Local Churches Tackling Poverty Together

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Tuesday, 30 July 2013

CUF data on multiple deprivation

Church Urban fund has now produced an online mapping tool which allows you to look at the latest deprivation indices shown together with the Church of England parish boundaries.. If you want to see your own neighbourhood and how it compares with others. go to
If you just want the numbers and rankings go to
This could be useful to parishes and projects when looking for funding for projects.
Watch out for media coverage this week.

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Job Vacancy - Project Coordinator - Blackpool

 Please make known widely.

Job Vacancy – Project Coordinator – Blackpool


Job summary

Methodist Action (North West) currently operates the Comfort Zone 'drop in' for homeless and vulnerable people to access food, refreshments and professional support. We are also the lead agency for the Blackpool Food Partnership providing food parcel provision for the Blackpool area in partnership with the Local Authority, ecumenical partners, charities and community groups. The purpose of this role is to co-ordinate projects within the Blackpool area, including liaison with partners, funders and recruitment and supervision of volunteers.


Methodist Action North West Ltd is currently recruiting to the post of Project Coordinator, Blackpool. Application is by application form against the Job Description and Person Specification. For an application pack and all details please contact Ruth Morris (Charity Administrator) at ruth.morris@methodistaction.co.uk or on 01772 751000.

The completed application form should be emailed to ruth.morris@methodistaction.co.uk. It should arrive no later than noon on Monday 5th August 2013.

If you have not heard from us within two weeks of the closing date, please take it that your application has not been successful on this occasion.

The interview date is Friday 16th August 2013 at Howick House, Howick Park Avenue, Penwortham, Preston PR1 0LS

Salary £19,500 - £20,500 per annum Based at Mereside Methodist Church, Grizedale Road, Blackpool FY4 4TL

Job summary

Methodist Action (North West) currently operates the Comfort Zone 'drop in' for homeless and vulnerable people to access food, refreshments and professional support. We are also the lead agency for the Blackpool Food Partnership providing food parcel provision for the Blackpool area in partnership with the Local Authority, ecumenical partners, charities and community groups. The purpose of this role is to co-ordinate projects within the Blackpool area, including liaison with partners, funders and recruitment and supervision of volunteers.

    Main duties include:

Recruit, coordinate and supervise volunteers; facilitate training; take lead in delivery of Comfort Zone drop-in and Food Partnership Food Bank; ensure safeguarding of staff, volunteers and service users; manage food storage depot; preparing statistical information; excellent record keeping; represent the charity at external meetings with stakeholders; prepare and deliver reports.

This is a Fixed Term Full Time contract to 31st March 2014 (with a view to extending), flexible working hours including some evenings


Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Useful website for you to use about using digital tools and IT in community work

Subject: useful website for you to use.



Have alook at  this website as it has some useful resources that you may find you can use for your own organisation.


Friday, 19 July 2013

New NHS structures... In case you were confused


The Kings Fund have produced this alternative, animated guide to the new NHS system which I thought you may find useful for dissemination or adding to your websites.



CUF Harvest resources ... more easily readable from this link


CUF Harvest Resources

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2013 1:57 PM
Subject: Harvest Resources

If you are having problems reading this e-mail please click here

Harvest Resources

Harvest celebrations may be far from your thoughts right now but we just want to let you know that Church Urban Fund resources for Harvest will be available on our website from 15th August.

Harvest means different things in different congregations. Whether you are in a rural parish, with the fruits of the earth all around you, or in the city or suburbs, for all of us it can be a time to reflect on the food we receive as gifts of God. A time, too, to think about sharing with those in need.

Your church may be looking at mission overseas this year or some other focus for your Harvest reflections. At Church Urban Fund we focus on Tackling Poverty Together here in England. Through our network of partner projects and joint ventures with dioceses we are reaching some of the poorest people in England. Families that have genuinely been hit by the current economic climate, working families that need support that is more than a trip to the Food Bank. Trained partner project volunteers and staff are Tackling Poverty Together by offering support and advice as well as gifts of food; but more importantly offering personal contact to those who feel isolated and excluded from society.

