Local Churches Tackling Poverty Together

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Monday, 23 September 2013

RE: Acts 435 Update and Story of the Month

Hi Greg,


It’s on the Diocesan Website – I sign off the forms and do all the admin and we regularly get funding through.





Ed Saville

Lead Officer - Social Responsibility Blackburn Diocese

Tel: 01254 503275

Mobile: 07912227144


St Mary's House, Cathedral Close, Blackburn BB1 5AA

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The Blackburn Diocesan Board of Finance Limited (by guarantee)

Registered in England

Registered Company Number 225457 

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Registered Office Church House, Cathedral Close, Blackburn BB1 5AA


From: Greg Smith - Together Lancashire - PCAN [mailto:pcaninfo@gmail.com]
Sent: 23 September 2013 09:44
To: PCAN BLOG; PCAN facebook group; TL Blackpool Facebook Group; TLB Blog; Burnley Blog; Burnley facebook
Subject: Acts 435 Update and Story of the Month


Does anyone know of any Lancashire involvement in the ACTS 435 scheme?


----- Original Message -----


*****   STORY OF THE MONTH  *****


Topically with the start of the academic year our success story of the month comes from Suffolk where £35 was given through Acts 435 for school shoes:


V. came to us at the REACH Resource Centre in need of help for food.  Her partner works locally and only part time and minimum wage.  They are in receipt of Working Tax Credit, but when there was a mix up, a teary V came in to see us.  Fortunately we were able to help her sort out the issue with tax credits, supply her with food from the Foodbank and provide her with some emergency electric via a local support fund.  She still needed to get her son kitted out for his new school at the beginning of September and did manage some items, but was over the moon to receive money just in the nick of time to purchase a decent pair of school shoes.  An overjoyed V said "Thank you so much for the excellent and friendly service."


That’s what our participating churches and charities are seeking to do – serve others in a friendly, loving and effective way.  With poverty in the UK constantly in the news at the current time, there is a huge opportunity for churches to reach out to the needs of individuals and families in their local community, struggling to get by.


First Welsh requests posted! 

We are excited to announce that we have had our first requests posted in Wales.  You can view them here: http://acts435.org.uk/give/all-cats/wales/

Whilst the majority of our requests are still in England, we hope our small activity in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland expands soon as the word spreads.


Our Little Acts go a Long Way campaign has been running for 5 weeks now, though received more of a formal launch by our patron The Archbishop of York at the beginning of September.  He will also be contributing a guest blog next week so hoping that we can engage people in conversation as we gather new fans on Facebook and followers on Twitter.  It has raised interest with an interview on Premier Christian Radio a couple of weeks ago and a mention in the local press, but we are still seeking to get some interaction on the subject of Little Acts that go a Long Way.  Do keep the campaign in your prayers.


Finally, I just wanted to let you know that we have made a couple of changes to the categories by which requests can be filtered.  We have added White Goods and Furniture as a separate category rather than grouping it in housing, we have encompassed Bedroom Tax within the wider term Benefit Changes/Sanctions and corrected the oversight of not having a specific category for People with Disability.  We hope this all adds value to those reviewing our live requests with a view to donating.


Thank you for your time and have a good weekend.


Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18


Kind regards


Jenny Herrera


Executive Director

Acts 435


Please email admin@acts435.org.uk if you wish to unsubscribe.  





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Acts 435 Update and Story of the Month

Does anyone know of any Lancashire involvement in the ACTS 435 scheme?
----- Original Message -----

*****   STORY OF THE MONTH  *****


Topically with the start of the academic year our success story of the month comes from Suffolk where £35 was given through Acts 435 for school shoes:


V. came to us at the REACH Resource Centre in need of help for food.  Her partner works locally and only part time and minimum wage.  They are in receipt of Working Tax Credit, but when there was a mix up, a teary V came in to see us.  Fortunately we were able to help her sort out the issue with tax credits, supply her with food from the Foodbank and provide her with some emergency electric via a local support fund.  She still needed to get her son kitted out for his new school at the beginning of September and did manage some items, but was over the moon to receive money just in the nick of time to purchase a decent pair of school shoes.  An overjoyed V said "Thank you so much for the excellent and friendly service."


