----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2013 8:05 AM
Subject: Transformation is like Percolation
|  When you're involved in community ministry, particularly if you're located somewhere poverty is the norm, you need to manage your expectations carefully. One danger is to expect revival in a fortnight, and then become discouraged when God doesn't turn up on your timetable. Another danger is to rely to heavily on human methods that create an impression of progress. In order to navigate this tricky issue we have a little maxim, "Transformation is like Percolation." (yes we do like our coffee!) The point being: the good stuff will come – if we will be patient. Those old coffee percolators start spluttering and hissing before any coffee appears. Then slowly, drop by drop and dribble by dribble, the good stuff starts to flow. And the heat and the pressure are essential to the process! All good things take a little while. So no surprise that communities don't change instantly either. The bible says: "A little while, and the wicked will be no more; though you look for them, they will not be found. But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy peace and prosperity." Ps 37 v 10-11 This month will you pray that our Eden teams, together with the young people and families they're journeying with, have chance to taste and see God's goodness in new and special ways. Grace and peace  PS – If you'd like us to mail you a copy of this summer's magazine just drop your postal address to hello@eden-network.org Matt Wilson, National Director @mattwi1s0n www.eden-network.org twitter.com/Eden_Network 'Like' Eden Network on  Some stories on our website we thought you'd like Rap Week. Over 50 young people and parents turned up to see local young people showcase their rapping and street dancing skills in Fir Vale, marking the end of an eventful half term that Eden Fir Vale organised with six members of the Message Trust's Academy training year. Read more. Merseybank gets on the Bus. The Eden Bus, on the Merseybank estate has had quite an impact. "One of our volunteers on the bus has recently been released from prison," said Steve, "and she's been painting nails whilst sharing her testimony of coming to know Jesus. Read more. Proximity talks. You can now access all of these talks on our website and chew over the shared wisdom as often as you like. Click here for talks from Ash Barker, Alan Hirsch, Andy Hawthorne, Fran Beckett and panel discussions covering the media, avoiding burn out and transitioning from school to real life. Eden Network Podcast. Subscribe to our podcast - hours of inspiring teaching from the last few years can now be accessed through iTunes. Material includes Formation training days, prayer days with The Message Trust and teaching from our annual conference, Proximity. Click here. Events Future Builders. A one day business mentorship program for young leaders and entrepreneurs. Organised by Eden Network's Seth Pinnock and featuring The Message Trust's Andy Hawthorne, this is a unique and infrequent opportunity to gain the insight and knowledge to become an effective financial, social, political or evangelical light in your community. Limited space - find out more.
Midnight Oil Summit. It's back! Our very own Seth Pinnock is taking over Birmingham 18-20 July and he wants you to bring some young people and join them. Watch the promo vid on YouTube and find out all you need to know on the website here.
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