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Friday, 31 January 2014
Christians Against poverty --- Hear all about it!
Safe Families for Children...opportunities for churches to get involved
Acts 435 Winter Newsletter
Please click on this link to download your copy: http://acts435.org.uk/blog/2014/01/winter-newsletter-201314.html
Kind regards
Jenny Herrera
Executive Director
Acts 435
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Working with Volunteers ; A training day for those managing volunteers in churches and Christian community projects
Date: Tuesday 11th March 2014
Time: 9.45am 3.30pm - starting promptly at 10am
Cost: £25 per person including lunch and drinks
Venue: St Catherine's Church Centre, Doncaster Road, Wakefield WF1 5HL
An interactive and practical day focusing on:
Understanding why people volunteer for Christian projects
Why the best projects are full of volunteers
Top tips on how to motivate others
The art of communication: how to deal with tricky issues when Christians are supposed to be 'nice'.
There will be a 'special focus' opportunity for those who work or are looking to work with volunteers who have disabilities, in particular people with learning difficulties
For more information and bookings contact
Ruth Smith Community Mission Advisor Livability
Mob: 07919 598273 Tel: 0191 374 6006
Tel: 01924 263251
Webpage: http://www.livability.org.uk/church/church-community/
Find us www.facebook.com/livabilitycommunitymission
Follow us www.twitter.com/liveitlocally
Blackpool Better Start Support Launch - Wednesday 12 February 2014
Blackpool Better Start Support Launch - Wednesday 12 February 2014
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Excellent article on the nature of community
Tuesday, 28 January 2014
Work Clubs and Enterprise Clubs
Funding continues to be available from the DWP Job Centre + network to organisations who are interested in starting to deliver Work Clubs and Enterprise Clubs. There are currently over 100 Work Clubs in the District, most operate on a part time basis and serve their local community. If you are interested and think your organisation can contribute help and support please see the link below or phone for more details.
If you have any queries or feedback regarding any of the information in the bulletin please do not hesitate to contact me.
lynda.gibson@dwp.gsi.gov.uk 01254 343734
Monday, 27 January 2014
The Estate we are In
This is your invitation to an event Together Lancashire is putting on at
The Salvation Army, Preston, PR1 7N
on Wednesday, March 19th 2014 from 10.00 to 3.30 pm.
The conference is about Christian Ministry and Engagement in parishes or circuits in Urban Priority Areas or where there are deprived Council / Social Housing Estates.
Our keynote speaker/facilitator will be Bishop Laurie Green of the National Estates Churches Network. We hope to draw together church leaders, church planters and community activists from across Lancashire. Some of them have already met together to share experiences and a number attended the conference Laurie and National Estates Churches Network held in Manchester in October.
We are planning for the day to be very interactive with lots of workshop groups and sharing of stories leaving with a deeper understanding of how we can better support some of our most vulnerable communities. (The day should be of interest to clergy, community workers, church planters, activists or mission minded congregation members living or working in such neighbourhoods. The focus is likely to be on work in traditional mainly white working class areas rather than on multicultural inner cities, though we recognize the diversity of neighbourhoods even within a single parish.)
The event is free but places are limited: Book tickets here.. if you want to secure a place and your free lunch
Further information will be sent out close to the time of the event to those who have booked.
If you have any problems with using this online booking system please contact us.