That's what our participating churches and charities are seeking to do – serve others in a friendly, loving and effective way.  With poverty in the UK constantly in the news at the current time, there is a huge opportunity for churches to reach out to the needs of individuals and families in their local community, struggling to get by.


First Welsh requests posted! 

We are excited to announce that we have had our first requests posted in Wales.  You can view them here: http://acts435.org.uk/give/all-cats/wales/

Whilst the majority of our requests are still in England, we hope our small activity in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland expands soon as the word spreads.


Our Little Acts go a Long Way campaign has been running for 5 weeks now, though received more of a formal launch by our patron The Archbishop of York at the beginning of September.  He will also be contributing a guest blog next week so hoping that we can engage people in conversation as we gather new fans on Facebook and followers on Twitter.  It has raised interest with an interview on Premier Christian Radio a couple of weeks ago and a mention in the local press, but we are still seeking to get some interaction on the subject of Little Acts that go a Long Way.  Do keep the campaign in your prayers.


Finally, I just wanted to let you know that we have made a couple of changes to the categories by which requests can be filtered.  We have added White Goods and Furniture as a separate category rather than grouping it in housing, we have encompassed Bedroom Tax within the wider term Benefit Changes/Sanctions and corrected the oversight of not having a specific category for People with Disability.  We hope this all adds value to those reviewing our live requests with a view to donating.


Thank you for your time and have a good weekend.


Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18


Kind regards


Jenny Herrera


Executive Director

Acts 435


Please email admin@acts435.org.uk if you wish to unsubscribe.  




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Friday, 20 September 2013

Upcoming Training & Events in Blackpool

From the One Blackpool newsletter  and website http://oneblackpool.coop/find-events-training

BSCB Core Group Training (19th September 2013 AM)
BSCB Core Group Training (19th September 2013 PM)
Healthwatch Shaping The Future Event (20th September 2013)
New: Community HIV Testing (25th September 2013)
New: Social Value Summit with Chris White MP (26th September 2013)
Free Brief Intervention Training for Smoking Cessation (26th September 2013)
The Localism Act: What does this mean for your community organisation? (26th September 2013)
New: Tender & Investment Readiness (30th September 2013)
New: Practical Governance Workshop (1st October 2013)
New: Fundraising in 60 Minutes Workshop (1st October 2013)
New: Benefits for Beginners (2nd October 2013)
Fylde Coast Health Mela 2013 (5th October 2013)
New: Blackpool Works Event (11th October 2013)
New: Welfare Reform for Frontline Non-Expert Staff (17th October 2013)
Report Writing Course (22nd October 2013)
New: Domestic Abuse Awareness & Marac Training (5th November 2013)
New: Universal Credit for Beginners (6th November 2013)
New: Chairing Meetings Course (21st November 2013)
New: Domestic Abuse Awareness & Marac Training (12th December 2013)

Garfield Weston Foundation - Funding Advice Session

The Community Foundations for Merseyside & Lancashire in partnership with Garfield Weston Foundation are running an information and advice session to provide more details about funding available for registered Charities in Lancashire.
When? Tuesday 22nd October 2013 10:30am-12 noon
Where? Gujarat Hindu Society, GHS Centre, South Meadow Lane, Preston, PR1 8JN
Hear what Trustees are looking for, information on the application process and some application tips from Community Foundation grant managers.
This Information session is by booking only as limited places are available. To book your place please contact Tina Kennedy or Joan Ford on 0151 232 2444 or 
More about Garfield Weston:

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Predicted Financial Impact of Benefit Changes in 2015/16


We (LCC) have obtained results from the Local Government Association that detail the predicted effects of welfare benefit reforms. In 2015/16, it is estimated that the income of households claiming benefit will be on average lower by £1,615 a year (excludes the impact of universal credit). Five of the 14 Lancashire authorities were placed in the top 50 for estimated average losses. A total of 233,800 claimant households in the Lancashire 14-area are predicted to lose £402.1m in benefits in 2015/16 as a result of these changes.


