Some important news from the CVS
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Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 9:01 AM
Subject: CVS E Bulletin Issue 21 Vol 3
| | | Wyre Together Community Showcase Plus Event Do you want to promote your group? Do you want to network with other local groups? Do you want to find out more about what is happening in Wyre? Then book a stall at the Wyre Together Community Showcase Event which is taking place on Thursday 4th June, 1pm – 4pm at the Marine Hall read more | | | | There's lots going on in the sector including.... | | Health related funding workshops available; would you like to be the star of your own radio show? and the Lowther Pavilion signs up to dementia friends. As always there are also sector vacancies and funding streams. | | | | | | | Blackpool Dementia Action Alliance Launch The Blackpool Fairness Commission were delighted to host the launch of this worthy organisation in Blackpool last Tuesday. With dementia affecting more and more of the population in some way it is vital to be well informed on the effects it has on everyday life. The Dementia Action Alliance (DAA) is a movement with a read more | | | Peoples Health Trust – Active Communities Programme Under Active Communities, local charities and community groups can apply for grants of between £5,000 and £25,000 to address health inequalities. The Active Communities Funding Programme aims to close the gap between those communities which experience the worst health in England, Scotland and Wales and the majority of the population. The programme is currently open for applications in some areas. To find more information and if your area is open for applications, please click on the link below. | | | Capricorn Singers summer events 2015 Saturday 13th June 2015, 1:30pm Thornton-Cleveleys Gala, Jubilee Gardens, Cleveleys See us perform some of our new repertoire on the stage at Thornton Cleveleys Gala in Jubilee Gardens, North Promenade, Cleveleys. We are performing at 1:30pm, just before Thornton-Cleveleys Brass Band. Make a day of it with a fun fair, free activities for children, shopping and community stalls, great food read more | | | Helping Hand with recycling wins national award Blackpool Council's innovative idea to boost recycling has scooped a national award. The Rover service, which travels to various locations around the town and takes away their unwanted items, has been hailed as the 'Best Community Recycling Initiative' in the Awards for Excellence in Recycling and Waste Management. The awards were announced on Thursday read more | | Ormerod Trust need your help Ormerod has supported people with learning disabilities since 1972. We are a local charitable organisation that aims to make a difference to people's lives. We support adults and children within their homes, their communities, colleges, employment and in specialised groups. As you may be aware Lancashire County Council removed all funding for non-assessed children's services read more | | | Care for Cleveleys, proposed new community group "Visit Cleveleys, Live in Cleveleys, Care for Cleveleys" Published: 13th May 2015; Modified: 17th May 2015 Visit Cleveleys If you love Cleveleys and want to help to keep this town great, and make it even better, read on and join this virtual community group! What's 'Care for Cleveleys'? We're all busy. We've all got a lot read more | | Helping with the Open Dialogue UK Summer seminars in 2015 During the course of the week of 22 to 26 June 2015 Nick Putman (Open Dialogue UK) and Mia Kurtti (Western Lapland Psychiatric Service) will be travelling across the UK to lead one day seminars to introduce the Open Dialogue approach to mental health professionals and managers, service users, carers and students. The day will be be a mixture read more | | | Enthusiastic volunteers required for music events The Friends of Stanley Park and Salisbury Woodland are a group of enthusiastic volunteers who care about two of Blackpool's favourite green spaces. We have a number of sub groups who get involved in gardening, wildlife conservation and events. This summer beginning on the 31st of May, they have a packed program of music at read more | | Fleetwood treated to Extraordinary Bodies LeftCoast has teamed up with circus and performance organization Extraordinary Bodies to create a huge community choir, to coincide with a visually spectacular show that will be performed at Fleetwood Festival of Transport and SpareParts – and we want you to be part of it. Extraordinary Bodies is the UK's only professional integrated circus company. read more | | | Blackpool Civic Trust Summer Events Blackpool Civic Trust are celebrating their 40th Anniversary this year and as always they have a busy calendar of events this summer. Please see the details of these events below. Event: Town Centre Blue Plaque Tour Venue: The tour will be leaving from the Town Hall Date: 16th June Time: Morning Tour – 10.00am Afternoon read more | | | Charity leaders call on civil society minister, Rob Wilson to launch Local Sustainability Fund Neil Cleeveley of NAVCA and Sir Stephen Bubb of Acevo say the long-awaited fund, which is intended to help service-delivering voluntary organisations in danger of closing because of financial pressures, should be a priority. Charity leaders have called on Rob Wilson to swiftly launch the long-awaited Local Sustainability Fund after he was reappointed as Minister read more | | | Funding for Rural Community Enterprises (UK) Plunkett has funding and support available for new and diversifying rural community enterprises. Communities that would like to expand their current service provision by adding a shop, café, library, bakery or bar, for example, or want to set-up a co-operative from scratch, can apply for a £2000 feasibility support package, which includes 2 days with read more The National Churches Trust – Community Grants Programme (UK) The National Churches Trust has announced its Community Grants programme and applications can be submitted between now and 30th September 2015. The Community Grants Programme is for grants of £5,000 and above for projects which introduce facilities to enable increased community use of places of worship. Projects must have an estimated cost of at least read more Esmée Fairbairn Foundation Launches New Food Funding Strand (UK) The Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, one of the UK's largest independent charitable foundations, has announced the launch of its new food strand. Esmée will offer total funding of £5m over a period of three years and is inviting applications from organisations focused on understanding and investigating the critical role that food plays in wellbeing and the read more Homelessness Transition Fund Launches Future Ready Fund (England) The aim of the Future Ready Fund is 'To protect and enhance essential and strategically critical services for single homeless people and support them in the transition to becoming sustainable'. Grants of up to £25,000 are available for projects that /lead: To stronger organisations or test/pilot new approaches that will attract funding; prepare organisations for read more
| | | Not seen the funding you require in the list above? The CVS can help Grantfinder has over 8000 funders waiting to be applied to. Sessions must be pre-booked with us on 01253 624505 and a member of staff will assist you tailor in your search. The session will result in a written report indicating potential funding sources to which you may apply. In order to pay for Grantfinder licences next year we would like to suggest that organisations accessing the service make a donation of £5.00. | | If you have enjoyed this bulletin please like us on Facebook.  | | | | | | |
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