Local Churches Tackling Poverty Together

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Monday, 23 February 2015

Fw: The JRF General Election Hub Launch special newsletter

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Sent: Monday, February 23, 2015 11:31 AM
Subject: The JRF General Election Hub Launch special newsletter

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Joseph Rowntree Foundation | Search Demonstrate Influence
Weekly publications and blogs: w/b 9th February 2015

The JRF General Election Hub

Today is the launch of JRF's new 2015 General Election Hub, the place for those seeking information about the policies underneath the politics ahead of the polls. On the site you'll find rolling analysis of the parties' pre-election pledges and useful facts about the Government's performance around several major policy issues including living standards, work and housing.

Get involved in the discussion on twitter by following us on @jrf_uk or by using the hashtag #ge2015

Publication: The low pay, no-pay cycle

Low pay is endemic in the UK labour market. While the issue has recently moved to the forefront of the public debate on employment and job quality, it is a longstanding feature of the UK economy. More than one in five workers in the UK experience low pay, a proportion that has changed little in more than 25 years.

Blog: It's time to give Britain a pay rise and improve our low-wage economy

Better pay makes sense all round, as workers are not the only ones to benefit – employers reap the rewards too, says Louise Woodruff.

Climate Just web tool

The UK is increasingly under threat from the effects of climate change, and disadvantaged neighbourhoods are likely to be hit hardest.

The Climate Just web tool, launched earlier this month, will help practitioners in England address issues of social vulnerability to climate change. The website has been developed in partnership by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Climate UK, the University of Manchester and the Environment Agency.

It provides free support to local authorities and others who provide services to socially vulnerable people.

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The Joseph Rowntree Foundation seeks to understand the root causes of social problems, identify ways of overcoming them, and show how social needs can be met in practice.

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Please write your stories and reflections of Christian social action in Lancashire

We are still looking for people to write for our new blog.. Have a look to see the kind of thing we are interested in and the style we are trying to establish

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holiday meals for kids

Hope 4 Summer 

For many families the summer holidays are a struggle. With the children at home looking for activities and treats and no free school meals, budgets are stretched. During the summer of 2013 both Middlesbrough FoodBank and Safe Families For Children saw a big rise in referrals as vulnerable families struggled to cope.

 Hope 4 Summer 2014 was a practical grass roots response to offer support to families struggling during the summer holidays. Local churches worked together to offer some hope to local families by leading fun activity clubs for children, with a healthy meal provided, in a safe place so that parents could have a break. Sessions were either free or cost no more than 50p.

 Hope 4 Summer is a great example of churches and Christian projects working together to make a difference to hundreds of children and families. To find out more watch the film, and if you want to be involved during summer 2015 please get in touch.

Here is the direct link to you tube

Greg Smith

Development Co-ordinator Together Lancashire / Preston Christian Action Network

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Friday, 20 February 2015

My new guest post on the Church Action on Poverty Blog

In this piece I want to concentrate on the political response of Evangelical Christians to poverty, significant as it is in the context of the forthcoming general election. The report of our September 2014 survey of over 2,000 evangelicals on the theme of politics has just been published. It shows that in terms of voting intentions they are perplexed and divided as they seek to balance Biblical imperatives for social justice with traditional Christian standards of personal morality.

Greg Smith

Development Co-ordinator Together Lancashire / Preston Christian Action Network

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Help the Homeless Grant Scheme

Help The Homeless's main funding remit is the regular allocation of grants (generally up to £5,000) for capital costs to small and medium-sized registered charities only (those with a turnover of under £1m per annum).

All applications must relate to projects that assist individuals in their return to mainstream society, rather than simply offer shelter or other forms of sustenance.



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Thursday, 19 February 2015

CUF Lent appeal

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Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2015 2:16 PM
Subject: Lent appeal

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Tackling poverty together - Church Urban Fund

Dear Friend,

The start of Lent generally marks the beginning of a period of fasting or abstinence – a choice most of us make voluntarily. But for hundreds of thousands of adults fasting has become a way of life – a desperate choice between heating their homes and having enough food for themselves and their children.

People like Michelle.

'I was in employment when I went along to the foodbank and I was crying because I just couldn't cope. I should be able to provide for my family. It's always upsetting coming away from the foodbank because you don't want to do it, but you don't feel like you've got a choice.' 

Half of people in poverty now live in a household where someone works.

  • Over 900,000 people received emergency food from Trussell Trust foodbanks alone, in 2014
  • Benefit delays and low income made up more than 50% of referrals to Trussell Trust foodbanks in 2013 – 2014
  • From 2003-2013, Britain experienced the highest food inflation across Western economies

Church Urban Fund supports hundreds of churches around the country, helping people who need to access foodbanks with emergency food provision and longer-term strategies to prevent food poverty.

At the start of Lent will you help us do more to give people like Michelle the chance for a happier ending to their story?

