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Friday, 12 April 2013

Fw: CURBS Project E-News

CURBs is a brilliant resource for anyone working in children's ministry in urban or deprived communities...

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2013 4:22 PM
Subject: CURBS Project E-News

CURBS Project Newsletter
Spring/Summer 2013

E-News from the Children in URBan Situations Project. Equipping and encouraging Christian children's workers in our more deprived, urban or estate based communities.

If you want to get in touch contact Kate, the CURBS Project Coordinator, on 07956 566698 or kate@curbsproject.org.uk. Would be great to hear from you!!
Childrenswork Magazine 
Ideas, resources and guidance for Christian children's leaders. Out every 2 months! Request a free copy or find out more at Childrenswork Magazine
Proximity Conference
The Eden Network are hosting this conference for 'everyone with a passion to reach tough urban communities'. The event is from 10-11 May in Manchester and will include inspiration, networking, workshops, neighbourhood trips and worship. See Proximity
Useful website...
The Max7 website has a wide range of free resources to download in a number of languages. The site includes session ideas, videos, training, cartoons, reflections on ministry and more. Check out this resource library for your ministry at www.max7.org
Introducing....the Rhythms Village
Tearfund's latest initiative to help people explore how to live a life of justice every day. For resources and ideas for youth leaders check out Rhythms
Poverty in your patch
You can find out more about the level of poverty in English parishes and how  it compares nationally. This is a great resource from Church Urban Fund, takes seconds and can really help you with statistics for your church or for funders. Check out Poverty in England
Jesus in the City
This UK Urban Mission Congress is held every 3 years and is being held in Manchester from 6-8 Sept 2013. The event is titled 'Making Sense of Fragments' and is aimed at people involved in urban ministry and who care about the fragmented city of the 21st Century. To find out more about the programme, prices, booking see JITC.
Funding News
Tearfund IMPACT UK Team are inviting applications for new partners on their 'Activate' Early Accompaniment Programme. The programme provides grant funding of up to £30,000 over three years to church-based community projects working in areas of high deprivation in the UK. To receive further information and the initial application form, please contact impactuk@tearfund.org. Application deadline is 10th May 2013.
Children Matter...
Website giving you news, ideas, events and stories from those doing Children's ministry. Part of the Children Matter Network. For more see Children Matter
Our recent CURBS Away Day
We held our annual CURBS Away Day earlier in March and this was well attended by a good mix of people who are connected with our project. The day was focussed on hearing from people working with children/families in urban/esate based areas and on listening for key themes about the future for the CURBS Project. We also spent time reflecting, praying, eating and chatting together! Comments from those attending included:
"Enjoyed the day, good structure, zippy chairing and some clear outcomes to concentrate on for the future - well done all you movers/shakers!"
"I thought the Away Day was very encouraging and inspiring". 
 "I liked the venue cafe and was there was enough space in the program to get to know how some of us tick!"
Some key reflections on the day:
  • Our focus on relationships and being 'child centred not programme centred' is key
  • We are involved in the 'long game' of helping people look at their whole ministry approach not just one-off resources/training
  • Need more storytelling - in our resources, from children themselves and in sharing what is/isn't working in the urban contexts
  • Working with Muslims is an important 'pocketed' distinctive we offer but should not consume too much energy
  • Working with families is an essential area of development and should include: a) re-thinking Messy Church for the urban and b) sharing stories of what models/approaches/ideas are being used
  • We need to be more visible through the web and social media
  • Our 'alongside minstry' and encouraging/supporting people is important

If you have any comments on these or are interested in getting involved in developing any of the discussions/practical ways forward then please contact our CURBS coordinator Kate.   

Are you on a tough estate but not what you would call 'urban'?
Kate has recently been chatting with several CURBS supporters about starting a 'CURBS HUB' for those of you who are working with children and families on an estate that is located within a wealthy/non-urban area. For example we have made connections with 2 people on estates on the edge of Cambridge and Farnborough...not want you would call 'URBAN' but with many of the same characteristics as the 'inner city'. Please get in touch with Kate if you would like to link in with this group and we will see where we go!

We need your real life stories...

We have been approached about writing an article for a national children's work magazine and also for input into a book. Because we are a 'ground up' project we really need any stories from you about your ministry with children and families.
Ideally we would like the stories to be focussed either on:                   
a) how you have supported and ministered to children/families on low incomes or struggling with poverty
b) your ministry beyond the more traditional Sunday School model and how you practically run children's groups and what influenced your approach
If you are happy to share some stories (however insignificant you may feel they are) then please contact Kate and she can either call you to have a chat or you can email something in a written format!

CURBS Out and About...

Recently we have been invited to speak, exhibit and partake in a number of events and there have been some great opportunities to raise the profile of the CURBS project! Kate, as our CURBS project coordinator, is often doing this role but others have also been getting involved!
We made some great links at the Urban Expression 'Diverse-City' gathering in London. Jean and Kate led a session at the Children and Families Ministry Conference in Eastbourne. We exhibited at the Takeway 13 event in Romford and the Diocesan Children's Work Advisors Conference. Kate also spoke at the Reaching Europe's Children Conference in Barcelona around our work with Muslim Children and at Oasis College about working with children in urban areas.
If you would like us to speak or exhibit at any events then please get in touch by phone (07956 566698) or email info@curbsproject.org.uk

Give to CURBS just by doing your online shopping or booking!

You can shop for good by using 'Give as you Live'. Give as you Live helps you raise money for Children in URBan Situations (CURBS) – at no cost to you – every time you shop online on your computer. The team at CURBS have downloaded the application and can assure you that it works and that you do not get lots of irratating emails or pop-ups! One supporter did an online supermarket shop of £60 and raised over £2 for CURBS at no cost to them! You can raise money booking trains online, buying books on Amazon and much more!

1. Visit the website link below and 'Discover Give as you Live'.
2. Fill in a few quick details and download Give as you Live (This is 100% secure and takes just seconds).
3. Shop online and raise money at no cost to you. When you shop you will be asked if you are happy for the company to give a donation to CURBS and you simply need to click yes for us to recieve the money!
Find out more:

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