From: CURBS Project
Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2013 5:50 PM
Subject: Re: Your term ahead
Hello CURBS friend,
As we start another new term and school year its often a time of mixed emotions for us personally and in our ministry with please remember that the CURBS Project is here to cheer you on, offer you relevant resources and connect you with others working with children in our tougher communities across the UK.
One of the key values of the CURBS Project is 'putting relationship at the heart of our understanding, learning and growth'. It is your relationship with children that has a deep impact as you share our live giving gospel...but this is a tough challenge and often at times seems to bear little fruit. CURBS is committed to supporting you and encouraging you so please use us! You are welcome to call or keep in touch through twitter, facebook or email. Its important that we have positive relationships around us as we seek to offer those to children and families.
All our resources are written by Christians connecting with children and are built on our CURBS approach that believes 'all children are created in God's image and that through positive relationships we build bridges to enable them to experience God's loving care'. They can be used in many contexts including sunday school, afterschool club, holiday club or all age gatherings. Here is a small selection of what is available on our website (
The sessions are based on Paradise Road - a mixed community with people of different ages, personalities and racial origins trying to learn how to on with one another. Themes explored include: bullying, loss/separation, disability, growing friendships, forgiveness, valuing others and building community. This resource for children aged 5-11 will help them develop constructive relationships, deal with difficulties and sadness in a positive way, and discover that God cares about the way they relate to others and others relate to them.
Unmasking Halloween is a resource focussed on exploring and reclaiming the positive aspects of Halloween, recognising that God is all-powerful. This pick and mix kit is for 5-11s and explores the different angles of this 'hot potato' and where we might draw the line. Explores aspects that hold a fascination for kids: the scary, the gross, the unknown, the dark. Looks at questions to weigh up and reclaims aspects of Halloween that we sometimes avoid. Includes a range of activities including discussion starters, crafts, games, baking, exploring the Bible, finding out activities..
And finally....some comments from people that have used our CURBS resources....
"Its great to have bible based material to draw from its allowed me to get others involved in doing bits which are easily laid out and that they can follow - that's new for our folk and hopefully is also helping to grow the Church".
"What really works is the fact that the Paradise Road stories start with an issue and then move to a Bible perspective rather than the other way round and this leads to lively and hopefully thought provoking discussion".
"...we used Peacemakers Holiday club material this summer, it was the best response we have had here about the material covered".
"We've been using CURBS resources for nearly a year now, and they are the only ones that are written with our kind of children in mind. Most other resources expect a far higher level of literacy, ability to concentrate and sit still, and general cultural literacy/experience than our children have".
Please also find below an information flyer for an event we are hosting in November in Birmingham for those of you who are connecting with children and families of other faiths. Please pass this on to anyone who would be interested.
With many blessings for your term ahead,
Kate and the CURBS team
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