Just Love Lent - Church Urban Fund lent resources
Just Love Lent - Church Urban Fund lent resources
This Lent we have a range of resources based around a new book written by Angus Ritchie of the Contextual Theology Centre and our Chair Paul Hackwood. Just Love uses the Gospel readings for Lent to explore how Jesus loved, and why this love led him to the cross. It draws out the implications of his transforming love both for our individual lives and for our social and economic order. An e-Valentine card will promote the book on Feb 14th and resources will be available for individuals, small groups, children /young people and a sermon outline. The book will be available to order on line during w/c 3 February and the kindle version is available now on Amazon. |
| Money speaks louder than works - latest CUF research report plus a reminder about our ABCD training event The Church of England is well-placed to make a powerful and effective contribution to the growth of the credit union sector. If a substantial proportion of the 1.7 million regular church attendees were to join a credit union investing some of their savings or taking out small loans - the sector could well achieve its goal of growing from one to two million members. The aim of this research is to deepen our understanding of churchgoers' experience of, and attitudes towards, credit unions and so shed light on how best to encourage future engagement. The report makes recommendations about the steps that need to be taken to significantly increase membership of credit unions amongst churchgoers. These recommendations will help to encourage churchgoers to become more active supporters of credit unions, by deepening their knowledge and understanding of the sector and its value. You can download copies of the full report and the executive summary from the CUF website. The full research findings will be presented at a Synod fringe event: 1.15pm on Wednesday 12 February. If you would like to attend this event please email Bethany Eckley. Our training day on Asset-based Community Development takes place at Carr's Lane Baptist Church, Birmingham from 10am to 4pm on Thursday 10 April, 2014. Tickets cost £15 to include lunch and refreshments. Tickets and further information are available here. |
Friday, 24 January 2014
Food Bank activity in Lancashire 2013
Greg Smith
Development Co-ordinator Together Lancashire / Preston Christian Action Network
Phone - Mobile 07726177044
Together Lancashire, registered office Church House, Blackburn BB1 5AA
Registered Charity no 1147848 Registered company no 07966145
Together Lancashire Website http://www.cuf.org.uk/together-lancashire
See also PCAN Website www.pcan.org.uk or and
BLOG http://prestonchristianactionnetwork.blogspot.com/ (you can sign up there to receive news and information updates by email)

Together Lancashire ... First edition of our Newsletter
Ten days to go...2014 ‘Mission is a Verb’
From: "Danielle Wynn" <DanielleW@scriptureunion.org.uk>
Date: 23 Jan 2014 15:49
Subject: Ten days to go...
Only ten days to go before our
2014 'Mission is a Verb'
tour comes to Preston!
If you haven't already booked on then we would love it if you could join us to learn all about 'doing' MISSION.
If you're a church leader, involved in youth or children's ministry, a Christian parent or a teenager exploring mission or leadership, Mission is a Verb is designed for you. Bible-based teaching and discussion, offering a practical approach to working alongside children, young people and families in your church; reaching out to your community and helping faith stick through mission.
7pm to 9.30pm
Tanterton Christian Fellowship, Kidsgrove, Ingol PR2 7BX
To book or find out more information click here:
Animated film on the reality of welfare reform
Wednesday, 22 January 2014
North of England Fairness Conference - 25th February
Dear All
Please find attached an invitation to the North of England Fairness Conference to be held on Tuesday 25th February 2013 at Blackpool Tower. The itinerary (to date) is on page 2 of the PDF document. at https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/89023969/Invitation%20and%20Itnierary%20North%20of%20England%20Fairness%20Conf.pdf
If you would like to attend, please click on the button and book your place via the Council Website.
I am delighted to inform you that there is no charge for this conference as it has been sponsored by Public Health England, however there will be a voluntary collection during the lunch with proceeds going to the Blackpool Foodbank Partnership.
I hope to see many of you there, it promises to be a fantastic event.
Best wishes
Dr Arif Rajpura
Director of Public Health
Blackpool Council
Blackpool Football Stadium
Seasiders Way
Lancs, FY1 6JX
Tel: 01253 476361
Monday, 20 January 2014
Blackpool Council Budget Briefing Sessions - This week
Greg Smith
Development Co-ordinator Together Lancashire
Phone - Mobile 07726177044
Together Lancashire, registered office Church House, Blackburn BB1 5AA
Registered Charity no 1147848 Registered company no 07966145
Together Lancashire Website http://www.cuf.org.uk/together-lancashire
Our Blackpool Network web page Our Blackpool Church and Project Links Page
Our Blackpool blog (you can sign up there to receive news and information updates by email) is at http://togetherlancashireinblackpool.blogspot.co.uk/ .