If you would like to join us in Tackling Poverty Together this Harvest please download resources from our website from 15th August.

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Church Urban Fund, Church House, Great Smith Street, London SW1P 3AZ
T 020 7898 1647    F 020 7898 1601    E enquiries@cuf.org.uk    W www.cuf.org.uk
Registered Charity number 297483.

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CURBS Project E-News

CURBS is a brilliant resource ministry for anyone working with unchurched urban children, including those in multifaith neighbourhoods. 

CURBS Project Newsletter
Summer 2013

E-News from the Children in URBan Situations Project. Equipping and encouraging Christian children's workers in our more deprived, urban or estate based communities.

If you want to get in touch contact Kate, the CURBS Project Coordinator, on 07956 566698 or kate@curbsproject.org.uk. Would be great to hear from you!!
Childrenswork Magazine 
Ideas, resources and guidance for Christian children's leaders. Out every 2 months! Request a free copy or find out more at Childrenswork Magazine
Urban Mission Forum
The theme for this event is 'Renewing the Vision: thoughts for today, mission for tomorrow'. Its on Thursday 21st November from
11-3.30pm in Sheffield. This annual event is sponsored by the Christian Coalition for Urban Mission and Churches Together in England. See Urban Mission for more.
Eye catching booklets...
SGM Lifewords produce a brilliant mix of booklets that you can give out at events/holiday clubs or have for people to take for free. They are aimed at a range of ages and focus on a range of issues and 'bring the bible to real places, people and real life'. You can pay a donation or get them for free! See SGM
The 'Christians against Poverty' project are focussed on lifting people out of debt and poverty through their money management course and debt advice service. They work in partership with local churches. To find out more or to seek support for someone go to CAP.
Together networks
Across the UK the Church Urban Fund and Anglican church are developing networks of Christians passionate about tackling local poverty issues. These joint ventures are in Cornwall, London, Bradford, Nottingham, Lancashire, Liverpool, Newcastle, Middlesborough and Bradford. See Together
Jesus in the City
This UK Urban Mission Congress is held every 3 years and is being held in Manchester from 6-8 Sept 2013. The event is titled 'Making Sense of Fragments' and is aimed at people involved in urban ministry and who care about the fragmented city of the 21st Century. To find out more about the programme, prices, booking see JITC.
Funding for children on Christian Holidays...
There are 2 trust funds that you can approach to get support for individual children to attend Christian holiday camps/residentials who can not afford to go.
- The David Chilcott Fund supports those aged 11-15. Application form and details on the website.
- The Graham Leavers Memorial Trust is aimed at 7-19s and you need to write to them for an application form at: 1 Hall Close, Henham, Bishops Strotford, Herts, CM22 6AU
Children Matter...
Website giving you news, ideas, events and stories from those doing Children's ministry. Part of the Children Matter Network. For more see Children Matter
Want to come to Greenbelt with us?
This year the CURBS Project, in partnership with UNLOCK, are having a stand at the Greenbelt Christian Arts Festival over the August bank holiday! If you are interested in being part of this and getting much reduced entry tickets to the festival then please get in contact with Kate at the CURBS Project. We need to know by July 26th so don't hang around!
To find out more about the Greenbelt festival which runs from 23-26 August please go to Greenbelt website.

A new CURBS resource for 2014...
Several CURBS supporters have agreed to pilot a new resource titled 'Why Bother'. This CURBStone Kit is focussed on the theme of 'Why we bother with God and why God bothers with us' and has been based on our original 'Turning Point Kit' that was produced in 1998 and is no longer in print.
We hope to have the final product ready for you in early 2014 and the kit will be aimed at 5-11s and includes 7 sessions. Please get in touch with Kate if you can pilot this resource with your children and give us feedback by the end of 2013.

