----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2014 1:54 PM
Subject: Tackling Poverty Together
If you are having problems reading this e-mail please click here | Sharing Harvest
If your church is still preparing Harvest services, you may want to look at our Harvest Resources, which link the bounty of harvest with the poverty of many in our country. View the Harvest Resources » | 
| Get ready for advent We have also produced resources for reflection during the Advent season that focus on the financial pressure many feel under in getting ready for Christmas. This short term pressure often leads to long term despair for the poorest in our society. Archbishop Justin has advocated strongly against exploitative pay day loans and, of course, it is Christmas time when people feel the most financial pressure. Our Advent Resources help individuals and churches to engage with these issues. We have produced a free online Advent Calendar with short videos, reflections and prayer for each day of Advent. You can explore Days 1 and 2 by clicking on the doors with photos. You may like to forward this link to friends and family or other members of your church. We can send daily reminders and a link for the calendar if you register here. | "You can do things that I cannot do.
I can do things that you cannot do.
Together we can do great things."
Mother Teresa
| Together As the Church of England's response to poverty in this country, our aim is to inform, inspire, resource and support churches as they work to tackle poverty and build community. We take what Jesus says about loving God and loving our neighbours seriously.
We are passionate about bringing God's love, hope and justice to the poorest and most marginalised people in England, empowering them to transform their lives. And we believe the local church is uniquely placed to bring lasting change to its community. Find out more here.
And you can see how Church Urban Fund is investing in communities here.
Any help you or your church can provide in engaging with these issues or supporting this work means more lives can be transformed www.cuf.org.uk/get-involved |
| Church Urban Fund, Church House, Great Smith Street, London SW1P 3AZ T 020 7898 1647 F 020 7898 1601 E enquiries@cuf.org.uk W www.cuf.org.uk Registered Charity number 297483. |
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