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Wednesday, 30 April 2014
DENW Managed accounts service
Have you had ( or do you know someone who has had) a Social Care assessment?
in receipt of Direct Payments from the Local Authority?
struggling with the paperwork?We have experienced and dedicated staff who manage your Direct Payment Account/Self Directed Support (SDS).
Tuesday, 29 April 2014
Thought provoking piece from The Community Engagement blog Super-heroes or Saints? Creative tension part 4
Community Engagement posted: "Continuing his guest series on creative tension in community mission, Andy Wier questions the value of promoting a hero culture. "I think I might have come with a bit of a messiah complex." I was talking with a young man who had moved to an inner ci"
Friday, 25 April 2014
Dead roots lurk beneath the green shoots of Britain's economic recovery
David Cameron and the Pearly-Gate Scandal.
David Cameron and the Pearly-Gate Scandal.
Spiritual capital and progressive localism
Tuesday, 15 April 2014
Christian Muslim Encounters: Research Symposium
Monday, 14 April 2014
Do You Need Volunteers - to help in your church linked community project?
We are setting up a web page where people who want to give some time can find out about the Church-based and Christian initiatives in their part of the county. There will be a short description of each project and a map to help people locate them.
By filling in a simple online form a potential volunteer will send an email enquiry to you and it's then up to you to contact them to discuss if their skills, availability and interests fits them for an unpaid role in your work.
All you have to do in the first instance is to fill in a simple form giving some details of your project, and the kind of volunteers you are looking for. . You can do this online simply by following this link
We also ask you to send us your logo for use on the web page
Please note : This is not intended as a volunteer brokerage or match making service to place particular individuals in particular roles. Some of you may already be aware of (and indeed already advertising for specific volunteers using) the Do It website which is locally administerd by the various CVS organisations in Lancashire
All we are offering is a simple free advert and an enquiry service. It will be up to you to get in touch with the potential volunteers, to arrange to interview them and to mange them under the terms of your own volunteering, safeguarding, health and safety and other policies.
An exciting on-line, accredited course from fit4funding
Starting on Monday 12th May 2014
An excellent introduction for anyone new to voluntary and community sector funding (including those wishing to apply for funds and development workers who support them). fit4funding offers this on-line version of our Open College Network-accredited course, Funding for Community Groups. Accreditation is at either Level 2 or Level 3.
For more details on what the course covers please see the attached flyer or contact us to discuss.
fit4funding, Lightwaves Leisure Centre, Lower York Street, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF1 3LJ
Tel: 01924 239063
The Charities Information Bureau
Reg Charity No. 1059077
Company Ltd. by Guarantee No. 3268906 for funding information, training details, newsletter and other services
What makes a good society?
These communities were encouraged to tell their story, and asked, 'What does a Good Society mean to you?'
What has emerged are many great projects that illustrate a dedication to caring for others, and a commitment to solid community-building.
Church of England: Church and Community Fund - deadline 30 June 2014
Friday, 11 April 2014
More on the All Party Parliamentary Group on Hunger and Food Poverty
- The All Party Parliamentary Group on Hunger and Food Poverty announced in February 2014 that it will conduct a parliamentary inquiry into hunger and food poverty in Britain. The inquiry will be chaired by the Bishop of Truro, Rt Rev Tim Thornton, and Frank Field MP (Lab), the Chair of the APPG. The Group's officers, Laura Sandys MP (Con) and Sarah Newton MP (Con), will form the core of the inquiry team and will be joined by Emma Lewell-Buck MP (Lab), John Glen MP (Con) and other members of the APPG.
