Sent: Friday, August 29, 2014 11:19 AM
Subject: Weekly publications and blogs: August 2014 Update
| Weekly publications and blogs: w/b 11th August to 25th August 2014 | | | To help build the evidence for JRF's anti-poverty strategy, we commissioned researchers to carry out reviews of existing policy and research on a wide range of social issues that are related to poverty. The 33 studies in this collection are the findings of those reviews, and there are links to more detailed reports by the research teams, where available. | | This publication summarises the main findings from research commissioned by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation into the links between poverty and ethnicity, suggesting how poverty may be tackled across all ethnicities in the UK. | | Ethnicity matters when it comes to tackling poverty. But, says Helen Barnard, it's not about broad generalisations. | | Local councils in Scotland continue to face severe challenges and hard choices in reducing expenditure on services in line with UK public spending cuts. Cuts can have short-term financial benefits but negative impacts may take longer to be revealed. This paper: - explores how councils in Scotland can adequately consider social and community risks when making austerity cuts to services;
- identifies barriers to better risk assessment and how to overcome these;
- considers opportunities to promote impact assessment through new policies on joint working in health and social care, and community planning partnerships.
| | Poverty alone doesn't necessarily lead to poor exam results. We need to look at attitudes among families, communities and schools, says Sam Freedman. | | With the cost of bringing up a child now approaching £90 a week, the government needs to do more to help low-earning families, says Katie Schmuecker. |  | | | | No longer wish to receive these alerts? Unsubscribe here (warning: choosing this link will unsubscribe you instantly) | |
| | The Joseph Rowntree Foundation seeks to understand the root causes of social problems, identify ways of overcoming them, and show how social needs can be met in practice. | | | |
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