Are you connecting with children of other faiths? Come and meet others....

Following positive feedback from our 'Kids United' CURBS Kit we have planned an event which is aimed at Christians connecting with children of other faiths in their clubs/groups/assemblies. A key challenge for us at CURBS when faced with this situation was how to remain distinctively Christian whilst also respecting those of other faiths - not always an easy place to be!
After discussion with many of you living/ministering in multi-faith communities we have decided to host a day which will include a chance to share/meet others in this situation and also hear from 2 engaging speakers:
- Claire Clinton from Newham in London will be talking about 'What you need to know as a Christian when connecting with those of other faiths'. This is based on many years work as an RE Advisor and after school club volunteer.
- Andrew Smith from Birmingham with be talking about his reflections and learning from many years of youth/children's ministry with Muslims.
The event details are:
Date/Time: Saturday 23rd November 10-3pm
Location: Faithful Neighbourhoods Centre, Sparkhill, Birmingham
Cost: Free and will include a hot curry lunch...on us!
To book your place or find out more please contact Kate. Please also advertise to others in your area who might find this day of interest!

From our recent Trustees meeting...

Our newly formed Board of CURBS Trustees met for the first time in early July in Liverpool. We were hosted by our Liverpool HUB team and based at St Georges Church in Everton. We were really encouraged by their stories of church growth and the reality of ministry in this wonderful inner city community!
Some key decisions that came out of our time together were:
- to have a CURBS event in Hull in Spring 2014 (previously our annual Away Day) that would focus on 'nurturing and inspiring people on the ground'.
- to focus on getting our 'CURBS UNPACKED' reflective training course ready to 'train the trainer'
- to raise our profile through website improvements, social media and HUB development
- to make sure that stories of children's ministry in our tougher UK communities are shared to encourage and resource others
- to try and ensure our financial future is more sustainable

Want to get more involved with CURBS?
There are some great opportunities for you to get involved in our CURBS 'Teams' and use your skills and gifts to benefit Christians sharing God's love with children in more marginalised communities.
This can be as simple as being part of an email discussion or may involve you meeting up occasionally with others in the team....
We particularly need support in:
- Writing and developing resources
- Developing and delivering our training
- Promoting CURBS through publicity, website and marketing
You may also have specific skills that could really help - like Elaine who has recently offered to write songs/music that can accompany some of our resources as an optional extra!
Please get in contact with Kate if you would like to know more!
 Give to CURBS just by doing your online shopping or booking!

You can shop for good by using 'Give as you Live'. Give as you Live helps you raise money for Children in URBan Situations (CURBS) – at no cost to you – every time you shop online on your computer. The team at CURBS have downloaded the application and can assure you that it works and that you do not get lots of irratating emails or pop-ups! One supporter did an online supermarket shop of £60 and raised over £2 for CURBS at no cost to them! You can raise money booking trains online, buying books on Amazon and much more!

1. Visit the website link below and 'Discover Give as you Live'.
2. Fill in a few quick details and download Give as you Live (This is 100% secure and takes just seconds).
3. Shop online and raise money at no cost to you. When you shop you will be asked if you are happy for the company to give a donation to CURBS and you simply need to click yes for us to recieve the money!
Find out more:

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Urban poverty events in Carlisle

you tube link  for more info: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfFC4yxLEyA


Signpost International is a Registered Scottish Charity No. SC038850 and a Registered UK Charity No. 1057437

Fw: Urban poverty events in Carlisle

you tube link  for more info: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfFC4yxLEyA


Signpost International is a Registered Scottish Charity No. SC038850 and a Registered UK Charity No. 1057437

Why do Christians bother?

some good thinking here from Theos

Fw: News from Acts 435

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2013 5:23 PM
Subject: News from Acts 435

Issues of UK poverty have been prevalent in the news recently.  See my blog for how we are able to help people struggling with the additional cost of the so-called 'bedroom tax' and some reflections on how it must be for those facing it:


Here are a couple of relevant live request on the topic:


Just £100 needed for washing machine

'H' is on low income. She is struggling to pay the bedroom tax and council tax. Her washing machine has broken and she cannot afford to repair or replace it. Any contribution would be gratefully received.


