Working faithfully?
Our latest research report Working faithfully? is now available online to read and download. This research provides fascinating insights into evangelicals' experiences and opinions of the world of work, including views on the living wage, job satisfaction and perceptions of discrimination in the workplace . It also explores whether the Church really supports working people and cares about the unemployed.
We have created a free downloadable Powerpoint presentation and discussion questions based on the research to help both churches and small groups take a deeper look at some of the issues and think through how they can be more relevant to workers and the unemployed in their community. You can also order paper copies of the report.
At you can access the other research reports in the series, on topics including church life, evangelism, education, money and globalisation.
Greg Smith
Development Co-ordinator Together Lancashire / Preston Christian Action Network
Phone - Mobile 07726177044
Together Lancashire, registered office Church House, Blackburn BB1 5AA
Registered Charity no 1147848 Registered company no 07966145
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