Local Churches Tackling Poverty Together

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Monday, 30 March 2015

A Job vacancy at World Healing Crusade (Centre to be!).

We are open to anyone who might like this opportunity.

Whilst in essence we are a Christian organisation

our approach is inclusive and the spiritual background

of any candidate will be irrelevant.

If you could circulate this, I'd be most grateful




476 Lytham Road, Blackpool, England, FY4 1JF



Brief Description:

This is a part time position, requiring commitment, flexibility and creativity.  The ability to work independently and collaboratively within organizational, community and programme teams is essential. 

This position requires a unique combination of office administration and programme administration skills and experience.  The ideal candidate will be proficient using accounting and Microsoft Outlook office suite programmes.  #

This part time position will report to senior management and trustees of the World Healing Crusade, a charitable society based in Blackpool, England.

 If you are interested in finding out more about this position or assessing your suitability, contact Martin or Anne at 01253 343701 or 07909 254604 or email martin.nathanael@btinternet.com


Friday, 27 March 2015

JRF's Destitution in the UK programme

JRF's Destitution in the UK programme focuses on the very bottom of the poverty spectrum – those in the most extreme hardship. Over the last few years there has been growing discussion in the media about destitution, with public figures citing the rising use of food-banks as evidence of an increase. However, there has been remarkably little attention paid to whether there is any solid evidence about the extent of destitution in the UK, what causes it or whether it has changed over recent years.

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

New You Tube video on our Church Urban Fund Together Network

If you want to see how Together Lancashire is part of a national movement take 10 minutes to watch this video.

Church Social Action Conference: 28th May in Preston

Dear friends and Colleagues


Please find at this link


 your invitation / poster to a special conference that has been arranged for 28th May in Preston.


We shall be looking at how churches help communities to flourish and where our politics has taken us.

Do we need to build something new?

What are we / you doing?

What can be done?


Please circulate this among any one you know interested in Christian Social Action – it is an open event and places can be booked on


It is Free, and so is lunch but tickets are limited so early booking is recommended.


With blessings and prayers



Ed Saville

Lead Officer - Social Responsibility Blackburn Diocese

Tel: 01254 658914

Mobile: 07912227144


Unit 250, Glenfield Park Business Centre, Blakewater Road, Blackburn BB1 5QH





Funeral poverty

This is an old article... but I guess its a real issue that is being encountered in our churches... Has anyone good practice to share?
Funeral poverty is an unexpectedly potent indicator of the combined impact of recession, austerity, low wages and the insecure job market. The insurance company Sun Life Direct says funeral poverty has risen by 125% since 2010 – a figure it calculates by assessing the shortfall between the cost of funerals and people's ability to pay.

Cuts hitting poor children hardest, MPs say

Government cuts have disproportionately affected disadvantaged children, a cross-party committee of MPs has said.

Call for a full independent review of the benefit sanctions system

A coalition of major UK Churches, with a combined membership of more than 800,000 people, has welcomed the call for a full independent review of the benefit sanctions system. The recommendation comes in a report from the Work and Pensions Select Committee that has been released today.
A full independent review should be established in the new Parliament, to investigate whether benefit sanctions are being applied appropriately, fairly and proportionately, across the Jobcentre Plus (JCP) network, says the Work and Pensions Committee in a Report published Tuesday 24 March 2015.

Monday, 23 March 2015

The Realities of Poverty in Liverpool - worth a look

In a  new initiative launched in Liverpool on Friday partly sponsored by Together Liverpool. 30 Working families in poverty in the city were followed and interviewed in the follow up to the Mayor's Conference which we ran in 2013. They have produced a book and some videos   the link is www.gettingby.org.uk and the book will be available on the website soon.


Information about Financial Inclusion and Credit Unions

We have just added a page on Financial Inclusion and Credit Unions to the Together Lancashire website including links to local Credit Unions and national initiatives from the Church
Do have a look.. and please share this link

Latest JRF research!


Publication: The cost of the cuts: the impact on local government and poorer communities

How are austerity measures affecting local government and communities?

Cuts to local authority budgets are having a profound effect on the services people receive. The poorest communities and residents are being hardest hit and those least able to cope with service withdrawal are bearing the brunt.



Scottish Power Energy People Trust Funding to Tackle Fuel Poverty (UK) 19 May 2015

The Trust provides grants to registered charities for projects that address fuel poverty. Organisations can apply for grants of up to £50,000 for projects that: Improve home energy efficiency through draught proofing, insulating and or other practical measures; Support front line charities who carry out benefits advice to households missing out on financial help that they are entitled to and provide assistance to reduce or cancel debts for household electricity or gas supply, where such assistance is provided as part of a package of measures aimed at providing customers with long-term relief from fuel poverty. Applications are particularly welcome from charities who work with children, young people and families.

Funding for Digital Projects with a Social Impact (UK) Stage 1 15 April 2015


The Nominet Trust which provides funding and support to technology with a social benefit, has announced that its Social Tech Seed Investment Programme will re-open for applications on the 17th March 2015. Social Tech Seed is an investment programme that offers early-stage investment of between £15,000 and £50,000 to social entrepreneurs and charitable organisations who are looking to develop new ideas to use digital technology for social benefits. This programme provides funding and support to help entrepreneurs nurture, develop and test their ideas. The Trust is looking for applications that demonstrate the potential of technology to tackle some of the big social issues in sectors including: Education; Employability; Healthcare; The environment. The closing date for stage 1 applications will be Wednesday 15th April 2015. Applicants successful at this stage will have to submit a more detailed stage 2 application by the 27th May 2015.

