Supplementary to our invitation to all food banks to a meeting on 29th April where you can talk with us and Ed Saville who is co-ordinating the response from the Diocese;
You may wish to send your own independent views to Frank Field MP or Rt Revd Tim Thornton. Frank could be addressed through House of Commons and Bishop Tim through House of Lords.
- The All Party Parliamentary Group on Hunger and Food Poverty announced in February 2014 that it will conduct a parliamentary inquiry into hunger and food poverty in Britain. The inquiry will be chaired by the Bishop of Truro, Rt Rev Tim Thornton, and Frank Field MP (Lab), the Chair of the APPG. The Group's officers, Laura Sandys MP (Con) and Sarah Newton MP (Con), will form the core of the inquiry team and will be joined by Emma Lewell-Buck MP (Lab), John Glen MP (Con) and other members of the APPG.
- The APPG on Hunger and Food Poverty was established in October 2013 by Frank Field MP and Laura Sandys MP, in order to investigate the root causes behind hunger, food poverty and the huge increase in demand for food banks across Britain. More information can be found on the website of its Chair, Frank Field:
- The preliminary terms of reference for the APPG inquiry are as follows:
i. To understand the circumstances behind, and the rise in, the number of food banks in this country;
ii. To look at the geographical spread of food banks and understand more fully who runs them.
iii. To examine access to affordable food and the sustainability of our food model.
iv. To consider alternative sources of food aid provision and the desirability of these bodies becoming permanent features of the welfare state.
v. To ask how adequately food aid providers are meeting immediate and long-term needs.
vi. To investigate the source of food aid providers' supplies - how much is supplied by consumers and institutions?
vii. To discover the food choices available to clients when using food aid providers.
viii. To make recommendations.
Greg Smith
Development Co-ordinator Together Lancashire / Preston Christian Action Network
Phone - Mobile 07726177044
Postal Address and registered office : Together Lancashire,
UNIT 250, Glenfield Park Business Centre, Blakewater Road, Blackburn, BB1 5QH
Registered Charity no 1147848 Registered company no 07966145
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