Bits & Pieces...From time to time we come across lots of interesting bits & pieces that may, or may not, be of interest/use to you in your own local contexts. Below are links to some of what we've come across this month:
Employment Vacancies:
 YMCA Black Country Group: Executive Head of Enterprise £39,000 - £47,000 (full-time: 37.5 hrs per week) Closing Date: Monday, 23rd February 2015
YMCA Black Country Group is expanding its service delivery across the region, building on the remodelling and sustained development of the past 3 years. The creation of a new Executive Head of Enterprise will provide strategic leadership and development to a range of social enterprises; including nurseries, shops, and the oversight of the new £9.5M enterprise-focused Western Gateway development. To find out more: TLG Manchester Centre Manager Starting Salary: £28,094 - £33,950 Closing Date: Monday, February 9th, 2015 Location: Manchester TLG is looking for a qualified teacher with a passion to turn around the lives of disaffected young people aged 12-16. Leading our Manchester independent school (alternative provision) the Centre Manager will be responsible for delivering exceptional educational programmes with imaginative curricula for disaffected young people, with proven skills and strategies to re-engage those on the verge of exclusion. TLG SE Birmingham Lead Teacher (maternity cover) Starting Salary: £27,747 - £31,690 Working hours: 37.50 Hours Closing Date: Friday, February 27th, 2015 Location: South-East Birmingham (Yardley Wood) An opportunity has arisen for a teacher with a vision and a vocation for supporting young people who are not engaged with mainstream learning to work within our centre. South-East Birmingham TLG Education Centre is a DfE-approved alternative education provider for 11-16 year olds who are at risk of exclusion or have been excluded from school. In our most recent OFSTED inspection in July 2014, the centre was judged as Good, with comments such as "The school's work to keep student's safe and secure is outstanding", "The achievement of the students is good" and "The quality of leadership and management is good". TLG West London Classroom Teacher Starting Salary: £22,000 - £25,000 Closing Date: Monday, March 2nd, 2015 Location: West London (Hammersmith) Working as part of the TLG centre team in West London, the Classroom Teacher post provides a unique opportunity to support young people experiencing educational crisis. To find out more about any of the above TLG vacancies:  
Thrive Team Leader and Thrive Youth Worker, Barton, Oxford. Contract: Both roles are full time (job share applications could be explored) Closing date: Applications for both roles close on Wednesday 11 February 2015 (midnight) Interviews: Week beginning 23 February 2015 Start Date: May-August 2015 - Do you have a heart for hard to reach young people in urban communities with multiple deprivations? - Can you help young people from unchurched and lower literacy backgrounds explore and grow in Christian faith and church life? - Can you commit to 'moving into the neighbourhood' and walking with vulnerable young people for 3 years+? To find out more:

Community Operations Manager (full-time) / Community Missions Manager (full-time) / Community Cafe Manager (part-time) Closing Date: 12th February 2015 ******** Kingsley Hall is a Livability link church. To find out more: 10 Things You Should Drop From Your Life Starting Now... (by Steven Aitchison) We are all doing things in our life that we should drop immediately in order to live a happier life and be the person we truly want to be. We have around 70 years of life (on average). 20 of those years are spent learning about people, love, work, money, and living a life of mistakes in order to make the next 50 years enjoyable. The latter 10 years of our life are spent slowing down. So, we really only have around 40 years to really make a difference and truly create a life that we love. Dropping these 10 things will help you live a much happier, and more enjoyable life… To continue reading:
 Hope and a Future Launch Event: 6th March 2015 Hope and a Future is a new and innovative charity, which aims to support churches to integrate disabled children, young people and their families. Please come to our launch event to find out more and network with others interested in the churches role in disability. Free lunch. To find out more and register for your free ticket:
 External links are selected and reviewed when newsletter is published. However, the IMPACT UK Team is not responsible for the content of external websites. This is because: - we do not produce them or maintain/update them;
- we cannot change them;
- they can be changed without our knowledge or agreement.
Some of our external links may be to websites that also offer commercial services, such as online purchases.
The inclusion of a link to an external website from this newsletter should not be understood to be an endorsement of that website or the site's owners (or their products/services). |
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