13 of the 14 Lancashire local authorities are predicted to have a higher average loss per claimant household than the national outturn of £1,615. Only West Lancashire, with an average of £1,522, is expected to experience an average loss that will be lower than the norm.

One year on from the Paralympics, has anything changed?

Monday, 16 September 2013

What can we do about Poverty in Lancashire? A reminder...

Sorry if this is a repeat invitation but we would like to make sure Blackpool as well as the rest of Lancashire is represented at this important gathering. We believe it will be worth the journey over to Preston for this first meeting -  if there is interest future meetings may take palce in Blackpool...
It is for everyone interested in helping tackle poverty together - please include this in church notices and circulate it by email or facebook over the next 2-3 weeks. Many thanks.

on Tuesday October 8th  from 7pm at  

Fulwood Methodist Church....Garstang Road/Watling Street Road. Preston PR2 8EA

What can we do about Poverty in Lancashire?

Church Action on Poverty and Together Lancashire invite you to an evening to explore the causes and issues... and campaigning responses. 

 Click here to download full details;

We would like to know roughly how many people will be comping so to ensure your place book you free ticket on EventBrite. https://povertyinlancashire.eventbrite.co.uk/



Greg Smith

Development Co-ordinator Together Lancashire

Phone - Mobile 07726177044

Together Lancashire, registered office Church House, Blackburn BB1 5AA

Registered Charity no 1147848 Registered company no 07966145

Together Lancashire Website http://www.cuf.org.uk/together-lancashire

Our Blackpool Network web page Our Blackpool Church and Project Links Page

Our Blackpool blog (you can sign up there to receive news and information updates by email) is at http://togetherlancashireinblackpool.blogspot.co.uk/ .

Our Blackpool facebook group which anyone may join is at https://www.facebook.com/groups/tlblackpool/

Evangelical Alliance
Funded by

Friday, 13 September 2013

Who Benefits

Who Benefits is a new campaign which Housing Justice encourages you to join and support

The British Gas Energy Trust : Help for people in fuel debt / pverty


The British Gas Energy Trust Organisational Grant Programme

This may be of interest to money / debt advisers / advocates


The British Gas Energy Trust is an independent Charitable Trust (and one of a number of grant-making schemes) managed by Charis Grants.

The Trust's objective is to help British Gas customers meet arrears of gas or electricity charges and other household bills and costs (example: beds, cookers, washing machines, fridges, boiler repair or replacement) by providing direct grants to individuals and families on a discretionary basis.

As a result of a £20m donation from British Gas in 2011, the Trust established a grant programme to fund specialist advice workers to deliver energy awareness and fuel debt advice across areas of high fuel debt in the UK.

This programme has now been extended for another 2 years with a further cash injection of £10m.

The assessment criteria are based on a priority of need, which takes into account the customer's financial circumstances, and the context within which the arrears arose (example: reduction in working hours or loss of employment, relationship breakdown, rise in cost of living, sickness/illness, unexpected birth of child or death of a partner).

The chances of a successful application rely heavily on the expertise and support of the trained fuel debt advisers, who will have to obtain the necessary referrals from both internal sources and external agencies.

In order to avoid unnecessary delays when submitting the application, the customer must supply:

  • an actual meter reading taken on the date the application is submitted (not necessary for those on prepayment meters)

  • copy of a recent fuel bill

  • proof of income (dated within last 3 months)

The application process itself takes several weeks (8-10 weeks) to complete and the customer must continue to make payments for their ongoing usage during that time.

If an award is successful, the customer will have to wait another 2 years before re-submitting a new application; if the customer is unsuccessful, there is no right of appeal, but they can re-apply after 6 months (or less if there is a change of circumstances). They will be informed why their application has failed.

