Local Churches Tackling Poverty Together

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Monday, 20 July 2015

A Lancashire Housing and Homelessness Event Housing Justice Roadshow Thursday 12th November 2015

This is our first public announcement of an exciting event about homelessness and housing and the Christian response which we are organizing for the autumn. Please share and circulate this widely across the churches in Lancashire
Please see below.. and in a more easily printable version in the attachment which you can download here

Please put the date in your diary now..before the holidays and even book your places online.


 Thursday 12th November 2015

9.30 am to 3.30pm

Plungington Community Centre,

Brook Street, Preston PR1 7NB


This event has been planned by a group representing a partnership of


  • Together Lancashire
  • Methodist Action North West
  • Caritas Care
  • Housing Justice


We are seeking additional partners and co sponsors who will contribute £50 or £100 each in return for putting their logo on the publicity and free exhibition space in the market place area which will be open throughout the day.


·       An event aimed at the leaders and congregations of churches and Christians of Lancashire

·       There will be some Christian prayer and theology during the day but the event is inclusive and open to all people of goodwill

·       It is for all those who are concerned about homeless people and housing issues, including clergy, housing professionals, volunteers in homeless projects and activities, and people who have struggled personally with housing issues or have been homeless.

·       Aiming to inspire and inform everyone about how best  the church / Christians can make a difference around these issues

·       Sharing information and best practice from housing professionals and charities

·       It is a free event but tickets must be ordered online in advance.   Please go to this link on Evenbrite to book



If you do not have access to the internet you may ring Ruth Morris at the office of Methodist Action North West to reserve a place. 01772 751000 


·        NB. if you book a place and fail to attend on the day we reserve the right to invoice you for £25. If you book a place and find you will no longer be able to attend you may cancel the booking before 1st November without penalty.

·       There will be a simple lunch  - free though we would welcome donations on the day to cover some costs.

·       The event will be lively and interactive with some inspiring plenary speakers, video and power-point presentations, local roundtable "surgeries", thematic workshops and market place presence of projects and charities.  

·       It is possible that we can arrange follow up local evening or Sunday events in inter faith week or around Homelessness Sunday (January 24th 2016) for those who were unable to come to the conference itself.


Draft Outline Programme for the day:


09:30   Arrival / Registration / Marketplace – tables and displays from organisations involved in the day... Coffee and Tea available from urns around all day


10:00  Opening Plenary

            Welcome / housekeeping notices

             Opening prayer led by Chair (Senior Church Leader)

The national context –             Alison Gelder  (CEO Housing Justice) housing need, problems with the market, effects of welfare reform etc.


 10.45          The Lancashire context.. Presentation about housing needs, issues and resources around the county  Information handouts.. and web links...to be given out...


11    Round table local surgeries .. based on four/five groups of Local Council Districts..


  • Blackpool and Fylde Coast
  • Lancaster Morecambe
  • Preston - Central Lancashire
  • Blackburn w Darwen
  • Burnley, Pendle and rest of East Lancs


with a knowledgeable resource person at each table... how local policies and practices work.. signposting to local services and projects


11.30   Thematic  Workshops –


  1. From the streets to a safe home... A Pilgrim's Progress..... How we can see beyond the stereotype of the rough sleeper and the soup kitchen and help change lives
  2. Do we need night shelters?  If so how do they fit into the network of provision and work safely and effectively. What could be the churches' role?
  3. Hostels and Supported Housing Projects,...what groups like MANW / Fox Street Community, Vincent House / Emmaus aim to do  How you can support them? 
  4. Preventing homelessness and supporting sustainable housing - Pastoral responses : how clergy, pastoral volunteers and church members can spot housing problems coming to people, and how they can respond effectively and holistically.. balancing generosity, risk and wisdom... 
  5. Faith in Affordable Housing: using surplus church land and buildings for affordable homes  


12.20      Lunch & Marketplace


1.10     Repeat of themed workshops so people can choose two of the four


14:00   Afternoon plenary:    Theology / Spirituality / Jesus and Homeless people .. (Jon Kuhrt - CEO West London Mission Homelessness Services)    In order  to include some stories from people who have been homeless. and have produce a number of quick video clips... plus time for buzz groups - responses


15:00 closing worship & commission...   Senior Church Leader


15:30   Event  ends



To contact the organisers


Greg Smith

Development Co-ordinator Together Lancashire / Preston Christian Action Network

Email: greg.smith@together-lancashire.org.uk

Phone - Mobile 07726177044



Ruth Morris -  Administrator, Methodist Action North West


Phone:   01772 751000 


Email:  ruth.morris@methodistaction.co.uk





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