With every blessing,

Canon Paul Hackwood
Executive Chair

Church Urban Fund
Church House, Great Smith Street, London SW1P 3AZ
T 020 7898 1647   E enquiries@cuf.org.uk
Registered Charity number 297483.

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Fw: Evangelical votes are up for grabs

A survey of evangelical Christians has revealed that nearly double the national average intend to vote in this year's general election. Four in 10 say they will change their vote from 2010. The government parties have lost significant support while smaller parties and Labour gained.

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Monday, 16 February 2015

Event for People involved in Youth Work - 4th March - Macclesfield

Sounds good... not too far away from Lancashire

Proving our Value: the merits and perils of current approaches

Adopting 'outcomes-based approaches' are an increasing necessity for those of us seeking external funding for our work. Our day will explore the virtues and vices of various approaches and seek to develop thinking about Christian frameworks for understanding outcomes and how we evaluate our work.  The day will include 'Open Space' style discussions and workshops on specific approaches.

With:  Speakers and workshops from: Frontier Youth Trust, Worth Unlimited, StreetSpace and Cre8 Maccelsfield.

When:   Wednesday 4th March 2015, 10 am to 4 pm

Where:St Barnabas Church, Lyme Avenue, Macclesfield SK11 7RS

Who is the event for:Youth Workers and managers who want to explore the issue of outcomes and how they can fit with Christian youth work and values driven organisations.

Cost:  The event is free but we reserve the right to charge £25 if you fail to turn up on the day.

Food:   Drinks will be provided but you will need to bring your own lunch (it's a free event after all!)


Book your place here http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/proving-our-value-tickets-15403492260


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Volunteers Needed in Blackpool

Together Lancashire recently held a meeting of several churches in the town who are developing projects to help people find work and increase their online skills.
Volunteers are needed to mentor people as they search for work online, develop cvs and use the internet to claim benefits.
Familiarity with IT  is essential but social skills are even more valuable. Sessions usually weekly daytime, various days and venues.
To find out more and offer your help click the link below

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Friday, 13 February 2015

Newsletter from The Challenge ....

Of interest to those working with young people
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2015 4:48 PM
Subject: Newsletter from The Challenge

News and Updates from The Challenge Lancashire Team
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Welcome to the NCS Lancashire Newsletter, brought to you by NCS with The Challenge. Here at The Challenge we thought it was about time that you heard about what we get up to on our NCS Programme and the wonderful Partners that we work with.

First of all, lets introduce you to... 

The Team


Team BWELL: introducing Jonny, Luke, Helen and Dave. These guys are responsible for setting up and delivering the programme in Blackpool, Burnley West Lancashire, Wigan and Leigh.
Team BAP: introducing Zoe, Claire, Sarah and Esther. This team is responsible for setting up and delivering the NCS Programme Blackburn and Preston. 

Meet Karla

I'm Karla the assistant graduate manager for the North West. This year we have lots of great opportunities for the graduates of the NCS programme. You will have chance to meet back up with friends, make new ones, build on your skills, learn new ones and take part in events and projects in your community. Don't miss out! Look out for emails and posts on the NCS North West Facebook page. We hope to see you soon!
NCS Updates: 

With the intention of making our programme more youth led - we have made some changes to our The Real Challenge Action/Design part of our programme. Each team will be partnered up with an organisation for several projects they have to plan- beginning with a social action day to directly benefit their partner.. Young people then raise money to directly fund their project and can potentially raise additional funds to give as a donation. In September, each team carries out their project. Finally, teams design and run a social action campaign influenced by their partnering organisation.

Hopefully, this will lead to the Young People making a last impact in the community as well as forming a stronger connection with our Partners

Partner Spotlight

During September all of our NCS participants took part in various sponsor events across Lancashire to raise money for local charities.  In Preston we had over 300 young people raising money for the Space Centre, Luv Preston, Emmaus and Seed; and raised over £4000 for these charities.  Their challenge? Bouncing at Preston City Trampoline Club and taking part in a walk around the docks - many wearing onesies and fancy dress!  

Partner Spotlight

In the summer of 2014 NCS with The Challenge were invited to partner with Harwes Farm Trust, a new and exciting social venture in the Colne area. Harwes Farm CIC aims to offer outdoor space for recreation, education and retreat with a focus on sustainable living; spirituality; music and the arts. We managed to arrange two different visits to Harwes Farm to visit Andy and Gill Taylor, the first being a professional visit and the second a social action project.
The professional visit included a tour of the farm and some of the grounds, with an overview of the vision for the Farm. It also included a presentation by a group of NCS delegates about their very own campaign in the Burnley and Pendle region. Andy and Gill were able to give them great feedback on how to improve and develop their campaign plans.
Two teams of 12 NCS young people visited the farm for the social action project day. This entailed a mixture of activities including meeting and learning about the Chickens (including the famous KFC), assisting with some important grounds maintenance and working on the structure for a new planting bed. In conclusion, the event was a rip-roaring success with young people and staff alike being inspired and energised by the work they were able to complete. Many thanks to Andy and Gill at Harwes Farm!
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