Whilst the primary focus is to complete and submit applications for British Gas customers, we will still be able to help non-British Gas customers i.e. EDF, Npower by referring them to their own utility trusts and schemes for help with fuel debt, energy efficiency, and tariffs.

N.B. A customer with any other supplier will be able to apply on the BGET application form.


Greg Smith

Development Co-ordinator Together Lancashire / Preston Christian Action Network

Phone - Mobile 07726177044

Together Lancashire, registered office Church House, Blackburn BB1 5AA

Registered Charity no 1147848 Registered company no 07966145

Together Lancashire Website http://www.cuf.org.uk/together-lancashire

See also PCAN Website www.pcan.org.uk or and

BLOG http://prestonchristianactionnetwork.blogspot.com/ (you can sign up there to receive news and information updates by email)

Evangelical Alliance
Funded by 

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Sticky Faith: brilliant day event for Youth workers, children's workers, schools workers, Ministers, par

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2013 1:35 PM
Subject: Fwd: brilliant day event for Youth workers, children's workers, schools workers, Ministers, parents

On Saturday 9th November in  Preston there is a really good day to equip adults to help children, young people and students to grow a faith that sticks for life.

This event is built on the research and experience of the Sticky Faith project from USA, but is designed by local youth and children's workers to be relevant for you.

I would really recommend this day for churches wanting to put into practice the baptismal promises of the church community for each child to grow in the knowledge and love of God.

If you want to reador download the audio version the Sticky Faith book then visit your local Christian bookshop or online retailer.
or sign up for emails and resources from www.stickyfaith.org

There is a cost for the which includes lunch, but you do need to register in good time to be sure of a place and indeed of some food!
The venue is accessible from Preston bus and train station and by car.

Thank you, and happy new Methodist Church year.

Alison Parker

Methodist North West and Mann Regional Learning & Development Network (Coordinator)

Landline: 01524 840027

The Cornerstone, Sulyard Street, Lancaster, LA1 1PX
Skype: alisonparkerskype

Wednesday, 11 September 2013


----- Original Message -----
From: Dave Wiles
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 9:03 AM

There are still some places left at this important FREE conference - please consider your involvement and do share with your contacts and through other social media networks...
Many thanks - dave
A FREE OPEN SPACE EVENT: We are all learners, we are all teachers, we are all experts and we are all novices! The 'Open Space' process used at this event will enable dialogue, learning, exploration and networking amongst those who work with young people who are in gangs.
When: Tuesday 1st October 2013, 10.30 (for 11.00) until 15.30
Where: Carrs Lane Church Centre, Carrs Lane, Birmingham, B4 7SX
Who is the event for: Anyone who is working with young people who are in gangs or at risk of becoming involved in gang life (practitioners). This could include: youth workers, social workers, volunteers, paid staff, teachers,
Application and Booking: Sponsored by Worth Unlimited and it is free (lunch will be provided). There will be a £20 charge if you don't turn up on the day. To book on line go to http://worthunlimitedgangs.eventbrite.com.
Findings/Outcomes: These will belong to the group and will be circulated after the event. Worth Unlimited will be using them in an action research programme that they are developing with the Jerusalem Trust
Dave Wiles
Kite Flying Consultancy
'For People Working With And For People'

Land: 01225 873 846       Mobile: 07799108339
EMail: wiles119@aol.com        Web:  www.kiteflyingconsultancy.co.uk

Monday, 9 September 2013

Impact of the Welfare reform and benefit cuts policies

As mentioned at the social forum recently we are still trying to gather anonymised case studies of peoples encounters and difficulties with JC+ and the other benefits agencies... Our questionnaire is at
If you are willing to share your stories please click the link and tell us what you can... Please circulate this widely.. Thanks..

