Dear Greg smith, This email is sent from an unmonitored address. Please do not reply to this email. Instead contact us or try our FAQ page to see if there is already a quick answer to your question. | Welcome to the Funding Central weekly newsletter that keeps you updated with the latest trends, news and issues regarding funding and finance opportunities. Are you looking for partner organisations to collaborate with?
Funding Central's Partner Zone enables you to search hundred of potential partners – by location, focus of activity or with a particular area of experience or expertise. There's also a whole range of support and tools to help guide you through the process. Read more about what collaborative working is here or in NCVO's guides on collaboration Follow us on Twitter Don't forget we have linked up Funding Central to our Twitter account so be the first to know when a new fund or news item has been added to the website by following us on Twitter. Regards,
Funding Central Forward to a friend - send your newsletter to a colleague or friend. They will need to log in or register on Funding Central to access the funding opportunities listed in your newsletter. | | | Skip to: | Funding alerts Are you getting the most out of your weekly funding alerts? Check your profile and see if there's any information you might be missing out on. Your weekly email can contain new and updated funding alerts of regional, national and European opportunities as well as reminders of approaching deadlines, notifications about potential partners, news and events. View your profile now. Can't wait for the weekly newsletter? Don't forget you can run a search on the website at anytime and adjust and save your settings for next time. Do you want to unsubscribe? You have received this email because you are registered on If you would like to unsubscribe from this alert, you can do so through your profile by clicking on the unsubscribe button and pressing save at the bottom of the page. You will need to be logged in to access your profile. | The following changes match your profile: New & updated funds National funds  Grant
| Arts Council - Unlimited II Commissioned Grant (added 04 Jul 2013) Max. Value: £ 1,500,000 One grant of £1.5 million is available for one organisation to deliver Unlimited II – a London 2012 Festival legacy programme of commissions and mentoring for deaf and disabled artists in England. Matches saved search: Your personal profile |  Grant
| Community Ownership & Management of Assets - Capital Grants (added 03 Jul 2013) Max. Value: £ 500,000 Capital grants are available to organisations ready to take the next step in acquiring a local asset under the Community Right to Challenge and Community Ownership and Management of Assets Support Programmes. Matches saved search: Your personal profile |  Grant
| Ideas Fund Innovators (16 to 22) (added 04 Jul 2013) Max. Value: £ 500 Awards are available to assist groups and individuals aged 16 to 22 who have projects that are inspiring, original, innovative and that can be delivered in all creative disciplines in the UK. Matches saved search: Your personal profile |  Grant
| GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) IMPACT Awards Max. Value: £ 40,000 Annual awards competition offering cash prizes to charities in the UK that work in the fields of health and social care. Matches saved search: Your personal profile |  Grant
| Jeans for Genes Day/Genetic Disorders UK Grant Programme Max. Value: £ 25,000 Grants available to UK registered charities and support groups for projects that benefit children (18 years or under) who are affected by genetic disorders. Matches saved search: Your personal profile | Reminders of approaching deadlines The following funding opportunities have deadlines in the next two weeks. The most urgent reminders are at the top of the list. You can view more upcoming deadlines on the website - browse by month to help plan your funding application schedules. |  Grant
| Environmental Science Research Competitions Max. Value: Discretionary Deadline: 08 Jul 2013 DEFRA holds periodic, UK-wide, research competitions as part of its Science Research Programme. DEFRA science provides evidence for decision-making, helps to find new policy solutions and helps to identify and tackle future issues. The key priority areas are: Climate Change and Energy; Natural Resource Protection; Sustainable Consumption and Production; Sustainable Rural Communities; and Farming and Food. Matches saved search: Your personal profile |  Grant
| Homeless Hospital Discharge Fund 2013-14 Max. Value: Discretionary Deadline: 08 Jul 2013 Grants are available to voluntary sector organisations providing services to homeless people to ensure that homeless people receive the best possible support and care after leaving hospital. Matches saved search: Your personal profile | |  Grant
| Community-based English Language Competition Max. Value: Discretionary Deadline: 15 Jul 2013 A competition to discover and support organisations in selected areas of England than can deliver community-based English language programmes to enable individuals with low levels of spoken English to fulfil their potential. Matches saved search: Your personal profile |  Contract
| Delivery of Further Mathematics Support Programme Max. Value: £ 2,500,000 Deadline: 15 Jul 2013 Procurement opportunity for the management and delivery of the Further Mathematics Support Programme (FMSP) in England. Matches saved search: Your personal profile |  Grant
| Joseph Rowntree Foundation - R&D Programme Max. Value: Discretionary Deadline: 15 Jul 2013 Support for research and development projects in the UK that contribute directly to better policies and practices in areas identified by the Foundation where it is believed that pioneering development or research of high quality are needed. Matches saved search: Your personal profile |  Grant
| People's Health Trust - Active Communities Funding Programme Max. Value: £ 50,000 Deadline: 15 Jul 2013 Funding for local communities in England, Scotland and Wales to help create a society without health inequalities. Matches saved search: Your personal profile |  Grant
| Save Our Species (SOS) Max. Value: Discretionary Deadline: 15 Jul 2013 Save Our Species provides medium to large grants for species conservation worldwide. Threatened Species Grants are available, for which calls with specific Strategic Directions will be issued on a regular basis. Rapid Action Grants are available on an ongoing basis to support conservation actions in case of emergency situations. Matches saved search: Your personal profile |  Grant
