----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2015 2:16 PM
Subject: Lent appeal
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| Dear Friend, | |
| The start of Lent generally marks the beginning of a period of fasting or abstinence – a choice most of us make voluntarily. But for hundreds of thousands of adults fasting has become a way of life – a desperate choice between heating their homes and having enough food for themselves and their children. People like Michelle. | 'I was in employment when I went along to the foodbank and I was crying because I just couldn't cope. I should be able to provide for my family. It's always upsetting coming away from the foodbank because you don't want to do it, but you don't feel like you've got a choice.' | Half of people in poverty now live in a household where someone works.
- Over 900,000 people received emergency food from Trussell Trust foodbanks alone, in 2014
- Benefit delays and low income made up more than 50% of referrals to Trussell Trust foodbanks in 2013 – 2014
- From 2003-2013, Britain experienced the highest food inflation across Western economies
Church Urban Fund supports hundreds of churches around the country, helping people who need to access foodbanks with emergency food provision and longer-term strategies to prevent food poverty. At the start of Lent will you help us do more to give people like Michelle the chance for a happier ending to their story?
| With every blessing,  Canon Paul Hackwood Executive Chair
| |
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