Just £100 needed for man affected by the " bedroom tax"

This man receives Job Seekers Allowance. He lives alone in local authority housing. He has to pay more towards his rent because of the "bedroom tax". Church can support him for up to 3 months if he receives a grant by providing a household pack. He would then have a little more money to be able to pay the extra costs.


And one of several for food, in an area where there isn't a local Foodbank at this time to help:


Just £100 needed for food and basic essentials

Claudia has been a victim of domestic abuse perpetrated by her ex-partner. She has fled from North London and initially stayed with friends in South London. They are no longer able to help her. She was offered accommodation through YMCA today, but until her benefits application come through she has no food and no money to support herself. She is unable to return to her family in Portugal as well, as she has no means to travel there. Claudia was referred by the local domestic violence unit.


It is good to know that so many charities are out there trying to help those in need and campaigning on their behalf. 


Kind regards


Jenny Herrera


Executive Director

Acts 435


Please email admin@acts435.org.uk if you wish to unsubscribe.  



Friday, 12 July 2013

Wefare benefits changes and cuts - Please document your experiences..

As the pilot stage of what we hope will become a national research project for Church Urban Fund we are asking clergy and organisations supporting claimants across the Diocese of Blackburn / Lancashire (+ Blackpool & Blackburn) this year.
Naturally every story should be kept anonymous... and no individual client should be identifiable from your accounts. We simply want to monitor and report on the patterns that are emerging.
There is a simple online form you can complete for each case you would like to tell us about...  You can find it at
Please take a few minutes to look at the survey and to help us collect this important information.
Apologies if you receive this email more than once... We are circulating it widely through our own and other community mailing lists. 

Greg Smith

Development Co-ordinator Together Lancashire / Preston Christian Action Network

Phone - Mobile 07726177044

Together Lancashire, registered office Church House, Blackburn BB1 5AA

Registered Charity no 1147848 Registered company no 07966145

Together Lancashire Website http://www.cuf.org.uk/together-lancashire

See also PCAN Website www.pcan.org.uk or and

BLOG http://prestonchristianactionnetwork.blogspot.com/ (you can sign up there to receive news and information updates by email)

Evangelical Alliance

Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) formerly Criminal Records Bureau (CRB)

Useful Info Here 

Update Service – 17th June 2013 www.gov.uk/dbs-update-service Please have a look at this website. It contains several easy to understand guides to the changes including step by step instructions on how to register as an applicant and how to access the information as the employer.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Job Opportunity at The Foxton Centre

Safelink Project Worker (Temporary)

18 hours per week: Fixed Term Contract until 31 March 2014

Foxton Scale Y&C Point 2 £20546 pro rata

Safelink provides intensive support, group work and residential programmes to and with young people at risk of or experiencing sexual exploitation.

Job Function:

To work with Safelink colleagues and relevant professionals and partner agencies to ensure that:

  • More sexually exploited and/or trafficked young people and those at risk will know their rights, understand their situation and/or have access to the help and support they need

  • More sexually exploited and/or trafficked young people will have increased choice to make positive decisions about their futures.

  • Fewer young people will be sexually exploited or trafficked in Preston

Main Tasks and Responsibilities

  • Engage in youth work with young women and men through street outreach..

  • Formulate and deliver suitable educational programmes for use in informal and formal settings

  • Facilitate vulnerable young people's participation in educational programmes designed to improve their self esteem,

  • Attend meetings of and work in co-operation with a range of relevant agencies already working with, or in contact with, vulnerable or at risk individuals,

  • Take referrals from other relevant agencies, and work one-to-one with clients in devising and delivering packages of care that facilitate their move away from vulnerability to exploitation.

