----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2014 12:48 PM
Subject: Tackling Poverty Together February 2014
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| Just Love Lent - Church Urban Fund lent resources Everyone longs for love. Who could possibly be against it? It seems uncontroversial. Jesus was the only human to love perfectly. The response of his fellow humans was to execute him brutally. Love is more controversial – more disruptive – than we realise. This Lent we have a range of resources based around a new book written by Angus Ritchie of the Contextual Theology Centre and our Chair Paul Hackwood. Just Love uses the Gospel readings for Lent to explore how Jesus loved, and why this love led him to the cross. It draws out the implications of his transforming love – both for our individual lives and for our social and economic order. The book is available to order on line at Amazon here and the kindle version is also available. Resources will be available shortly for individuals, small groups, children / young people and a sermon outline. Register here. |

| Training Event on Asset-Based Community Development Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) is an approach that challenges the way poverty is often understood. In contrast to needs-based approaches, it uses the skills and capacities of local people to build strong and sustainable communities - not 'solving what's wrong' but 'building on what's strong'. We are holding a training day that will introduce the main principles of ABCD and provide suggestions about how it can be put into practice by churches. The event: 10am – 4pm, Thursday 10 April in Birmingham. Book your place here. |

| Latest research report: building support for credit unions Following Archbishop Justin's comments on credit unions last summer, our latest research report aims to shed light on how best to encourage churchgoers to engage with this sector. The report makes recommendations about the steps that need to be taken to significantly increase membership of credit unions amongst churchgoers. Download the report here. The findings will be discussed at a General Synod fringe event: 1.15pm, Weds 12 February. If you would like to come along please email bethany.eckley@cuf.org.uk | Note for your diaries - Sunday 22 June is Poverty Sunday. An ideal time to raise awareness of the issues and update people about the work of Church Urban Fund and the Together Network. We will be developing resources in due course and remember churches can hold a poverty Sunday at any time that is suitable during the year. | |

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