants Programme (Deadline: 7th November 2013)
New: Money for Life Challenge (Deadline: 22 November 2013)
New: Sport England - Inclusive Fund (Deadline: 2nd December 2013)

New: Sport England - Get Equipped Fund (Deadline: 2nd December 2013)
SITA Trust Enriching Nature Programme (Deadline: 6th December 2013)
New: Arts Council Small Capital Grants (Deadline: 19th December 2013)
New: Help the Homeless Winter Grants (Deadline: 31st December 2013)
New: McDonald's KickStart Grants (Deadline: 31st December 2013)
New: Lankelly Chase Foundation Fund
Premier League Community Facilities Fund

Upcoming Training & Events

Social Enterprise - Delivering Public Services (24th October 2013)
Domestic Abuse Information Session (25th October 2013)
Understanding Health Training (29th October 2013)
Safeguarding/Child Protection Level 1 (1st November 2013)
Domestic Abuse Awareness & Marac Training (5th November 2013)
Universal Credit for Beginners (6th November 2013)
Motivational Interview Training (7th November 2013)
Healthy Weight Training (12th November 2013)
New: Person Centred Thinking, Planning and Tools (13th November 2013)
Advice Link Network Advisers Conference (21st November 2013)
Chairing Meetings Course (21st November 2013)
Alcohol Awareness Training (22nd November 2013)
New: Getting It Right (GIR) Training (25th November 2013)
New: Communicating With Children Training (3rd December 2013)
Safeguarding/Child Protection Level 1 (4th December 2013)
Substance Misuse Training (4th December 2013)
New: Care Planning and Pathway Planning (6th December 2013)
Domestic Abuse Awareness & Marac Training (12th December 2013)
New: Getting It Right (GIR) Training (17th December 2013)
New: Safeguarding/Child Protection Level 1 (13th January 2014)
New: Getting It Right (GIR) Training (13th January 2013)
New: Perinatal Depress Training (14th January 2013)
New: Care Planning and Pathway Planning (16th January 2014)
New: Safeguarding/Child Protection Level 1 Refresher (21st January 2014)
New: Safeguarding/Child Protection Level 1 (3rd February 2014)
New: Care Planning and Pathway Planning (4th February 2014)
New: Perinatal Depress Training (6th February 2014)
New: Getting It Right (GIR) Training (13th February 2014)
New: Working with Fathers and Child Protection (14th February 2014)

Latest Vacancies

Administrative Assistant (Closing Date: 1st November 2013)

Princess Alexandra Home
23 Bosworth Place
Blackpool, FY4 1SH

T: 01253 362693 | E: info@oneblackpool.coop

One Blackpool Ltd is Company Limited by Guarantee. Registered no. 08271042.
Registered Address: Unit 2, Blackpool Enterprise Centre, 291-305 Lytham Road, Blackpool, FY4 1EW

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Friday, 18 October 2013

CURBS Project Autumn E-News

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2013 3:56 PM
Subject: CURBS Project Autumn E-News

CURBS Project Newsletter
Autumn 2013

E-News from the Children in URBan Situations Project. Equipping and encouraging Christian children's workers in our more deprived, urban or estate based communities.

