Sent: Friday, October 17, 2014 11:25 AM
Subject: Weekly publications and blogs: w/b 6th October to 17th October 2014
| Weekly publications and blogs: w/c 6th October to 17th October 2014 | | | Find out why poverty is a cost the UK cannot afford in our new online resource. | | This viewpoint draws together research from JRF's Poverty & Ethnicity research programme, highlighting the implications for local authorities in the UK. | | Poverty costs us all – but with the right plan we can do something about it, says Chris Goulden. | | In the last of our party conference blogs, Helen Barnard looks at whether the Lib Dems' plans for their next manifesto will reduce poverty. | | Monday, November 3, 2014 - 09:30 hrs - 11:00 hrs NestlĂ© Insight and Learning Centre, York Recent JRF research has demonstrated the growing problem of low pay and in-work poverty in the UK, with in-work poverty now out-stripping poverty in workless households. JRF and JRHT pay all employees the living wage and above and committed to becoming an anti-poverty employer and Claire Ainsley, Director of Communications and External Affairs at JRF and JRHT will talk more about this at the event.
Matt Stripe, Group HR Director, Nestlé UK & Ireland will talk about why paying the living wage was the right decision for Nestle and Kersten England, Chief Executive of City of York Council will talk about what the living wage means for the City of York. If you are a local organisation and would like to hear more about the living wage please contact to discuss how you can book a place. |  | | | | No longer wish to receive these alerts? Unsubscribe here (warning: choosing this link will unsubscribe you instantly) | |
| | The Joseph Rowntree Foundation seeks to understand the root causes of social problems, identify ways of overcoming them, and show how social needs can be met in practice. | | | |
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