- The APPG on Hunger and Food Poverty was established in October 2013 by Frank Field MP and Laura Sandys MP, in order to investigate the root causes behind hunger, food poverty and the huge increase in demand for food banks across Britain. More information can be found on the website of its Chair, Frank Field:
- The preliminary terms of reference for the APPG inquiry are as follows:
i. To understand the circumstances behind, and the rise in, the number of food banks in this country;
ii. To look at the geographical spread of food banks and understand more fully who runs them.
iii. To examine access to affordable food and the sustainability of our food model.
iv. To consider alternative sources of food aid provision and the desirability of these bodies becoming permanent features of the welfare state.
v. To ask how adequately food aid providers are meeting immediate and long-term needs.
vi. To investigate the source of food aid providers' supplies - how much is supplied by consumers and institutions?
vii. To discover the food choices available to clients when using food aid providers.
viii. To make recommendations.
Greg Smith
Development Co-ordinator Together Lancashire / Preston Christian Action Network
Phone - Mobile 07726177044
Postal Address and registered office : Together Lancashire,
UNIT 250, Glenfield Park Business Centre, Blakewater Road, Blackburn, BB1 5QH
Registered Charity no 1147848 Registered company no 07966145
Together Lancashire Website
See also PCAN Website or and
BLOG (you can sign up there to receive news and information updates by email)

Fw: Still Time to Book!! - Blackpool Third Sector Forum
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Latest News from One Blackpool - Get ready to deliver a BETTER START in Blackpool
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Tuesday, 8 April 2014
Together Lancashire's latest Newsletter Easter 2014
Monday, 7 April 2014
Housing Justice Roadshow ... Liverpool May 22nd
Housing Justice has for several years organised one National Conference, which has been in various cities around England e.g. Bradford, Birmingham, and London. This year in stead of arranging one big national event we are organising a number of Roadshows in different cities and regions.
Each is being arranged with local friends and partners. Our main partner for the Liverpool Roadshow is Green Pastures.
Outline Programme: | |
09:30 | Arrival / Registration / Coffee |
10:00 | Opening Plenary |
* Welcome / Prayer / Reflection led by the Rt. Revd. David Walker, Bishop of Manchester
| |
11:00 | Coffee / marketplace |
11:30 | Workshops: |
* Faith in Affordable Housing * Mentoring & Befriending * Night Shelters * Identifying & meeting local needs | |
12:45 | Pre lunch panel / plenary |
*Report back / Actions / Next steps | |
13:15 | Lunch & marketplace |
14:00 | Site visit / Regional Plenary |
16:00 | Roadshow ends |
Sunday, 6 April 2014
The primacy of poverty.... BBC Radio 4 Sunday
Friday, 4 April 2014
Fw: Welcome to Eden's Monthly Newsletter.
Blackpool ROC
Eden Associates
The Eden Associates Scheme is a new way for churches, organisations and missional groups to partner with the Eden Network.
Click this link to download full details
People can also access the info on our website at
Anna Thompson
Associates Director, Eden Network
Tel. 07973 846 843
Twitter: @anna_thompson
Innovation in Health and Social Care Wednesday 7th May
Innovation in Health and Social Care
Wednesday 7th May
An impressive list of speakers is lined up for our next Hearing, for both third sector people and professionals from the public sector
Don't miss it! Sign up now using the booking form below.
Richard Jones CBE: Director of the Lancashire Area Team of NHS England, formerly Executive Director of Adult and Community Services, Lancashire County Council
Stephen Sloss : Chief Executive of Salvere, a Community Interest Company, formerly Director of Social Services, Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council
Dr James Fleming: GP in Padiham, and Director of Green Dreams, a CIC, working with third sector partners. Voted GP of the Year by the Royal College of GP's
Caroline Sagar: Chief Executive of n Compass North West Ltd, a not-for-profit organisation providing advocacy, carers and health and well-being services.
Date: Wednesday 7th May
Time: 09:30 - 12:00
Venue: St Ambrose Church, Moss Lane, Leyland, PR25 4XA (2 minutes from Junction 28 of the M6)
RSVP: Please respond to Jo Thompson on
To apply for places please complete the booking form below (you can copy and paste into an email.)
Booking Form 7 May 2014
Name: | |
Position: | |
Organisation: | |
Geographical Area: | |
Phone: | |
Email: | |
Any Specific Requirements: | |