| Scottish Power - Energy People Trust Max. Value: £ 50,000 Deadline: 16 Jul 2013 Grants are available for registered charities to carry out projects that help to tackle fuel poverty in the UK. Matches saved search: Your personal profile |  Grant
| Darwin Initiative - Main Projects Max. Value: Discretionary Deadline: 17 Jul 2013 Financial support is available for projects seeking to safeguard the world's biodiversity by drawing on UK strengths in this area to assist countries that are rich in biodiversity but poor in financial resources. Matches saved search: Your personal profile |  Grant
| Guardian Charity Awards Max. Value: Discretionary Deadline: 19 Jul 2013 The Guardian Charity Awards seek to recognise and encourage UK charities that make an outstanding and valuable contribution to social welfare in the community. Matches saved search: Your personal profile | Advanced notification of future deadlines This section gives the upcoming deadlines of funds that have been added to Funding Central in the past week, or have deadlines of 4-5 weeks in the future. Note: some funders publish information on their grants/contracts at very short notice. In this case, the fund will first appear in the newsletter as an "Imminent deadline". You can view more upcoming deadlines on the website - browse by month to help plan your applications. |  Grant
| Hilton in the Community Foundation (HCF) Max. Value: £ 30,000 Deadline: 30 Jul 2013 The Hilton in the Community Foundation aims to make a real difference to those most in need. It supports projects within the UK and Ireland that focus on Young People and Education, and Young People and Health. Matches saved search: Your personal profile |  Grant
| Anchor Foundation Max. Value: £ 10,000 Deadline: 31 Jul 2013 Grants are available to UK-registered Christian charities for projects that encourage social inclusion through ministries of healing and the arts. Matches saved search: Your personal profile |  Grant
| Coastal Communities Fund Max. Value: £ 2,000,000 Deadline: 31 Jul 2013 Multi-million pound fund to support the economic development of coastal communities throughout the United Kingdom by promoting sustainable economic growth and jobs, so that people are better able to respond to the changing economic needs and opportunities of their area. It will support a wide range of projects, including those that support charities, the environment, education and health. Matches saved search: Your personal profile |  Grant
| Health and Social Care Volunteering Fund - Local Grant and Capacity Building Scheme 2013 Max. Value: £ 50,000 Deadline: 31 Jul 2013 Grant funding and capacity building support for local voluntary sector organisations wishing to enhance their capacity and ability in the health and social care fields in their local areas. Matches saved search: Your personal profile |  Grant
| Jewish Child's Day Max. Value: £ 5,000 Deadline: 31 Jul 2013 Grants to assist disabled, disadvantaged, neglected and abused Jewish children worldwide. Matches saved search: Your personal profile |  Grant
| Skipton Building Society - The Big 160 Appeal Max. Value: £ 500 Deadline: 31 Jul 2013 Financial awards are available for local community groups in the UK who are passionate about making life better for others and who need a bit of help in getting their projects off the ground. Matches saved search: Your personal profile |  Grant
| Agnes Hunter Trust Max. Value: Discretionary Deadline: 01 Aug 2013 The Trust provides support for charitable organisations in Scotland that help the blind and visually impaired; research the cause, cure or alleviation of cancer or arthritis, or support people with these conditions; help people with a disability; and assist with the education and training of disadvantaged people or with youth development projects. Applications for medical research can be made by centres of excellence throughout the UK. Matches saved search: Your personal profile | Funding news 26 Jun 2013: Grants of up to £25,000 Available for Poorest Neighbourhoods in Britain The People's Health Trust is now accepting applications to improve local communities. 26 Jun 2013: Sunderland Echo and Lancashire Telegraph Join £2m Local Papers Initiative The Sunderland Echo and the Lancashire Telegraph have joined the Big Lottery Fund local papers iniative. 25 Jun 2013: Charity Commission Launches Consultation on the Regulation of Common Investment Funds The Charity Commission has launched a consultation on proposed changes to the regulation of common investment funds (CIFs). For more news go to Upcoming events The following events are taking place in the areas that you have expressed an interest in. Full events listings can be found on our website, where you can also make an enquiry or express interest in an event. 10 Jul 2013 - 11 Jul 2013: SROI Practitioner Training The two day SROI Network training course has been accredited by the Institute of Leadership Management and is delivered by accredited practitioners that are also experienced trainers. 16 Jul 2013 - 17 Jul 2013: nef consulting's SROI Training (9:30 AM - 5:00 PM) The course is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to utilise SROI (Social Return on Investment) and its findings, and to undertake SROI analysis for themselves. Scope: Local | Venue Location: Manchester | 18 Jul 2013: Digital Impact Conference (9:30 AM - 4:20 PM) This event will explore emerging trends, challenges and examples of innovation and best practice in digital communications. Scope: National | Venue Location: London | 22 Jul 2013: Understand Welfare Reform - North West (9:00 AM - 2:00 PM) This free event will explain welfare reform and explore what the government is doing to support vulnerable people. Scope: Regional | Venue Location: Liverpool | Looking for partner organisations to collaborate with? Funding Central's Partner Zone enables you to search hundreds of potential partners – by location, focus of activity or with a particular area of experience or expertise. The Partner Zone enables you to search partners and others to contact you to discuss how collaboration could help you deliver complimentary or enhanced services, or jointly apply or bid for funding opportunities. Unsubscribe You have received this email because you are registered on If you would like to unsubscribe from this alert, you can do so through your profile by clicking on the unsubscribe button and pressing save at the bottom of the page. You will need to be logged in to access your profile. | |
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