----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, November 18, 2013 2:16 PM
Subject: Together Network Newsletter
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| Tackling Poverty Together Conference
Well it happened! Thank you to everyone who helped to publicise the conference, brought people, got up early, stayed up late, contributed to workshops, networked on the day and generally made it a very positive event. We have asked people for feedback via an online survey so please do fill that in, or if you have specific comments to make then send them direct to Jenny Baker: jenny.baker@cuf.org.uk.
We have put content from the day on our website.
You can listen to the Archbishop of Canterbury's talk here, and read a transcript here.
You can watch Maurice Glasman's talk here, and there will be a transcript of it on the website shortly.
And then you can find various handouts and presentations from the workshops here (more to follow). Our thanks to all those who helped to make this such an inspiring event.

| Wellsprings Together Bradford
Liz Firth is the new development worker for Wellsprings Together Bradford. She says: 'I've been in post since September and while Wellsprings has existed for a while as an organisation I'm the first worker and it's the beginning of our partnership with CUF as a joint venture. I'm from Bradford originally and have always lived here apart from a few years studying in Salford and a year in Paris. I'm married to Barry who runs his own bike shop and we have a small boy Alex who's 3.
My working life in Bradford has been varied. I've mostly done community based work, lots of it in the post-riot context on the cohesion agenda. I'm passionate about working with women in particular. My interest in faith comes from my own beliefs as a Catholic and my involvement in interfaith work. I did an MA in interfaith a few years ago and work a day a week at Bradford Cathedral as an interfaith worker. I trained and worked as a community organiser for Church Action on Poverty several years ago and from that was involved in initial discussions with CUF and others about the Joint venture work so was very excited when the project came into fruition and even more excited to get the job!
I'm working 3 days a week and still trying to get a grip on my role, what people are already up to, where the gaps are and what the priorities are. At the moment it looks like food poverty is an issue in need of some support; there's lots of activity and churches and others responding but nobody's got the time to do any of the coordination or conversations needed. Poverty is such a reality for so many people in Bradford that there is a lot of complacency and apathy amongst communities, institutions and faith groups as well as some amazing innovative, participatory and witness bearing work taking place. So I am trying to do lots of listening and with the support of the trustees work out how we start making a difference.
I look forward to working with you all and hopefully get to know you all more soon." Liz's email is liz.firth@wellspringstogetherbradford.org.uk

| Building an ethical finance system
Credit unions represent a more ethical, community-based approach to banking. For that reason, the Archbishop has called on churches and church members to support credit unions in their local area, helping the sector as a whole to grow. CUF's latest briefing paper gives some background to the issues surrounding the problem of payday lending and the role credit unions can play in building a more ethical financial system. It also suggests ways in which churches can get involved with and support their local credit unions. You can download a copy from our website.

| Under the radar - what room for refugees?
The Churches' Refugee Network Conference is on Saturday 5 April, 2014 at the Central United Reformed Church in Sheffield. Please circulate the date. Keynote speakers will be announced soon and there will be workshops on destitution, access to health services, Housing Justice and Legal Aid.
The Churches' Refugee Network is an informal network of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, and you can find out more on their website.
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