----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2014 10:04 AM
Subject: Welcome to Eden's Monthly Newsletter.
| Welcome! Thanks for signing up to receive monthly news and updates from Eden Network. I trust that you'll find them encouraging.
We have made a short video that sums up what we are about. It's only 90 seconds long and you can watch it now by clicking here. If you like it, please share it with your friends on twitter or Facebook.
Our teams are dealing with some of the worst examples of social breakdown, but they also have the privilege of seeing transformation too – in all sorts of ways, great and small. Our video and monthly updates aim to express how they hold together, in creative tension, both the brokenness and the brilliance on a day to day basis, as they live out their lives in some of the most challenging neighbourhoods.
As you get to know us and look around our website, do tell me if you spot things that could be improved - I'd like to know what people want to hear about, so we get the right info out there! Grace and peace
Sam Sam Ward, National Director eden-network.org @samward01 @eden_network 'Like' Eden Network on 
We believe, that even the hardest to reach young people, when centred on Jesus and given opportunity to express their God-given potential, will have a transformational effect within their communities.
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