----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2014 11:18 AM
Subject: Debra's Latest Book - Get Your Copy Today *Also available as an E-Book*
| Friends of ROC,
We wanted to let you now about Debra's latest book. With over 20 years' experience in community transformation Debra shares her stories and the journeys of many others to inspire readers that it is possible to make a difference.
This book isn't just full of good ideas - they actually work and have been proven by groups up and down the country. The principles contained within can transform communities - for good!
Written from a strongly biblical basis, this book will be of special interest for Christians, particularly those in church leadership - explaining how the ROC model of working in partnership with other community groups can be a catalytic factor in bringing about transformation in the local community.
ROC Your World: Changing Communities for Good - £8.99 E-book version also available online - £5.99
CLICK HERE to order your copy now
ROC Office Team
Book Endorsements:
"Debra has followed the leadings of God and has found that a model of multi-agency partnership, mixed with meeting the most pressing local needs, mixed with prayer and faith really works." Ness Wilson – Senior Leader, Open Heaven Church, Loughborough "I like ROC's approach to improving community life and am glad to see projects already taking root in Scotland." Sally Magnusson, broadcaster 'Bursting with hope this wonderful book inspires, challenges and encourages all at the same time! Our communities can be restored and this amazing book will be catalytic to greater change. Buy it and live it and we will begin to see our nation transformed in the name of Jesus one community at a time' Gavin Calver – National Director of Youth For Christ
"Debra Green is a pioneer; pressing into areas of life and ministry where the Church is called to be. This book demands a response. God has called us to partner with Him in His mission. Debra paints a picture of the difference we can make if we love as Christ's disciples in the world around us. Don't just read this book, live it!" Malcolm Duncan – Leader, Goldhill Baptist Church; Chair, Spring Harvest Planning Group "If you've ever wanted to change your corner of the world for good and wondered how to do it, here is your essential guide. Few people have the know-how and experience to write it, but as you read Debra's inspirational stories of God's redeeming love and power, I defy you not to get up from your armchair and go out with a new passion and excitement to follow the call of Jesus wherever he takes you." Michele Guiness – Author & Speaker "Finally the Church is waking up to the enormous opportunities to demonstrate the gospel to our communities. Redeeming Our Communities is leading the charge." Alan McWilliam – Leader, Whiteinch Church of Scotland and Clan Gathering "Over the last 20 years Debra Green has learnt vital lessons in reaching out to communities, combining prayer and relationship building with Holy Spirit inspired action and ROC has emerged as a gift to the body of Christ in the UK. With 50 projects already up and running, thousands are being helped every week. This is the Church at work combining the good news of the gospel with very practical demonstrations of God's love in action. This book will inspire and equip us to better serve Jesus in his mission to the world. Steve Clifford General Director, Evangelical Alliance
'Sometimes change needs a helping hand. Especially change for the better and that is exactly what ROC is doing by pulling together all sectors of the community for the benefit of the community. ROC is growing and it's heading your way' Midge Ure OBE – Ultravox, Co-founder Live Aid, Band Aid
'I have been really inspired by the story of Redeeming Our Communities. Debra's bold steps of faith and servant-hearted engagement are a great example to us all to step out and see hope restored to our communities.' Billy Kennedy - Senior Leader | New Community Pioneer Network
"This book will both challenge and inspire. In an age that questions whether real and lasting change is possible, read on and be encouraged!" Matt Baggott – Chief Constable Police Service of Northern Ireland
"I rejoice in the many ways in which God has used ROC as a catalyst for community transforming ministry in so many places across our nation, and I am continually thrilled to see the impact of our own ROC cafe upon young people in one of the communities served by our church. Debra Green's latest book is packed full of stories of God's work to inspire you and to excite you about what is possible when ordinary people partner with God to see extraordinary things come about." Ian Parkinson - Senior Pastor All Saints Marple / Regional Director New Wine North
" ROC is about galvanising the Christian communities to get out of their churches and start engaging with their local communities and to provide help and support where it is needed most. ROC is about the Christian faith in action changing peoples' lives through deeds and not just words. As a senior police officer I see ROC as an essential part of neighbourhood policing and one that makes a real difference to local communities and peoples lives. " Paul Netherton - Assistant Chief Constable Devon and Cornwall Police | Follow us: Subscribe to Debra's Blog: 
Redeeming Our Communities T: 0161 946 2373 E: info@roc.uk.com W: www.roc.uk.com Lancaster House | Harper Road | Sharston | Manchester | M22 4RG Registered Charity England & Wales 1139817 | Scotland SC044606 | Registered Company 7327258 | |
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