Our Blackpool facebook group which anyone may join is at https://www.facebook.com/groups/tlblackpool/
Funded by ![]() |
Creative Employment Programme - deadline 14 February 2014
EAGA Charitable Trust Grant Programme - deadline 7 February 2014
About The Together in Service Fund
FaithAction will be administering a pot of £160,000 over 2 years. This is available as 1:1 match-funding for small grants of £2,000 and £5,000 the Together in Service Fund to facilitate new multi-faith social action projects at a local level, where there is often a lack of confidence in undertaking volunteering work in a multi-faith way.
Deadline for next round 6th February
Thursday, 16 January 2014
New report on church growth research form the cofE
Monday, 13 January 2014
Job Vacancy - Bank Staff - Methodist Action North West Ltd
Methodist Action North West Ltd is currently recruiting to the post of Bank Staff. Application is by application form against the Job Description and Person Specification. For an application pack and all details please contact Ruth Morris (Charity Administrator) at ruth.morris@methodistaction.co.uk or on 01772 751000.
The completed application form should be emailed to ruth.morris@methodistaction.co.uk. It should arrive no later than noon on Friday 24th January 2014.
If you have not heard from us within two weeks of the closing date, please take it that your application has not been successful on this occasion.
The interview dates are Monday or Tuesday 3rd or 4th February 2014 at Fox Street Community, Preston PR1 2AB
Salary £8 per hour This is a zero hours contract, flexible working hours including shifts, nights, weekends and Bank Holidays, as and when required
Based at Fox Street Community, Preston PR1 2AB and/or 50 Portland Street, Lancaster LA1 1SY
Job summary
We are committed to providing a safe home for all our residents, promoting their rights and responsibilities, and to supporting and empowering people to make positive change and achieve independence. Our dedicated staff team work in partnership with a range of external agencies and can assist residents in moving towards independence through securing sustainable accommodation, health and well being, education and training, welfare benefits, substance misuse and debt.
We are therefore looking for a person who can empower individuals to make positive life changes.
Main duties include:
Supporting service users; maintaining clear and accurate records; offering practical advice and assistance; empowering service users to be independent by recognising and encouraging their strengths, abilities and skills; working in partnership with other agencies and organisations; participating in training and development; ensuring a safe working environment for staff and service users; full driving licence and access to own vehicle; operating within Methodist Action's policies and procedures.
Listening for life ... Listening skills course
who want to improve their listening skills for work in drop in centres,
advice sessions.. or just generally in church life.
Central Methodist Church in Preston are working towards setting up a
listening centre and in preparation for this are offering a basic listening
skills course. There are places available .. indeed a few more enrolments
are needed to make the course viable.. If you or people you know would like
to take part contact (this week)
Sue Griffiths
E-mail Address(es):
Phone: (01772) 774285
----- Original Message -----
From: "Sue Griffiths" <suegriffiths@mybroadbandmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, January 11, 2014 1:28 PM
Subject: Listening for life course
Dear All,
Just to say that we're still in process of organising the Listening for
Life training in Feb. It will be on Tues evenings from 7.00pm (not
7.30pm as may be advertised in some churches). We're in the process of
confirming the venue but it you are interested in attending please could
you fill in the attached registration form by 20 January and send by
email or post to me at Central Methodist Church, Lune Street, PR1 2NL or
give to me when you see me.
The trainers need to order resources so we need numbers by the end of
this week. The cost is £36 but there is help available, and for those
who are Methodist we usually ask people to pay a 3rd themselves, ask a
3rd from their church and the circuit will pay a 3rd. Please indicate
on the form if you would like to claim for the funding.
Friday, 10 January 2014
Fw: Tackling Poverty Together January 2014