Greg Smith

Development Co-ordinator Together Lancashire / Preston Christian Action Network

Phone - Mobile 07726177044

Together Lancashire, registered office Church House, Blackburn BB1 5AA

Registered Charity no 1147848 Registered company no 07966145

Together Lancashire Website http://www.cuf.org.uk/together-lancashire

See also PCAN Website www.pcan.org.uk or and

BLOG http://prestonchristianactionnetwork.blogspot.com/ (you can sign up there to receive news and information updates by email)

Evangelical Alliance
Funded by 

Better Start Funding Map

One Blackpool have asked me if we can help them collect information in respect of this new programme as to what churches are doing in terms of support to improve life chances for babies and young children. 
If your organisation / church is delivering funded work with 0-3 year olds in Blackpool please contact Duncan Hodgson on 01253 362693 or email duncan.hodgson@oneblackpool.coop to request a funding map questionnaire to feed into the bid development process.

As you may be aware, Blackpool is one of 15 local authorities which have been invited to progress to the next stage of Big Lottery's Fulfilling Lives: Better Start programme. The programme aims to deliver a step change in preventative approaches in pregancy and the first three years of life to improve life chances for babies and young children. If successful Blackpool will receive between £30 and £50 million in funding over 8 to 10 years.

The Better Start Partnership has been formed to develop the bid submission and includes Blackpool Council, The NSPCC, One Blackpool and Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust.

As part of the development of the next stage of the bid the partnership are seeking to map funding currently being given to organisations to support work with 0-3 year olds and would like to hear from you if your organisation is in receipt of funds for this type of work.

If your organisation is delivering funded work with 0-3 year olds in Blackpool please contact Duncan Hodgson on 01253 362693 or email duncan.hodgson@oneblackpool.coop to request a funding map questionnaire to feed into the bid development process.



Duncan Hodgson
Project Support & Communications Officer

Phone: 01253 362693
Email: duncan.hodgson@oneblackpool.coop

Sign up to receive our weekly e-newsletter for all the latest information for VCFSE organisations.

Go online to www.oneblackpool.coop
Like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/OneBlackpool
or Follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/OneBlackpool

One Blackpool Ltd
N Vision, Bosworth Place, Blackpool, FY4 1SH

One Blackpool Ltd is Company Limited by Guarantee. Registered no. 08271042.
Registered Address: 
One Blackpool Ltd, N Vision, Bosworth Place, Blackpool, FY4 1SH

Blackpool Food Partnership - An Invitation to our Launch Event - and Harvest Appeal for Food

This is an open invitation to anyone who is interested so please share it widely.. We only ask that you RSVP to help us judge catering requirements.

Blackpool Food Partnership

An Invitation to our Launch Event

On Friday 4th October

from 12.30 - 2.30pm

starting with a sandwich lunch …


City Learning Centre

Bathurst Avenue, Grange Park, Blackpool, FY3 7RW

Come and find out about food poverty issues in Blackpool and how you can access the service or get involved in meeting local need.

With a response from the Leader of the Council and church leaders including the Bishop of Lancaster Rt. Rev. Geoff Pearson

RSVP by 1st October to....Ruth Morris at ruth.morris@methodistaction.co.uk or on 01772 751000


Blackpool Food Partnership

Harvest Appeal 2013

I was hungry and you gave me something to eat.... (Matthew 25:35 )

Blackpool Food Partnership is managed by Methodist Action Northwest and works in partnership with many of the churches and projects across Blackpool and with the support of Blackpool Council. Our aim is to provide emergency food parcels to people who are in a crisis or on the point of destitution. We also signpost beneficiaries to other services and encourage them to engage with workers who can help them address underlying problems such as money management, addictions, homelessness or employment.

Food parcels are distributed on referral from the Council or other organisations through depots at three local churches and through the Surestart Children's Centres. We are also in close touch with the main homelessness projects in Blackpool such as Streetlife, Vincent House and the Salvation Army and share our surplus food stuffs with them.

How you can help

At Harvest Time many churches, schools and community groups make special collections of food and donate them to charities. You can be sure that by sending your donations through the Blackpool Food Partnership that you will be helping local people in extreme need.

  • we are grateful to receive donations of food or money from individuals, churches, or other groups and organisations.

