Please consider this for your worship resources for 21st June.(or some other Sunday reasonably close to that date)...It would be great if your church can offer some funds to CUF .. but for those who are not Anglican... or have other favourite projects and charities who work to tackle poverty locally.. there are ideas and resources on the web site that could be useful..
You can also ask Greg Smith or Gill Beeley from Together Lancashire for help in planning a service or other event along the lines of Poverty Sunday
If you are having problems reading this e-mail please click here

| Poverty Sunday: Help Transform Lives with a Frugal Lunch Poverty Sunday is a national initiative encouraging local churches and community groups to reflect, raise funds and respond to issues of poverty affecting communities in England.
We are inviting you to take part in a Poverty Sunday Service followed by a Frugal Lunch on Sunday 21st June, or a day or time that suits you. The Frugal Lunch is a great way to encourage people to share, identify and pray together about issues affecting deprived local communities. It is also a way to encourage and motivate others in your community to respond in a practical way to the issues of poverty in England by donating the cost of their normal Sunday lunch to the work of the Together Network and Church Urban Fund.
The website is now live and accessible here
The programme of activities and resources is available to download for free on the website and include: - Church Resources: we have produced sermon notes, worship reflections and prayers.
- Frugal Lunch Resources: Poverty Sunday placemat and poster
- Video Resources: Mel's animation story, explaining the work of the Together Network and CUF, and Dave's story of healing through a church project in Southwark Diocese
- General CUF Presentation: briefly outlining the work of CUF and the Together Network
- Children's Resources: Placemat for Frugal lunch (to come) and KS1,2,3 Lesson Plans, Youth Group Session and Form Reflections that concentrate on explaining the Web of Poverty to different age groups.
Spread the word! We are excited about the potential that Poverty Sunday has to get Christians around England reflecting on and acting to tackle issues of poverty in our country.
To find out more visit and register to download your FREE resource pack, or email to request a resource pack.
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