Greg Smith
Development Co-ordinator Together Lancashire
Fulfilling Lives: Ageing better
Reducing social isolation for older people to improve their well-being and give them confidence and support so that they can be more active within their neighbourhoods.
Information for Local VCFSE organisations
The Big Lottery fund is making available up to £70 million for this initiative to support older people who are marginalised or most at risk of social isolation and loneliness so that they can lead more fulfilling lives.
Blackpool has been selected as one of one hundred local authority areas to submit an expression of interest by 17th May 2013. Thirty authority areas will subsequently be selected to receive a development grant to produce a visioning strategy which will then result in 15 -20 areas receiving partnership awards ranging between £2m - £6m.
Projects will be funded that can meet all five of the following funding outcomes;
1. Older people are less isolated
2. Older people are actively involved in their communities and with their views and participation valued more highly
3. Older people are more engaged in the design and delivery of services that help reduce their isolation
4. Services that help to reduce isolation are better planned, co-ordinated and delivered.
5. Better evidence is available to influence the services that help reduce isolation for older people in the future.
In lines with the BIG lottery guidance, Blackpool Council is leading on submitting an expression of interest to BIG Lottery by the 17th May 2013 and to this end the Council has asked 'One Blackpool' to facilitate a local consultation with the VCFSE sector through a questionnaire and the facilitation of an event on the 24th April 2013.
Register your attendance for the Fulfilling Lives: Ageing Better consultation event on the 24th April 2013...
- Click here to book online using the password "olderpeople".
- Email
- Phone 01253 624505 and speak to Duncan Hodgson.
We are working to a very short time scale for this amazing opportunity for Blackpool and would really appreciate your assistance.
Yours sincerely
Janet Berry
Programme Director One Blackpool
Duncan Hodgson
Project Support & Communications Officer
Phone: 01253 624505
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One Blackpool Ltd
95 Abingdon Street
One Blackpool Ltd is Company Limited by Guarantee. Registered no. 08271042.
Registered Address: Unit 2, Blackpool Enterprise Centre, 291-305 Lytham Road, Blackpool, FY4 1EW
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