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Monday, 4 March 2013

Fw: Gather News Lent 2013

Gather Newsletter Lent 2013
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Lent Newsletter

Dear friends, we are now well into the season of Lent, a time of prayer, reflection and preparation for the celebration of the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is also a time for us to discover new ways of sharing the Easter story with our communities and to engage in adventurous and creative mission together. This months newsletter is full of stories to inspire you to be imaginative and to 'think big' in your collective mission both this year and in preparations for next years Hope 2014 campaign. As we celebrate the first signs of spring's new growth and the warmer weather so too we can encourage new shoots of growth towards greater unity and mission in our towns and cities. What can you do this coming year to make a difference in your place? What is God doing amongst you and how can you join in His mission. Please take the time to read the stories and articles on the Gather website and to pray together as churches and unity movements as to how you can play your part in all that God is doing.

Easter Baptisms in York

Each year York's churches come together to celebrate Easter with an outdoor ecumenical baptismal service held on the street near the cathedral; Archbishop John Sentamu is amongst those who preside over this special service with hundreds of people worshiping together. Read their unique story and consider whether this is something that you could begin in your town during Easter 2014, wouldn't it be wonderful if during the missional year of Hope 2014, towns and cities all across our country held outdoor baptismal services as an act of unity and revealing that God is very much alive and at work amongst us. To read more and to find out how to plan your own outdoor service, go to: www.wegather.co.uk/york

Passion Plays

A resurgence of Passion Plays, with a new focus on bringing the Gospel out of the churches and onto the streets in towns and cities across the UK, is an increasingly exciting part of social and spiritual transformation in cities across the United Kingdom. The Passion Trust invite you to put on a passion play next Easter in your town/city. If you would like to visit a passion play this Easter then find out where they are being held, or perhaps get really inspired and work together in this exciting and creative way to share the Easter message with your community. To read about this exciting opportunity go to www.wegather.co.uk/passion

An Epic Journey

Welcome to the story of everything! See the Bible brought to life on stage in an hour (or so)! Journey with us through tragedy and tears, music and mirth, serpents and salvation!
If you are looking for an easier way to use creativity as a joint missional activity in your area then why not invite the Saltmine Theatre Company to come and perform their amazing production in your town. This is a great way for churches to come together and invite their friends and neighbours to a performance that will both delight, challenge and offer opportunity for deep conversation. For more information go to www.wegather/saltmine

Your stories

We love to hear what God is doing in your town, city or village.
If you would like to share your story then please contact us at admin@wegather.co.uk to discuss ways of us telling your story to encourage others.
Working Together

Last chance to book your place on the civic engagement consultation on 20th-21st March 2013

How can churches engage with civic life ? How does the economic crisis now give the church unparalleled opportunities to partner with the council, police force, housing trust and other service providers? What are the opportunities and what dangers must be avoided? What are the practical do's and dont's of church-civic engagement? What are the best examples of good practice around the county?

These and other questions are being discussed and addressed in this strategic 24hr consultation.

You will hear from experienced practitioners in cities and towns across the country.

Theresa Grant (CEO of Trafford Council) will be addressing the consultation looking at the do's and don'ts of church-civic engagement, the serious crisis facing the statuary authorities and what happens when we run out money to meet the most basic needs.
Neil Wain (Former Assistant Chief Constable of Greater Manchester now working with Redeeming our Communities) will be  addressing the consultation. What to do and what not to do in working with the police. What the church and the police can learn from each other? How can churches connect with their local police?

How good are churches at working with local authorities? New research to be unveiled at the consultation.

Listen to an inspiring story of transformation in Salford, when the churches get their act together.

Hear about the key role the churches played after the riots of 2010 in Croydon and how that has led to a new level of engagement.

Significant connections with civic authorities being made across Plymouth.

Be part of compiling a good practice document to be sent out to churches across the country

Go to www.wegather .co.uk

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