For further details and an Application Pack see our website; thefoxtoncentre.co.uk or contact Linda Parkinson; linda.parkinson@thefoxtoncentre.co.uk or

Tel: 01772 555925

Closing date for applications: 5.00pm Thursday 25 July 2013

Interviews on the afternoon of Wednesday 31 July 2013

An enhanced CRB or DBS is required for this post

The Foxton Centre is a Registered Charity no. 521286

Monday, 8 July 2013

Fw: Funding Central Newsletter – 05 July 2013

Some Funding opportunities that may be of interest...
  To follow the links you will have to subscribe to FUNDING CENTRAL... but you can usually find the funders' own websites by googling for them...
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, July 05, 2013 3:41 AM
Subject: Funding Central Newsletter – 05 July 2013

Funding Central NCVO - National Council for Voluntary Organisations Funded by:
Cabinet Office - Office for Civil Society

Dear Greg smith,

This email is sent from an unmonitored address. Please do not reply to this email.
Instead contact us fundingcentralhelp@ncvo-vol.org.uk or try our FAQ page to see if there is already a quick answer to your question.

Welcome to the Funding Central weekly newsletter that keeps you updated with the latest trends, news and issues regarding funding and finance opportunities.

Are you looking for partner organisations to collaborate with?

Funding Central's Partner Zone enables you to search hundred of potential partners – by location, focus of activity or with a particular area of experience or expertise.

There's also a whole range of support and tools to help guide you through the process.

Read more about what collaborative working is here http://www.fundingcentral.org.uk/page.aspx?sp=6296 or in NCVO's guides on collaboration http://www.ncvo-vol.org.uk/advice-support/collaborative-working/information-and-tools.

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Funding Central

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Funding alerts

Are you getting the most out of your weekly funding alerts? Check your profile and see if there's any information you might be missing out on.

Your weekly email can contain new and updated funding alerts of regional, national and European opportunities as well as reminders of approaching deadlines, notifications about potential partners, news and events. View your profile now.

Can't wait for the weekly newsletter? Don't forget you can run a search on the website at anytime and adjust and save your settings for next time.

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If you would like to unsubscribe from this alert, you can do so through your profile by clicking on the unsubscribe button and pressing save at the bottom of the page. You will need to be logged in to access your profile.

The following changes match your profile:

New & updated funds

National funds

Newly Added

Arts Council - Unlimited II Commissioned Grant (added 04 Jul 2013)

Max. Value: £ 1,500,000

One grant of £1.5 million is available for one organisation to deliver Unlimited II – a London 2012 Festival legacy programme of commissions and mentoring for deaf and disabled artists in England.

Matches saved search: Your personal profile


Community Ownership & Management of Assets - Capital Grants (added 03 Jul 2013)

Max. Value: £ 500,000

Capital grants are available to organisations ready to take the next step in acquiring a local asset under the Community Right to Challenge and Community Ownership and Management of Assets Support Programmes.

Matches saved search: Your personal profile


Ideas Fund Innovators (16 to 22) (added 04 Jul 2013)

Max. Value: £ 500

Awards are available to assist groups and individuals aged 16 to 22 who have projects that are inspiring, original, innovative and that can be delivered in all creative disciplines in the UK.

Matches saved search: Your personal profile


GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) IMPACT Awards

Max. Value: £ 40,000

Annual awards competition offering cash prizes to charities in the UK that work in the fields of health and social care.

Matches saved search: Your personal profile


Jeans for Genes Day/Genetic Disorders UK Grant Programme

Max. Value: £ 25,000

Grants available to UK registered charities and support groups for projects that benefit children (18 years or under) who are affected by genetic disorders.

