Together Lancashire may be able to offer some subsidy for train travel to this event...(Tip... unless you have a railcard its probably a lot cheaper to go down to London the night before ) Please contact us if you are interested..
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 09, 2013 10:01 AM
Subject: Tackling Poverty Together Conference
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| Tackling Poverty Together Conference: 13th November 2013 We are delighted to welcome Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury, as our conference keynote speaker. The conference will inspire and equip Christians and churches who are working with the poorest people to transform their lives and communities. We want to celebrate and showcase what the church is doing to tackle poverty, and explore how we can respond effectively and appropriately to the needs around us. The day will include workshops on key issues such as asset-based community development, credit unions, urban theology, responding to universal credit and how to recruit and retain volunteers. Venue, the Old Town Hall, Stratford, home of the Olympics. Tickets are £10 each, which includes lunch and refreshments. Booking is now open. Spaces are limited so please book straight away at |

| Poverty App and Look-Up Tool We have recently launched a new app that allows you to enter your postcode or your location via GPS and see where your parish ranks, nationally or within the diocese, on ten different poverty indicators including child poverty, pensioner poverty and life expectancy. This app and the accompanying web-based tool incorporates the latest Census data and other more recent data sets and reveals the marked inequality that exists in England. In affluent parishes, less than 1% of children live in poverty and boys can expect to live for 85 years or more. In the most deprived parishes, up to two thirds of children live in poverty and male life expectancy is less than 70 years. Poverty is heavily concentrated in the north of England and in urban and coastal areas, with almost half of all parishes in Liverpool, Birmingham and Manchester in the 10% most deprived in England. By contrast, no parishes in Guildford, Hereford or Salisbury diocese rank in the 10% most deprived. The Tackling Poverty Together App is available from the Apple App Store for iOS and the Google Play Store for Android. The new data is also available on the website. Read the 4-page summary report on Poverty in Numbers 2013 » |

| How are churches responding to the issue of food poverty? Church Urban Fund has just published a new report about food poverty. This report, called 'Hungry for More: how churches can address the root causes of food poverty', reflects on how churches are responding to this growing issue. Using responses to a recent survey, it explores whether churches are providing emergency relief, supporting people in crisis situations when they are unable to buy food, or whether they are helping to tackle the underlying causes of those crises and so contribute to a long-term solution to food poverty. Download our key findings here. | |

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