Friday, 20 March 2015

Fw: The Faith Manifesto launches today!

Worth looking at
----- Original Message -----
To: Greg
Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 2:37 PM
Subject: The Faith Manifesto launches today!

The Faith Manifesto launches today!
Welcome to this week's e-news for members of FaithAction!

The Faith Manifesto has arrived!

The Faith Manifesto has been launched today!

With input from you, our members, it has been produced for the attention of politicians, policy makers and funders on behalf of faith groups and contains seven clear proposals.

We aim to enter the political debate ahead of the general election, and make these people aware of the importance and significance of faith groups and what they have to offer.

Daniel Singleton, National Executive Director of FaithAction, said:

"The Manifesto, written with input from FaithAction's members, has some clear challenges and opportunities for central and local government. The role of faith groups and their ability to engage with grassroots social action cannot be ignored in the policy and decision making process. The great work being done by faith groups can go so much further with the right level of partnership and support".

You can read the Faith Manifesto at www.yoursay.faithaction.net and follow the discussion with the Twitter hashtag #faithmanifesto

Strengthening rights and choices for people to live in the community

Consultation closes on 29th May

Norman Lamb, Minister of State for Care and Support, and Gavin Harding MBE, Co-Chair of the Transforming Care Assurance Board, have announced the launch of 'No voice unheard, no right ignored' consultation. 

The consultation explores options on issues such as how people can:
  • be supported to live independently, as part of a community
  • be assured that their views will be listened to
  • challenge decisions about them and about their care
  • exercise control over the support they receive with a Personal Health Budget
  • expect that different health and local services will organise themselves around their needs
  • know that professionals are looking out for their physical health needs as well as their mental health needs
The document also seeks to explore views on a number of issues relating to the Mental Health Act which were raised during the recent consultation on the revised Mental Health Act Code of Practice.

To read more and respond, please click here.

Whose health is it anyway? Web Seminar

Friday March 27th 2015 12.30pm-1.45pm
Is it really possible to turn our insights into practical actions, when providing what patients and carers say they need to help them manage their own care more successfully? The Patients in Control (South) programme has successfully used the insights gathered with CCGs to co-design – with patients/carers – different approaches that are truly built around the needs of the patient.
This seminar will demonstrate the evidence, the process and a very practical example from their work. The peer support model is being tested in three West Kent GP Practices, and Voluntary Action within Kent (VAWK) has been commissioned to provide the practical support for this service.
Please see attached flyer for further information.
To register, please click here.

Meaningful Participation for People with Disabilities - videos now available

In November, The Disability Partnership (Sense, Scope, Mencap and NAS) and NHS England East of England SCN ran a joint event on ensuring that people with disabilities have meaningful participation in healthcare.  Videos from the event are now available, please watch and disseminate these amongst your networks and contacts as applicable.
Highlights video (an overview and taster of the day)
Expert panel session (service users and representatives sharing their experiences and tips for ensuring meaningful participation).
The videos are subtitled and transcripts are available, along with some of the presentations from the day, here.

If you would like any more information please contact Sarah White: sarah.white@sense.org.uk

Friendly Places

We would like to invite you to lend your voice to our Friendly Places Campaign to support those with poor mental health.

Creating a safe and welcoming place for these people is paramount and an important part of making faith too significant to ignore!
Sign the Pledge!

Youth volunteering in health and care

Nesta is working in partnership with the Department of Health to mobilise more young people to help improve patient experience, satisfaction and outcomes in hospitals.  

The programme will support a small number of hospitals to significantly increase the number of young volunteers (16 – 24 year olds) volunteering in the hospital in frontline, impactful roles where their volunteering efforts make a direct difference to patients.  £200,000 is available to hospitals to expand their younger volunteer workforce between April 2015 and March 2016. Applications from VCS organisations working in partnership with Trusts will also be welcomed. The closing date to submit proposals is before 12 Noon on Wednesday 25th March 2015.

Furthers details can be found here.

Too Significant To Ignore

We believe that faith can reach places nothing else can and truly make a difference.

If you agree, please lend your name to our Too Significant to Ignore campaign!
I Agree!

Online Consultations

Faith and Alcohol


Recent News

Remembering the Heroes of the Victoria Cross

Leeds Council signs the Covenant today!

Santander launches £2m awards programme

Mentoring and Befriending Foundation to close and transfer services to NCVO

Upcoming Events

Hate Crime Training for Faith Groups (Nottingham)

Reducing reoffending – the role of Christian based voluntary groups

Evaluating Health and Public Health Initiatives led by Faith-Inspired Groups

Conversation on Youth Obesity

Latest Blogs

Leeds Council signs the Covenant today!
Mar 05, 2015 02:20 pm

We're delighted that Leeds today became the second local authority to adopt the Faith Covenant. This means that Council and faith group representatives have committed to work together to deliver services that meet the city's needs. Chair of Leeds Faith Forum, Canon Charles Dobbin said at […]

Newest Resources

Cabinet and Shadow Cabinet Members

Grant funding for VCS organisations delivering NHS services

Good with Money: new report on charity investment

The Website

Be sure to check out our website to keep up with our latest news, events, resources and more!

And don't forget to keep your profile up-to-date so we can work out the best ways to help you!
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Twitter Selection

@FaithActionnet- 19th March

It's launch day. The is now live here! We're ready to talk to our local candidate- are you?

@CiPolitics- 19th March

The campaign is taking over Parliament Square - join us!

@FaithActionnet- 17th March

Talking about advice 4 midwives-needs 2 b consistent message about not drinking, if there is an issue needs to be written in red book..

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Friendly Places

Faith Health Portal

Together in Service

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