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Tuesday, 30 September 2014
Helping Hand Newsletter 2014

Tudor Trust Grants
Tackling Poverty Together -- CUF Newsletter
'Pray and fast for the climate'
an initiative to mobilise Christians to fast and pray on the first of every month for a
Saturday 1
st November 2014 1.30 4.30 p.m.St. Peter's Roman Catholic Cathedral, Lancaster
All are welcome for all or part of this free event which will include simple liturgical worship, prayer information stations and a film ..
You can download two different posters for your noticeboard here.
Monday, 22 September 2014
Homeless Sunday - 18 January 2015... preliminary information
Church Credit Champion Network - Merseyside Co-ordinator
The Network aims to harness the resources of local churches to increase access to responsible credit and savings in their communities through support for community finance providers like credit unions. The Network has the active support of the Archbishop of Canterbury's Task Group on Responsible Credit and Savings and is at the cutting edge of the Church's response to exploitative lending initiated by Archbishop Justin in the summer of 2013.
The new Co-ordinator will work as part of the Church Credit Champions Network team, with primary responsibility for promoting and delivering the pilot activities of the Network in Merseyside. This will include helping churches engage with issues of money, credit and debt in their community, identifying and training a diverse and dynamic group of leaders, and helping them to turn goodwill and energy into tangible action which benefits community finance providers.
This is a fixed-term two year post and full details can be found on the Diocese of Liverpool website. Closing date for applications is 3 October 2014. Please pass on to anyone you think will be interested.
Blackpool Council's 'Ready to Switch?' scheme is open once again
Friday, 19 September 2014
An invitation to meet with Blackpool Council
Dear Faith Leader
We would like to invite you or a representative of your organisation to a meeting we are hosting for all key Faith leaders across Blackpool.
The purpose of this is to provide an opportunity to discuss opportunities arising from a new report from the Church Urban Fund, http://www.cuf.org.uk/blog/good-neighbours-how-churches-help-communities-flourish ahead of a forthcoming further meeting with the Bishop of Lancaster, Rt Rev Geoff Pearson.
The meeting will be held at 4pm on Monday 29th September, in Blackpool Town Hall. We do hope you or a representative of your group will be able to attend.
If you would like to accept or decline this invitation, please forward this to Andy Divall, Pay, Equality and Policy Manager, Blackpool Council (andy.divall@blackpool.gov.uk).
Kind regards.
Rev Christopher Wren, Chairman Blackpool Faith Forum
Meeting with Blackpool Faith Leaders
- Blackpool Town hall, Committee Room A, 4pm Monday 29th September 2014
(Provisional) Agenda
- Background
To explain the rationale for this meeting
- The Blackpool Faith Forum , past , present and future
To reflect on the work and structure of the Faith forum and discuss the capacity for future inter faith dialogue in Blackpool.
- Good Neighbours report
To consider the recent publication and its potential significance for working together in
- Existing scope of joint working on social regeneration
To reflect on existing practice and initiatives within Blackpool
5. Future meeting arrangements and topics.
Greg Smith
Development Co-ordinator Together Lancashire / Preston Christian Action Network
Phone - Mobile 07726177044
Postal Address and registered office : Together Lancashire,
UNIT 250, Glenfield Park Business Centre, Blakewater Road, Blackburn, BB1 5QH
Registered Charity no 1147848 Registered company no 07966145
Together Lancashire Website http://www.cuf.org.uk/together-lancashire
See also PCAN Website www.pcan.org.uk or and
BLOG http://prestonchristianactionnetwork.blogspot.com/ (you can sign up there to receive news and information updates by email)

Some current funding opportunities
ASDA Foundation Community Grants Programme
Max. Value: £ 20,000
Deadline: 30 Sep 2014
Grants are available for not-for-profit organisations to develop stronger better connected communities across the UK by targeting the key social issues that are affecting local communities.
Green Hall Foundation
Max. Value: £ 10,000
Deadline: 30 Sep 2014
Grants for UK registered charities undertaking projects that support the homeless, older people and church and community projects.
National Churches Trust - Community Grants
Max. Value: Discretionary
Deadline: 01 Oct 2014
Funding is available for projects which introduce facilities to enable increased community use of places of worship in the UK, Isle of Man and Channel Islands.
Max. Value: Discretionary
Deadline: 01 Oct 2014
More research briefings on poverty from Joseph Rowntree Foundation
Conditional welfare arrangements require people to behave in a certain way to access cash benefits, housing or support services.
These conditions tend to be enforced through penalties or 'sanctions' that reduce, suspend or end access to these goods.
This Round-up considers how effective welfare conditionality is, what the impacts are, how different groups fare, and to what extent it can be morally justified.
It finds that:
- benefit sanctions are disproportionately affecting young people under 25, and there is evidence of severe impacts on homeless people and other vulnerable groups;
- international evidence indicates that benefit sanctions substantially raise exits from benefits, and may increase short-term job entry; but there are unfavourable longer-term outcomes for earnings, job quality and employment retention;
- there are concerns that welfare conditionality can have unintended consequences, including: distancing people from support; causing hardship and even destitution; displacing rather than resolving issues such as street homelessness and anti-social behaviour; and negative impacts on 'third parties', particularly children.
"Serious About Transformation" eNews: September 2014
Sent: 05 September 2014 08:59
To: Greg Smith
Subject: "Serious About Transformation" eNews: September 2014
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