  • the main items required are non perishable foods e.g.

cans of: meat, fish , stews, soups, vegetables (potatoes, beans, carrots, peas, sweetcorn etc.), fruit, creamed rice, custard, other desserts

dried foods: pasta, rice, noodles, breakfast cereals, biscuits. small packets of other items: such as teabags, coffee, sugar, snacks.

  • please note all items must be "in date" or they will have to be dumped.

  • If you belong to a church, community group or school you could perhaps think about finding a volunteer to take charge of promoting the project. having a collecting box in your church or community centre. asking your congregation or community to buy a couple of extra cans or packets when out shopping and donate.

  • If you already support one of our partners or a project to support homeless and vulnerable peopele in Blackpool and have an arrangement to deliver foodstuffs to them directly; please carry on as you were...

Otherwise please bring them to North Shore Methodist Church, Dickson Road on Wednesday Mornings between 11am and 12.30pm. Or contact Ruth Morris or Nikki Hart at ruth.morris@methodistaction.co.uk or on 01772 751000.… to make arrangements.

If you wish to donate money... cheques should be made payable to MANW marking it (Blackpool Food Partnership). For information on how to donate online or make a Gift Aid donation so we can reclaim tax see http://www.methodistaction.co.uk/donate/ or contact Ruth Morris at ruth.morris@methodistaction.co.uk or on 01772 751000.


Hungry for More

The new CUF research on Food poverty is just out  see http://www.cuf.org.uk/hungry-for-more

CUF's Tackling Poverty Together Conference with ++Justin 13th November 2013

Together Lancashire may be able to offer some subsidy for train travel to this event...(Tip... unless you have a railcard its probably a lot cheaper to go down to London the night before )   Please contact us if you are interested..
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 09, 2013 10:01 AM
Subject: Tackling Poverty Together Conference

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Tackling Poverty Together Conference:
13th November 2013

We are delighted to welcome Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury, as our conference keynote speaker.

The conference will inspire and equip Christians and churches who are working with the poorest people to transform their lives and communities. We want to celebrate and showcase what the church is doing to tackle poverty, and explore how we can respond effectively and appropriately to the needs around us. The day will include workshops on key issues such as asset-based community development, credit unions, urban theology, responding to universal credit and how to recruit and retain volunteers.

Venue, the Old Town Hall, Stratford, home of the Olympics.

Tickets are £10 each, which includes lunch and refreshments.

Booking is now open. Spaces are limited so please book straight away at https://tacklingpovertytogether.eventbrite.com/

Poverty App and Look-Up Tool

We have recently launched a new app that allows you to enter your postcode or your location via GPS and see where your parish ranks, nationally or within the diocese, on ten different poverty indicators including child poverty, pensioner poverty and life expectancy.

This app and the accompanying web-based tool incorporates the latest Census data and other more recent data sets and reveals the marked inequality that exists in England.

In affluent parishes, less than 1% of children live in poverty and boys can expect to live for 85 years or more. In the most deprived parishes, up to two thirds of children live in poverty and male life expectancy is less than 70 years.

Poverty is heavily concentrated in the north of England and in urban and coastal areas, with almost half of all parishes in Liverpool, Birmingham and Manchester in the 10% most deprived in England. By contrast, no parishes in Guildford, Hereford or Salisbury diocese rank in the 10% most deprived.

The Tackling Poverty Together App is available from the Apple App Store for iOS and the Google Play Store for Android. The new data is also available on the website.

Read the 4-page summary report on Poverty in Numbers 2013 »

Hungry for More

How are churches responding to the issue of food poverty?

Church Urban Fund has just published a new report about food poverty. This report, called 'Hungry for More: how churches can address the root causes of food poverty', reflects on how churches are responding to this growing issue. 

Using responses to a recent survey, it explores whether churches are providing emergency relief, supporting people in crisis situations when they are unable to buy food, or whether they are helping to tackle the underlying causes of those crises and so contribute to a long-term solution to food poverty.