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Reminders of approaching deadlines

The following funding opportunities have deadlines in the next two weeks. The most urgent reminders are at the top of the list.

You can view more upcoming deadlines on the website - browse by month to help plan your funding application schedules.

Urgent deadlines

Environmental Science Research Competitions

Max. Value: Discretionary

Deadline: 08 Jul 2013

DEFRA holds periodic, UK-wide, research competitions as part of its Science Research Programme.  DEFRA science provides evidence for decision-making, helps to find new policy solutions and helps to identify and tackle future issues.  The key priority areas are: Climate Change and Energy; Natural Resource Protection; Sustainable Consumption and Production; Sustainable Rural Communities; and Farming and Food.

Matches saved search: Your personal profile


Homeless Hospital Discharge Fund 2013-14

Max. Value: Discretionary

Deadline: 08 Jul 2013

Grants are available to voluntary sector organisations providing services to homeless people to ensure that homeless people receive the best possible support and care after leaving hospital.

Matches saved search: Your personal profile

Upcoming deadlines

Community-based English Language Competition

Max. Value: Discretionary

Deadline: 15 Jul 2013

A competition to discover and support organisations in selected areas of England than can deliver community-based English language programmes to enable individuals with low levels of spoken English to fulfil their potential.

Matches saved search: Your personal profile


Delivery of Further Mathematics Support Programme

Max. Value: £ 2,500,000

Deadline: 15 Jul 2013

Procurement opportunity for the management and delivery of the Further Mathematics Support Programme (FMSP) in England.

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Joseph Rowntree Foundation - R&D Programme

Max. Value: Discretionary

Deadline: 15 Jul 2013

Support for research and development projects in the UK that contribute directly to better policies and practices in areas identified by the Foundation where it is believed that pioneering development or research of high quality are needed.

Matches saved search: Your personal profile


People's Health Trust - Active Communities Funding Programme

Max. Value: £ 50,000

Deadline: 15 Jul 2013

Funding for local communities in England, Scotland and Wales to help create a society without health inequalities.

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Save Our Species (SOS)

Max. Value: Discretionary

Deadline: 15 Jul 2013

Save Our Species provides medium to large grants for species conservation worldwide. Threatened Species Grants are available, for which calls with specific Strategic Directions will be issued on a regular basis. Rapid Action Grants are available on an ongoing basis to support conservation actions in case of emergency situations.

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Scottish Power - Energy People Trust

Max. Value: £ 50,000

Deadline: 16 Jul 2013

Grants are available for registered charities to carry out projects that help to tackle fuel poverty in the UK.

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Darwin Initiative - Main Projects

Max. Value: Discretionary

Deadline: 17 Jul 2013

Financial support is available for projects seeking to safeguard the world's biodiversity by drawing on UK strengths in this area to assist countries that are rich in biodiversity but poor in financial resources.

Matches saved search: Your personal profile


Guardian Charity Awards

Max. Value: Discretionary

Deadline: 19 Jul 2013

The Guardian Charity Awards seek to recognise and encourage UK charities that make an outstanding and valuable contribution to social welfare in the community.

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Advanced notification of future deadlines

This section gives the upcoming deadlines of funds that have been added to Funding Central in the past week, or have deadlines of 4-5 weeks in the future.

Note: some funders publish information on their grants/contracts at very short notice. In this case, the fund will first appear in the newsletter as an "Imminent deadline".

You can view more upcoming deadlines on the website - browse by month to help plan your applications.

Future deadlines

Hilton in the Community Foundation (HCF)

Max. Value: £ 30,000

Deadline: 30 Jul 2013

The Hilton in the Community Foundation aims to make a real difference to those most in need. It supports projects within the UK and Ireland that focus on Young People and Education, and Young People and Health.

Matches saved search: Your personal profile


Anchor Foundation

Max. Value: £ 10,000

Deadline: 31 Jul 2013

Grants are available to UK-registered Christian charities for projects that encourage social inclusion through ministries of healing and the arts.

