Sent: Monday, August 11, 2014 4:54 PM
Good Afternoon I am pleased to announce that the new issue has now been posted on our website.Please go to Issue 31 2014 to view it.CVS UpdatesSpecial Invitation The Blackpool Wyre and Fylde Council for Voluntary Service (CVS) is 80 years old this year and to commemorate this we are having a Celebration Event at The Salvation Army Citadel, Raikes Parade, Blackpool FY1 4EL on 16 th September 2014 between 1.00pm and 4.00pm. You are invited to this event where you will be informed about the milestones of the organisation from 1934 to 2014 and there will also be entertainment with afternoon tea & cake. (the cafĂ© at the Citadel will be open at lunch time for you to purchase lunch should you wish) To register for the event please complete the booking form on Eventbrite If you require any other information please do not hesitate to contact us on 01253 624505 or email We are pleased to be holding the event at The Citadel, Salvation Army Blackpool and wish to record our thanks to the them for allowing us to use the venue on this occasion. There is no room for parking at the venue however there is a large car park just along Church Street opposite the venue. Sector Vacancies this week include… Temporary Community Sports Coach Work Experience Co-ordinator Health and Care Advocate Wellness Service Health MOT Project Officer Groundwork- Project Support Officer | | A Brief Summary of Articles Your Views! "Do you support people with long term chronic health conditions? We (CVS) have been asked to help the NHS locally hold a series of brief discussions with organisations who support service users and their carers who use hospital services on a regular but unplanned basis. Funding for Creative Young People (UK) IdeasTap, a non-for-profit initiative supports young creative people between 16 and 30 years of age, has announced that its Ideas Fund Innovators is open to applications.  Pink ladies are up for 'Unsung hero award' for paper's award The friends and former employees of Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust operate under the banner 'Hint of Pink' and in just a few years they have raised nearly £50,000. Funding to Support Family Based Projects (UK) The Kelly Family Charitable Trust is open to applications from registered charities whose activities involve all or most family members in initiatives that support and encourage the family to work as a cohesive unit in tackling problems that face one or more of its members. Volunteering opportunity with Macmillan Macmillan Cancer Support is looking for dedicated volunteers who are happy to stand out in all weathers to collect vital funds,organise local public collections and service static collection tins in their local area. Join the Blackpool Scouts Blackpool Scouts are looking to recruit new young people and adults to join their Blackpool adventure. An open letter from Streetlife CEO You may be aware that the Council has put all Housing Related Support out to tender and we had an opportunity to bid for four emergency beds for young homeless people.  Community projects set to benefit residents in Wyre Wyre's Cabinet has given the go ahead for community projects worth around £60,000 that will enrich the lives of people in towns and villages across the borough. Carers Trust launch it's first ever 'Britain's Best Breakfast' Carers Trust will launch its first ever 'Britain's Best Breakfast' national fundraising campaign from 17th-19th October to raise money to help support more unpaid carers and give them a break from their caring role, and to encourage people to wake up to the issue of caring. LGB&T People's Experience of Health & Social Care Services LGB&T People's Experience of Health & Social Care Services in Blackburn with Darwen Report Now Out! Helping Hand is on the move!! For many years Helping Hand has operated its drop in and out reach services from its Community Centre based on Ripon Road in Blackpool. Second annual Fylde Coast health mela A date for your diary and fun for all the family at the second annual Fylde coast health mela. Fleetwood High School, Saturday 4th October.
The Peter Cruddas Foundation Grants Programme (UK)The Peter Cruddas Foundation is a grant making Foundation that aims to support charitable works that benefit disadvantaged and disengaged young people in the UK by ensuring that their funding reaches those most in need. Please remember, to get the most from the E Bulletin you should view the full issue which includes comprehensive details and further links to information such as applying for funding. Please Enjoy! | | |
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