Download our key findings here. 

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Church Urban Fund, Church House, Great Smith Street, London SW1P 3AZ
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Registered Charity number 297483.

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'£37 a week pay drop' in Lancashire

Workers in Lancashire are earning an average of £37 per week less than they were five years ago, a TUC survey has revealed. Earnings in the county have fallen by 8.3 per cent in real terms as wage rises have not kept pace with inflation and rising costs. The average hourly rate has fallen from £11.32 in 2007 to £10.38 in 2012. That means £37.63 per week less in workers' pockets. The North West is the hardest hit region in the UK. Here average hourly pay has fallen from £11.43 in 2007 to £10.52 in 2012 – an eight per cent real terms drop.

News from CURBS for those involved in Children's work

Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2013 5:50 PM
Subject: Re: Your term ahead

Hello CURBS friend,
As we start another new term and school year its often a time of mixed emotions for us personally and in our ministry with children...so please remember that the CURBS Project is here to cheer you on, offer you relevant resources and connect you with others working with children in our tougher communities across the UK.
One of the key values of the CURBS Project is 'putting relationship at the heart of our understanding, learning and growth'. It is your relationship with children that has a deep impact as you share our live giving gospel...but this is a tough challenge and often at times seems to bear little fruit. CURBS is committed to supporting you and encouraging you so please use us! You are welcome to call or keep in touch through twitter, facebook or email. Its important that we have positive relationships around us as we seek to offer those to children and families.
All our resources are written by Christians connecting with children and are built on our CURBS approach that believes 'all children are created in God's image and that through positive relationships we build bridges to enable them to experience God's loving care'. They can be used in many contexts including sunday school, afterschool club, holiday club or all age gatherings. Here is a small selection of what is available on our website (www.curbsproject.org.uk):
Paradise Road will connect with children that love TV soap operas and stories! 
The sessions are based on Paradise Road - a mixed community with people of different ages, personalities and racial origins trying to learn how to on with one another. Themes explored include: bullying, loss/separation, disability, growing friendships, forgiveness, valuing others and building community. This resource for children aged 5-11 will help them develop constructive relationships, deal with difficulties and sadness in a positive way, and discover that God cares about the way they relate to others and others relate to them.
One Day Wonders includes 12 great themes for different times of the year and is especially for those of you who struggle to run a regular weekly group.Can be used primarily with children or for all-age events. Includes crafts, Bible stories, games, thinking activities—all designed to build relationships. All events have been tried and tested in real situations. We have had really positive feedback about this resource from people that have dipped in and out of the ideas through the year.
Unmasking Halloween is a resource focussed on exploring and reclaiming the positive aspects of Halloween, recognising that God is all-powerful. This pick and mix kit is for 5-11s and explores the different angles of this 'hot potato' and where we might draw the line. Explores aspects that hold a fascination for kids: the scary, the gross, the unknown, the dark. Looks at questions to weigh up and reclaims aspects of Halloween that we sometimes avoid. Includes a range of activities including discussion starters, crafts, games, baking, exploring the Bible, finding out activities..
And finally....some comments from people that have used our CURBS resources....
"Its great to have bible based material to draw from its allowed me to get others involved in doing bits which are easily laid out and that they can follow - that's new for our folk and hopefully is also helping to grow the Church".
"What really works is the fact that the Paradise Road stories start with an issue and then move to a Bible perspective rather than the other way round and this leads to lively and hopefully thought provoking discussion".
"...we used Peacemakers Holiday club material this summer, it was the best response we have had here about the material covered".
"We've been using CURBS resources for nearly a year now, and they are the only ones that are written with our kind of children in mind. Most other resources expect a far higher level of literacy, ability to concentrate and sit still, and general cultural literacy/experience than our children have".
Please also find below  an information flyer for an event we are hosting in November in Birmingham for those of you who are connecting with children and families of other faiths. Please pass this on to anyone who would be interested.
With many blessings for your term ahead,
Kate and the CURBS team

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