If you want to get in touch contact Kate, the CURBS Project Coordinator, on 07956 566698 or kate@curbsproject.org.uk. Would be great to hear from you!!
Childrenswork Magazine 
Ideas, resources and guidance for Christian children's leaders. Out every 2 months! Request a free copy or find out more at Childrenswork Magazine
Urban Mission Forum
The theme for this event is 'Renewing the Vision: thoughts for today, mission for tomorrow'. Its on Thursday 21st November from
11-3.30pm in Sheffield. This annual event is sponsored by the Christian Coalition for Urban Mission and Churches Together in England. See Urban Mission for more.
Fischy Music
If you are looking for Christian music and songs with more of a message then check out Fischy Music. Their focus is 'supporting emotional, social and spiritual health and wellbeing in children through songs'.
'Growth of Love' Study Pack
One of our highly recommended books the 'Growth of Love' by Keith White has now been developed into a study pack focussed on the 5 key themes of Security; Boundaries; Significance; Community and Creativity.Designed for small groups. 
Tackling Poverty Together Conference
This event is being run by the Church Urban Fund on 13th November 2013 in London. Booking is now open and Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury, is the keynote speaker.
The conference aims to inspire and equip Christians and churches who are working with the poorest people to transform their lives and communities.
Need some creative kids ministry ideas?
Why not check out the Flame Creative Kids website? Their website is full of free ideas for family activities, Easter, prayer stations, Advent and much more. There is a full explanation of each activity and this is accompanied by photos and illustrations.
NEW 'Heart of the Kingdom' Resource
This collection of essays is focussed on 'Christian Theology and Children who live in Poverty' and has been published by The Children's Society.The authors offer a range of views that will enrich our understanding and call us to further action alongside and in support of children who live in poverty.
Children Matter...
Website giving you news, ideas, events and stories from those doing Children's ministry. Part of the Children Matter Network. For more see Children Matter
Planning a Halloween event? Not too late to order our resource!
You can order our brilliant 'Unmasking Halloween' resource from the Children in URBan Situations (CURBS) website. This CURBS Kit is only £7.00 and available as a download or hard copy, you can also look at the first few pages for free! Our website is www.curbsproject.org.uk and you need to click on the 'Ordering' tab and then select 'Seasonal Kits'.
Exploring and reclaiming the positive aspects of Halloween, recognising that God is all-powerful
  • A pick and mix kit for 5-11s which explores the different angles of this 'hot potato' and where we might draw the line
  • Explores aspects that hold a fascination for kids: the scary, the gross, the unknown, the dark...
  • Looks at questions to weigh up and reclaims aspects of Halloween that we sometimes avoid
  • A range of activities including discussion starters, crafts, games, baking, exploring the Bible, finding out activities....

CURBS is now on Twitter and Facebook
We have finally joined the social networking world and are hoping that through this more people 'on the ground' will find out about the CURBS project and access our resources, support and network of like minded people!
Twitter: @CURBSProject
Facebook: CURBS Project
Please connect with us and raise our profile through your networks!

Are you connecting with children of other faiths? Come and meet others....

After discussion with many of you living/ministering in multi-faith communities we have decided to host a day which will include a chance to share/meet others in this situation and also hear from 2 engaging speakers:

- Claire Clinton from Newham in London will be talking about 'What you need to know as a Christian when connecting with those of other faiths'. This is based on many years work as an RE Advisor and after school club volunteer.
- Andrew Smith from Birmingham with be talking about his reflections and learning from many years of youth/children's ministry with Muslims.
The event details are:
Date/Time: Saturday 23rd November 10-3pm
Location: Faithful Neighbourhoods Centre, Sparkhill, Birmingham
Cost: Free and will include a hot curry lunch...on us!
To book your place or find out more please contact Kate. Please also advertise to others in your area who might find this day of interest! There is an information leaflet attached to this email.

 Messy Church in deprived areas...
We have been invited to join a consultation about Messy Church in more deprived/estate based/urban areas. The aim is to talk through some of the findings from their 'Messy Church' visits and to focus on developing guidelines for best practice and bring together useful resources and information relating to this particular field of Messy Church growth.
Please get in touch if you have any wisdom, experiences or ideas to share!  You can call Kate on 07956 566698 or email her: kate@curbsproject.org.uk

Look out for us in the next Children's Work Magazine!
There should be a couple of pieces in the next magazine written by our CURBS coordinator. One of the articles includes stories from several CURBS supporters about their experiences of ministry in our more deprived communities....keep a look out! Any feedback most welcome.
 Give to CURBS just by doing your Christmas shopping!

You can shop for good by using 'Give as you Live'. Give as you Live helps you raise money for Children in URBan Situations (CURBS) – at no cost to you – every time you shop online on your computer. The team at CURBS have downloaded the application and can assure you that it works and that you do not get lots of irratating emails or pop-ups! One supporter did an online supermarket shop of £60 and raised over £2 for CURBS at no cost to them! You can raise money booking trains online, buying books on Amazon and much more!

1. Visit the website link below and 'Discover Give as you Live'.
2. Fill in a few quick details and download Give as you Live (This is 100% secure and takes just seconds).
3. Shop online and raise money at no cost to you. When you shop you will be asked if you are happy for the company to give a donation to CURBS and you simply need to click yes for us to recieve the money!
Find out more:
Give as you Live for CURBS