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Coastal Communities Fund

Max. Value: £ 2,000,000

Deadline: 31 Jul 2013

Multi-million pound fund to support the economic development of coastal communities throughout the United Kingdom by promoting sustainable economic growth and jobs, so that people are better able to respond to the changing economic needs and opportunities of their area. It will support a wide range of projects, including those that support charities, the environment, education and health.

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Health and Social Care Volunteering Fund - Local Grant and Capacity Building Scheme 2013

Max. Value: £ 50,000

Deadline: 31 Jul 2013

Grant funding and capacity building support for local voluntary sector organisations wishing to enhance their capacity and ability in the health and social care fields in their local areas.

Matches saved search: Your personal profile


Jewish Child's Day

Max. Value: £ 5,000

Deadline: 31 Jul 2013

Grants to assist disabled, disadvantaged, neglected and abused Jewish children worldwide.

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Skipton Building Society - The Big 160 Appeal

Max. Value: £ 500

Deadline: 31 Jul 2013

Financial awards are available for local community groups in the UK who are passionate about making life better for others and who need a bit of help in getting their projects off the ground.

Matches saved search: Your personal profile


Agnes Hunter Trust

Max. Value: Discretionary

Deadline: 01 Aug 2013

The Trust provides support for charitable organisations in Scotland that help the blind and visually impaired; research the cause, cure or alleviation of cancer or arthritis, or support people with these conditions; help people with a disability; and assist with the education and training of disadvantaged people or with youth development projects. Applications for medical research can be made by centres of excellence throughout the UK. 

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Funding news

26 Jun 2013: Grants of up to £25,000 Available for Poorest Neighbourhoods in Britain

The People's Health Trust is now accepting applications to improve local communities.

26 Jun 2013: Sunderland Echo and Lancashire Telegraph Join £2m Local Papers Initiative

The Sunderland Echo and the Lancashire Telegraph have joined the Big Lottery Fund local papers iniative.

25 Jun 2013: Charity Commission Launches Consultation on the Regulation of Common Investment Funds

The Charity Commission has launched a consultation on proposed changes to the regulation of common investment funds (CIFs).

For more news go to www.fundingcentral.org.uk.

Upcoming events

The following events are taking place in the areas that you have expressed an interest in.

Full events listings can be found on our website www.fundingcentral.org.uk, where you can also make an enquiry or express interest in an event.

10 Jul 2013 - 11 Jul 2013: SROI Practitioner Training

The two day SROI Network training course has been accredited by the Institute of Leadership Management and is delivered by accredited practitioners that are also experienced trainers.

Scope: National

16 Jul 2013 - 17 Jul 2013: nef consulting's SROI Training (9:30 AM - 5:00 PM)

The course is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to utilise SROI (Social Return on Investment) and its findings, and to undertake SROI analysis for themselves.

Scope: Local Venue Location: Manchester

18 Jul 2013: Digital Impact Conference (9:30 AM - 4:20 PM)

This event will explore emerging trends, challenges and examples of innovation and best practice in digital communications.

Scope: National Venue Location: London

22 Jul 2013: Understand Welfare Reform - North West (9:00 AM - 2:00 PM)

This free event will explain welfare reform and explore what the government is doing to support vulnerable people.

Scope: Regional Venue Location: Liverpool

Looking for partner organisations to collaborate with?

Funding Central's Partner Zone enables you to search hundreds of potential partners – by location, focus of activity or with a particular area of experience or expertise. The Partner Zone enables you to search partners and others to contact you to discuss how collaboration could help you deliver complimentary or enhanced services, or jointly apply or bid for funding opportunities.


You have received this email because you are registered on www.fundingcentral.org.uk. If you would like to unsubscribe from this alert, you can do so through your profile by clicking on the unsubscribe button and pressing save at the bottom of the page. You will need to be logged in to access your profile.