----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 10:46 AM
Subject: Engaging Community eNews Feb-Mar 2014
|  | | |  | Creating choices for disabled people, transforming communities and fighting injustice |  |  | Dear Greg, Welcome to the first edition of 2014.
With the new year comes a new name for the team behind the enews. Livability's Community Mission team will now be known as the Community Engagement team.
We believe the name change will enable us to communicate the whole work of the team more clearly to a range of audiences. That work now not only involves helping churches and Christian projects share God's love by word and deed, but also includes a commitment to seeing disabled people and those suffering from dementia fully included in the life of our churches and communities. The team is also excited to be overseeing the campaigning work of the whole organisation, building on over 160 years of pursuing justice for disabled and disadvantaged people.
We trust this enews will continue to effectively resource churches and Christian community groups passionate about creating inclusive, 'livable' communities seeking happiness and wellbeing for all.
We hope you will enjoy the articles and stories in this edition. They include the first in a series of short video interviews with our great friend Dave Andrews; an update on our dementia friendly churches initiative; a piece on the power of football to transform lives; how to write your own (urban) lament and last, but not least, we have the second of a three-part blog series by Ruth Smith talking about new thinking and new ways. The funding options include grants for summer play schemes; multi-faith volunteering projects and general community projects.
Events include youthwork training days; ideas for youth-led community action,parish nurse training and our ever-popular training day on working with volunteers. We hope you will find this edition inspiring and helpful for your ministry. We appreciate your feedback!
Kind regards,
The enews team
Livability's Community Engagement team
|  | |  | The enews is bought to you by Livability's Community Engagement team
| Quick links to this month's content... | | | | Radical Church part 2 - new thinking and new ways
| Ruth Smith, Community Mission advisor at Livability, has written a three part blog on the nature of church and the challenge to become 'Radical Church'.
In this second part she sympathises with those in the congregation and in the pulpit who struggle with dwindling congregations but is convinced that we must all wrestle with the realities - and find ways of doing things differently....
| | |  | | | | Rediscovering lament as a practice of the Church | This article, from the Estates Learning Network of the Urban Theology Unit explores the theology and practice of lament and argues for its rediscovery as part of our response to poverty. After examining theological and biblical material, the authors outline a practical exercise enabling people to create their own laments. The article concludes with some laments written by ministers and local people from housing estates in the North of England. | | |  | | Homeless FA and the power of football | Homeless FA is demonstrating the power of football to transforming the lives of homeless people. They are also keen to network with anyone using sport in this way and may be operating through a premier league team near you... Read the Guardian article, watch the film and be inspired.
| | |  | | | | Who is my neighbour? An interview with Dave Andrews
| In this first in a series of short interviews with the community development legend Dave Andrews, Dave talks about compassion and community, and urges us to go beyond being Christians to being Christlike.
| | |  | | | | Dementia friendly church update! | In conjunction with the Alzheimer's Society we have now completed training for the Lichfield Diocese and Livability's London staff. This issue is hardly out of the news these days so now is the time to find out more about how Livability can help your church become more dementia friendly. You can also watch our new video here. | | |  | | |  | This month's funding opportunities include grants for summer play schemes; multi-faith volunteering projects, and general community projects.
| | | Together in Service is a new programme designed to support faith groups in undertaking new multi-faith volunteering projects. Small grants of £2,000 and £5,000 are available with money from the Department for Communities and Local Government being administered by FaithAction. Grants are not available for core costs and must be match-funded. Projects must engage people from more than one faith community. Applications can be submitted any time and are then forwarded to the Grant Panel for consideration. A number of training days have been organised for those who are interested in applying. The panel next meets on 26 May 2014. | | | The Hilden Fund accepts applications for their summer play scheme grant from community groups all over the UK and prioritises projects that are inclusive of children from refugee families, and show BME involvement. Organisations with an income of more than £150,000 will not be successful and neither will those applying to fund club or family holidays, or daycare costs. The application deadline is 17 May 2014. | | | The Woodward Charitable Trust | The Woodward Charitable Trust favours small-scale, locally-based summer play schemes run by registered charities whose annual income is under £100,000. Most grants awarded are in the range of £500 to £1,000 with around 35 grants being made each year. Funding is primarily for one-off project costs, but the Trustees are willing to consider funding running costs (including core costs and salaries). The application deadline is 31 March 2014. | | | The Co-operative Membership Community Fund | The Co-operative Membership Community Fund gives grants of between £100 and £2,000 to community or voluntary projects that can demonstrate they are providing good long-term benefits to the community and they support co-operative values and principles. Applicants will need to provide details of an independent referee who can vouch for them. Funding is available for running costs, help towards rent/fixtures and sport or computer equipment. Decisions are made by area committees made up of elected members who generally meet every other month. | | | |  | Events this month include training for those who want to become parish nurses, those working with volunteers or young people plus a youth-led community action opportunity.
| | | When: 11th March 2014 Where: St Catherine's Church Centre, Doncaster Road, Wakefield, WF1 5HL Time: 9.45am - 3.30pm Costing only £25 per person, this is our ever-popular interactive and practical one day course designed to help you get the best out of your volunteers. The day will focus on: understanding why people volunteer for Christian projects; why the best projects are full of volunteers; motivating others, and dealing with tricky issues when Christians are supposed to be 'nice'! The day will be also include a session for those who work, or are looking to work with volunteers who have disabilities, in particular people with learning difficulties.
| | | When: 28 April and 23 June Where: Hill House Christian Centre, Otterhampton, Bridgwater, TA5 2PT Time: 10.30-5.30
Over the year, South West Youth Ministries are hosting a number of professional development training days. If you are a full time or voluntary youth worker these days are designed especially for you. Events include 'The future of faith in education' and 'Faith-based youth work and the big society'. Each event costs only £30 per day. Amaze members can book online at Amaze or you can send cheques to SWYM. For further information follow the link below. | | | When: 3-5 May 2014 Where: Where you are! Time: Anytime over the weekend
As part of Hope UK's Year of Mission 2014, youth groups everywhere are being encouraged to hold a weekend of youth-led community action incorporating words and deed over the May Bank Holiday. The Big Weekender has developed from what was called the 'Noise' weekend through Soul Action and Soul Survivor. It started with 30 volunteers in 2001 and in 2012 involved nearly 900 volunteers working in eight different communities in Bristol. There's lots of help and resources available through the link below or you can watch the promo video here. | | | When: 12-15 May 2014 Where: Birmingham
Parish Nursing Ministries UK is responsible for training people for this exciting collaborative concept involving the delivery of whole person healthcare by registered nurses who are employed by the local church. They also promote the concept and help churches and nurses to develop it. Residential introductory courses for potential parish nurses run two or three times per year. | | | | | | | You'll be known as those who can fix anything, restore old ruins, rebuild and renovate, make the community livable again. | | Isaiah 58:12 The Message version | | | | | | |
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