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Friday, 28 February 2014
Funding to Tackle Fuel Poverty - deadline 26 August 2014
Woodward Charitable Trust - Summer Playscheme Grants Programme - deadline 1 April 2014
Latest stats on benefits sanctions
Thursday, 27 February 2014
Welfare and poverty: why are church leaders out of step with their flocks?
Bishop to lead Parliamentary Inquiry into Foodbanks and Food Poverty
News from Church of England
Bishop to lead Parliamentary Inquiry into Foodbanks and Food Poverty
Wednesday, 26 February 2014
Mark Yaconelli in Preston - 11 May 2014
The workshop is ideal for ministers, organisational leaders, social justice activists, teachers, parents, and anyone who seeks practical training in compassionate living. Individuals who attend the workshop will: Develop skills for self-compassion; Learn how to identify and transform difficult emotions; Develop techniques for relating to colleagues, clients, friends, family members, and even enemies with genuine compassion; Understand how to participate in social actions that confront injustice from a grounded place of truth rather than reactive anger.
Monday, 24 February 2014
Distributing large quantities of food around the county
Hi Guys,I need your help!Please could you make a donation towards the purchase of a van so that I can continue to run the wholesale food bank?I have been offered a really good van at a reduced price and therefore urgently need to raise £2000 to cover the cost of the van, insurance and breakdown cover.I have to return my current vehicle by the end of the month!On a brighter note I have now secured a contract with Kelloggs to collect cereals and snacks in bulk from their Manchester factory - which will enable me to supply all the soup kitchens and food banks on my data base with heaps of goodies!Thank you for your support.Donations can be paid direct into my bank account - please contact me for further details.ThanksSandra Royle
Greg Smith
Development Co-ordinator Together Lancashire / Preston Christian Action Network
Phone - Mobile 07726177044
Together Lancashire, registered office Church House, Blackburn BB1 5AA
Registered Charity no 1147848 Registered company no 07966145
Together Lancashire Website
See also PCAN Website or and
BLOG (you can sign up there to receive news and information updates by email)

Archbishop of York launches Together Grants
Last week, the Archbishop of York visited Handcrafted in Durham with Paul Hackwood to launch Church Urban Fund's new Together Grants.
The Archbishop said: "The Church of England can be very proud of the Church Urban Fund and the work that is done to support the poorest in our society. I am delighted to launch this new £1m Together Grants programme. We are called to bring good news to the poor and the Church Urban Fund helps make this a reality."
There's a report on the visit on the Christian Today website, and more information about Together Grants on the CUF website.
One of the new criteria for Together Grants is the need for applicants to be working together with another church or organisation.
Greg Smith
Development Co-ordinator Together Lancashire / Preston Christian Action Network
Phone - Mobile 07726177044
Thursday, 20 February 2014
Government report on food bank growth published at last.
Monday, 17 February 2014
Leeds Poverty Truth Challenge
Greg Smith
Development Co-ordinator Together Lancashire / Preston Christian Action Network
Phone - Mobile 07726177044
Together Lancashire, registered office Church House, Blackburn BB1 5AA
Registered Charity no 1147848 Registered company no 07966145
Together Lancashire Website
See also PCAN Website or and
BLOG (you can sign up there to receive news and information updates by email)

Friday, 14 February 2014
Engaging Community eNews Feb-Mar 2014