Some important stuff here.. especially opening up the debate on Citizen's income... Much more attractive than the current benefit sanctions destitution policy
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2015 12:32 PM
Subject: Weekly publications and blogs: w/b 2nd March to 11th March 2015
| Weekly publications and blogs: w/b 2nd March to 11th March 2015 | | | How are austerity measures affecting local government and communities? Cuts to local authority budgets are having a profound effect on the services people receive. The poorest communities and residents are being hardest hit and those least able to cope with service withdrawal are bearing the brunt. Find out more about today's new publication here. | | UK austerity measures impact more acutely on disadvantaged groups and communities. Cuts to public services and complex ongoing changes to welfare provision are making daily existence in some communities increasingly challenging. These changes intensify existing societal problems by redistributing risk from state to individuals and communities. | | Calls for a citizen's income have raised the prospect of a simpler method for ensuring everyone has enough to live on. However, its introduction would require changes in how society views the role of the state in redistributing income. | | Introducing a citizen's income would need society to change; we need a wider debate about the modern welfare state, says Chris Goulden. | | There are better ways of using £3 billion for the benefit of disadvantaged young people than cutting university tuition fees, says Helen Barnard. | | Thursday, March 26, 2015 Edinburgh 14:30 hrs - 16:30 hrs JRF are launching the seventh report into poverty and social exclusion in Scotland. Cross party interest in the fight against poverty in Scotland has arguably never been as high as it is currently. Against this backdrop of concentrated policy attention, the research, carried out by the New Policy Institute, will describe some of the most significant changes over the last decade, and highlight the main challenges ahead. Following presentations from the report's authors, representatives from several different sectors will provide a response and there will be a chance for discussion with the audience. Speakers include: Dame Sue Bruce, Chief Executive, City of Edinburgh Council, Peter Kelly, Director, The Poverty Alliance, Dr Peter Kenway, Director, New Policy Institute, Sandy MacDonald, Head of Sustainability, Standard Life and Georgina Sheilds, Commissioner, Poverty Truth Commission. If you would like to register an interest in this event, please contact Michelle on email to discuss how you can book a place. |  | | | | No longer wish to receive these alerts? Unsubscribe here (warning: choosing this link will unsubscribe you instantly) | |
| | The Joseph Rowntree Foundation seeks to understand the root causes of social problems, identify ways of overcoming them, and show how social needs can be met in practice. | | | |
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